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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Veteran, Captain Pamela Barnett calls for charges of treason against Boehner, McConnell, Geid, Pelosi and of course Obama aka Soetoro, aka Soebarkah

Posted on | March 4, 2015 | 10 Comments

Captain Barnett
0 approved


Boehner you could have parceled out the DHS funding instead of doing one big bill to fund Obama’s illegal amnesty that hurts all U.S. citizens.You also aid Obama by leaving our borders wide open – This is a national security risk. We don’t know who is coming across the border because of Obama, and this is enough for a treason charge.

You and Obama are stealing from the pockets of Americans to give to foreign invaders in the form of welfare and jobs that should be going to the 90 million under/unemployed Americans. Twenty-two Veterans are killing themselves everyday-probably some kill themselves because they can’t get a job because many are being given to Obama’s 5 million foreign H-1 visa workers.

Your legacy is sealed John Boehner- true Americans will always remember you as a TRAITOR for helping formerly/currently Indonesian citizen Obama/Soetoro/Soebarkah (with a Connecticut SSN even though he NEVER LIVED THERE that was issued to another person according to federal databases. DESTROY OUR COUNTRY AND OUR CONSTITUTION…

You and Mitch Mcconnell are as big of traitors as Obama. You never investigated Obama’s background even though it contains a forged birth certificate and a forged Selective Service Registration according to an official Sheriff’s investigation which was given to you and MANY other members of Congress. YOU KNOW THAT A BACKGROUND CHECK IS NOT REQUIRED TO BE PRESIDENT, SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE-YOU ARE DERELICT IN YOUR DUTIES BY NOT INVESTIGATING THIS MAN THAT WAS LAST KNOWN AS A MUSLIM INDONESIAN CITIZEN WITH THE ALIASES OF SOEBARKAH AND BARRY SOETORO ACCORDING TO STATE DEPARTMENT DOCUMENTS AND THE ONLY SCHOOL RECORDS WE HAVE SEEN on Obama.

God have mercy on your souls for your betrayal of your country and countrymen.

I fully support TREASON CHARGES AGAINST YOU, MCCONNELL, PELOSI, REID, AND OBAMA. If not now, prayfully the American people will have justice in the near future.


10 Responses to “Veteran, Captain Pamela Barnett calls for charges of treason against Boehner, McConnell, Geid, Pelosi and of course Obama aka Soetoro, aka Soebarkah”

  1. Thomas
    March 4th, 2015 @ 5:41 am

    Readers, I Plan on Sending This Letter To As Many RADIO Talkshows, PRINT Media as I have Addresses for. THIS Letter is a Kick In The Ass HONEST & TRUTH As It Gets. And I Plan On ASKING Them If THIS IS NEWS??? I ask everyone else to do the same, Lets find out If Beeber & Kardashians Are REAL News, OR The Contents of This Letter…

    March 4th, 2015 @ 7:05 am


    1. The decline of America began in earnest on AUG 28, 2008 when unstable Treason Queen Pelosi allowed anarchist fraud ID Barry Soetoro to be a fraud presidential candidate.

    2.Pelosi’s Communist Democrats and Traitor Boehner’s Republican Democrats have hid the full identity of Barry Soetoro from some 318,000,000 Americans from 2008 to present. When will humanity ever know the full ID of Barry Soetoro??? when the next president pardons him in 2017 for his crimes against America?

    3. Look no further, BOEHNER-GOWDY-O’REILLY shall go down in American history as the three white Christian males, the three stooges, who could have arrested and identified Muslim anarchist Barry Soetoro, and possibly saved so many lives and fellow Christians and cherished traditions, but they selfishly chose to abandon America in its dire time of need!

    4. This Barry Soetoro identity issue remains the single most important issue facing America and the free world today, and all of Barry Soetoro’s masterminded calamities are merely symptoms of BOEHNER-GOWDY-O’REILLY allowing Barry to reign free in the White House as an adulterous homosexual goof-and-golf crack-and-pot crackpot!

    5. Unaccounted lawless America is led by a non-Constitutional Muslim Brotherhood anarchist, Barry Soetoro, and he is fully funded and covered-up by a Congress of Criminals posing as do-good choirs boys! https://drleonardcoldwell.com/2014/10/21/egypts-largest-newspaper-barack-obama-is-a-member-of-the-muslim-brotherhood/

    SEE THIS VISUAL OF YOUR PRESIDENT (not mine), AMERICA: In their formative years Washington surveyed the Virginia wilderness, Lincoln split rails with an ax, AND BARRY SOETORO SUCKED COCK FOR COKE according to teen associate in Hawaii, Mia Pope. Yeah, that flop-eared camel-faced national disgrace of brown human waste leading our nation with the illegal cover and illegal funds provided by BOEHNER-GOWDY-O’REILLY (B-G-O), yeah, that same B-G-O gives life each day to the lowest form of human debris ever to cast a shadow inside the Oval Office of the President of the United States of America (= BHO)!

