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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

The deal GOP senators are working on, is a total joke and a total surrender by the GOP

Posted on | January 11, 2018 | 7 Comments

Senators say they are ‘close’ to a deal on DACA, border security

A group of open border globalist senators are working on a deal that would make a mockery of everything President Trump promised and would leave the current immigration system largely in place.

Firstly, instead of the border wall that costs eighteen billion, they propose some fencing for  one and a half billion, which is a total nothing.

Secondly, they will not end chain migration.

They will give legal status not only to 800,000 illegal aliens, whom they call dreamers, they will give legal status to their parents, too, but parents will not be citizens.

The senators, who are working on this surrender garbage are Jeff Flake, who is leaving this year, Cory Gardner of CO,  Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and three Democrat senators.

This nation would be much better without any deal than this kind of a deal. This deal would make the president and Republicans look like total liars, hypocrites and impotent.


7 Responses to “The deal GOP senators are working on, is a total joke and a total surrender by the GOP”

  1. Baruch
    January 11th, 2018 @ 4:58 am

    Gohmert Rages: If Trump Passes DACA With No Wall, GOP Will Lose Congress And Trump Will Be Impeached


  2. Danny Stewart
    January 11th, 2018 @ 6:26 am

    S. O. P. for gop.

  3. dsp2
    January 11th, 2018 @ 7:56 am

    There is just too much money in human smuggling.
    These Senators are morally bankrupt. Lord have mercy on the USA.

  4. Starlight
    January 11th, 2018 @ 8:57 am

    It seems to me that if one is the
    PRESIDENT, one has the advantage
    of passing a resolution or bill
    or whatever is in the works,
    despite the opposition’s viewpoint
    and attempt to undermine the PRESIDENT.

    That is why we have a PRESIDENT.

    I mean, heck, Obama got away with
    all sorts of nefarious deals.

  5. Marilyn
    January 30th, 2018 @ 5:33 pm

    The border wall is decades from existence, if ever. The majority of land along the proposed border wall is owned by individuals, not the U.S. gov’t. We have almost 100 cases still pending since the law passed in 2006 for proposed fencing along the border. With 2/3 of Texas requiring eminent domain, it won’t happen easily as most are against the wall, including border patrol. Thankfully, the gov’t. cannot go in and simply seize this much land despite Trump wanting to do so. Border security can be increased w/o the expenditure of tens of billions of taxpayer dollars. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence knows that nothing ever comes in under budget or on time when you’re dealing with the U.S. gov’t. no matter who is in the White House.

  6. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    January 31st, 2018 @ 11:37 am

    Marilyn, stop spewing Dem party propaganda and nonsense.
    In Israel the wall works very well and stopped most of the crossings and terrorist acts.
    Trump is a good businessman, he will be able to negotiate the purchase of the private land or expeditiously purchase it through court based on eminent domain.
    The reason the wall was not built, it because the country was run by globalists who couldn’t care less about the American workers, they simply wanted to supply cheap foreign labor to their donors. Trump is different, he is an American patriot

  7. Marilyn
    February 1st, 2018 @ 10:48 am

    It’s not Democratic propaganda anymore than it’s GOP propaganda, it’s reality. Trump doesn’t have a magic wand to make the owners of the land along the proposed border wall turn over their land via eminent domain anymore than Bush did, that’s why there are almost 100 court cases still being waged after 12 years. Trump is not a good businessman, not with a record of 8 bankruptcies and very little in the way of negotiations. I’m sure you believe he actually wrote the Art of the Deal, too.

    As for cheap foreign labor, do you know who works at Mar-a-lago and the Trump vineyards? Cheap foreign labor! Trump runs ads to hire employees in the U.S. except they lead to a non-existent fax machine number to which applicants are supposed to send their resume. After burying this ad in the back pages of obscure newspapers, he announces he can’t find anyone to work for his resorts and then applies for foreign visas. He does this every year. So much for “Hire American, Buy American”…When it comes to Trump it’s “Do as I say not as I do.” He’s also complained about businesses overseas but he’s yet to bring his manufacturing back to the U.S. and neither has his daughter. Facts matter whether you want to believe them or not.

    The wall between Israel & Palestine has been successful but only to a degree. It also allows day laborers to commute via the two countries for work with many still sneaking over the wall. The number of people deported rose under President Obama in comparison with his predecessors and they continue to be deported today. Many people who overstay their visas or come to the country illegally on tourist visas and end up staying aren’t deterred by a wall, it has zero impact on them. When only 37% of the country is in favor of a wall, it’s not going to be built at the expense of tens of billions of dollars w/o congress thinking twice about appropriation of funding. Trump has changed his mind so frequently, often pandering to his base, but knowing i

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