    6. Time to revolt. US House Sergeant at Arms: ARREST COUNTERFEIT presIDent Soetoro-Obama and FREE AMERICA, since Barry is non-Constitutional, and a Congress of Criminals funds Barry’s non-Constitutional directives and fiat-orders while looting our heart-earned tax dollars at the same time, buying things we do not need with money we do not have!!https://www.usdebtclock.org/

    ARREST BARRY SOETORO PRONTO for he has robbed every legal American of their inalienable rightful knowledge of his full ID and life history and a Congress of Criminals robs us daily of our dignity and our tax dollars to pay-to-play with a member of the Muslim Brotherhood!

    WE THE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN ROBBED BY SOETORO AND CONGRESS!!!! EVERYTHING BY A SOETORO-CONGRESS-MEDIA GANGSTER SYNDICATION FROM 2009- PRESENT IS NULL AND VOID!!! How can over-reach non-Constitutional directives and fiat-executive orders from a non-Constitutional presIDent be anything but NULL AND VOID?? How do you make a seasoned whore a Pollyanna virgin??

    If no American can prove to me with verifiable irrefutable evidence that anything I have stated above is 100% false, THEN IT REMAINS TRUE ON ITS OWN! Therefore, REVOLT AND ARREST BARRY SOETORO TO SAVE YOUR COUNTRY AND YOUR FAMILIES!!!

  3. Starlight
    March 4th, 2015 @ 7:30 am

    Isn’t there an error in the sentence, “you know that a background check is NOT required”

    Am I not reading this correctly? Should it be “IS required”?????

    Or do I need my morning coffee!

  4. Starlight
    March 4th, 2015 @ 8:27 am


    You should send Jonathan’s comment, also.

    It is a succinct, articulate observation, and needs to be publicized to all nay-sayers.

    Point # 5 is a colorful description of the impostor, but don’t insult camels, Jonathan.
    In fact, there is no animal with which to compare Obama, unless it is a rattlesnake.

    And yes, as I have said over and over, the Army Provost Marshall, Sergeant in Arms, whoever is in authority, is derelict in his duty to arrest this domestic terrorist, who is becoming more tyrannical by the day.

    Past time to depose the dictator. He is becoming more virulent, daily.

  5. Captain Barnett
    March 4th, 2015 @ 8:40 am

    background check NOT required, but with evidence to the contrary Boehner, McConnell, Reid, Pelosi had duty to investigate Obama

  6. RB
    March 4th, 2015 @ 10:08 am

    Terrific letter. My hope is that the closer we come to the end of the Obama nightmare some of the cowards who have been covering for him will start to realize they a just as guilty as him and will start to desert him and release data to save themselves. Hopefully this will start soon.

  7. Paula Hoehn
    March 4th, 2015 @ 10:43 am

    Dear Orly,

    Pamela Barnett has written a powerful statemenht about the treasonous doings of those running this country into destruction.

    Here is a link to an article detailing how usurper-obama is allowing Muslim Brotherhood connected people to further destroy the USA:

    https://www.rightsidenews dot com/2015030335539/us/islam-in-america/betrayal-papers-part-3-obamas-scandals-and-assaults-on-freedoms-explained.html#!

    “Betrayal Papers Part 3: Obama’s Scandals and Assaults on Freedoms Explained”
    Published on Wednesday, 04 March 2015 04:06 Written by The Betrayal Papers

    Paula Hoehn

  8. Edward C Noonan
    March 4th, 2015 @ 11:58 am

    Almost a good letter Pamela!

    First, sorry the US Supreme Court refused your paperwork. Of course, the upcoming SCOTUS appeal that I have in will be denied and rejected. So we are both in the same boat with no legal remedy against the illegal alien in the white house.

    But secondly, as for Boehner, he has no constitution authority since there is no legitimate and constitutional president to sign or NOT SIGN any DHS Funding bill. You are implying that Boehner is correctly passing bills and turning the passed bill over to a constitutional POTUS for signature. This is NOT THE CASE! Soetoro (aka BHO) is NOT a US Citizen and we stated so in our court documents. We accused in our case that Soetoro “may have been born in Kenya.” We accused Soetoro of having false IDs (birth certs, SS#, and selective service registration.) We accused Soetoro of being a citizen of Indonesia and NOT THE UNITED STATES.

    So after all of this, how does Boehner now get to be a legitmate Speaker of the House, when the bill that you talk about must get a signature from the illegal alien squatting in the white house?

    I would urge you to tear up the above letter and send a abridge copy of our court documents (that the courts spit on and used for toilet paper) to Mr. Boehner instead. The only thing, but sure to ADD BOEHNER to the list of “Respondents” since we regretfully failed to do so in our Jan 2012 Soetoro ballot challenge.

    Edward C Noonan
    Founder & National Committee Chairman
    American Resistance Party

  9. Captain Barnett
    March 4th, 2015 @ 9:22 pm

    Supreme Court did not reject filing. Defendant’s responses were due today. SOS not going to respond, haven’t heard from Soetoro’s attorney yet.


  10. Captain Barnett
    March 4th, 2015 @ 9:43 pm

    Good summation of why we need to see aka obama’s non-forged college admission and financial aid records to verify he is/was an Indonesian citizen as an adult in addition to being one as a child. Not Natural Born citizen.


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