

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Romney paraded his puppets, Presidential candidates, before donors at his retreat just as ISIS slave traders are parading Christian girls before Muslim buyers

Posted on | February 25, 2016 | 14 Comments

Romney paraded his puppets, Presidential candidates before donors at his retreat just as ISIS slave traders are parading Christian girls before Muslim buyers

By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

Do you remember Romney retreat at the beginning of this campaign? Romney invited establishment puppets, Marco Rubio, Chris Christi and Carly Fiorina to appear before a group of donors. Romney wanted to be the king maker. In my opinion the way he presented and tested those candidates, was demeaning. He wanted to show those donors how much vigor and strength those puppets have, so he made them compete. They had Rubio leading a flag football game, Fiorina leading a hike and so on. I am not sure what physical activity or contact sport did Christy lead considering him being horizontally gifted. To me it looked utterly demeaning, like one parading horses for sale, like ISIS slave merchants parading Christian girls for sale before Muslim buyers. As a result of this demeaning parading some of the donors gave money to the establishment puppets. However, all of this effort fell flat. Most of the puppets went down in flames. The last, Rubio, is on his way to defeat. He did not win one single primary and according to polls he is not expected to win any. Even in his own state of Florida he is losing to Trump with a huge 25% margin. Trump has 40% on average in Florida, in some polls as much as 48%. Rubio has about 15%.

So, Romney is uber-angry. He is double angry: he lost the election in 2012 and all of his puppets are losing in 2016. Romney is not a king maker. So, he is attacking Trump now.

I believe it is time for Romney to realize: not only he is not a winner, but his cherry picked puppets are not winners either. Time for Romney to retire and spend time with his 100 grandkids.


14 Responses to “Romney paraded his puppets, Presidential candidates, before donors at his retreat just as ISIS slave traders are parading Christian girls before Muslim buyers”

  1. Jerry G
    February 25th, 2016 @ 7:07 am

    Romney is despicable.Instead of helping Trump the one Republican who could win the presidency he attacks him over his income tax return. What is about establishment pols like Romney that turns them into such losers. I’m sure that if it was Trump vs. Obama rather than Romney vs. Obama in the last election the sitting president would now be Trump.

  2. Virginia W.
    February 25th, 2016 @ 11:38 am

    I really needed that laugh today, Orly. Priceless & so true. You tell the truth like no other and we love you for it!

  3. Trump Supporter...
    February 25th, 2016 @ 2:05 pm

    Yeah…Romney is a bad influence!

    I think he’s all bent out of shape cause O went and started digging into his “off-shore” accounts and found tons of $$ that can be taxed?!

    Well, that’s what you get for not being a good (R), to help the front runner take down 2-ineligible types, and expose them for being not eligible for the Oval Office!

  4. John
    February 25th, 2016 @ 3:32 pm

    100 hundred grand kids, where does he have any time to even do interviews with the MSM.

  5. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    February 25th, 2016 @ 4:07 pm

    it was a joke

    February 25th, 2016 @ 5:03 pm

    Mittens Romney, can you hear me now?





  7. John
    February 25th, 2016 @ 5:24 pm

    Tooooooo Funnyyyyyyyy! Ha! Even so he should keep his opinions to himself.

  8. Steve Wittlake
    February 25th, 2016 @ 6:05 pm

    Romney is his own worst enemy. Nobody wanted a Mormon President when Romney ran for President and today just the association with a Mormon politician outside of Utah is a disaster. How do I know. I am a Mormon and I would not trust a Mormon President. To wishie washie AND YOU CAN NEVER TRUST THEM TO MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION.

  9. Veritas
    February 25th, 2016 @ 7:35 pm

    10:30PM….Trump on Drudge Poll 65% followed by Cruz at 17%

  10. Orly Supporter...
    February 26th, 2016 @ 12:58 pm

    LOL! 65%?

    Wow! Hey, Cruz, can you not see the handwriting on the wall, yet?

    Remember, what you do before your court date(s) will stick with you for the rest of your life!

    You need to wake up, fast! Your future is slipping away…!

  11. Steve Wittlake
    February 28th, 2016 @ 2:49 pm

    Here is Mitt Romney
    Romney’s record at Bain Capital and Bain’s investments were a prominent issue, with Romney arguing his tenure at Bain demonstrated management and leadership skills that created thousands of jobs. Political opponents have argued that under Romney, some investments at Bain increased investor profits at the expense of middle-class workers who were laid off.[90][91] Romney took a leave of absence from Bain Capital in February 1999 to manage the Salt Lake City Olympics. Romney remained named on company documents while reorganization of Bain and according to SEC filings, he continued to be the “sole shareholder, sole director, Chief Executive Officer and President” of Bain for 3 additional years.[92] This discrepancy was reported by The Boston Globe in July 2012[93] and used by Obama[94] and his campaign in its ads that Romney was responsible for the activities of Bain Capital during that period, from 1999 to 2002.[95] According to Bain, Romney played no active role despite his name being on the required filings.[96][97] FactCheck.org examined the issue and reported that Romney did leave Bain in 1999.[98] A report by Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post [99] reported that there is little or no basis for the assertions by an Obama campaign staffer of criminal charges or civil liability with respect to the SEC filings.[99] Romney’s campaign cried foul and Romney personally demanded an apology which was refused by the Obama campaign.[95][100][101]
    In June 2012, former President Bill Clinton said that Romney, in having served as governor and having had a “sterling business career,” met the basic qualifications to perform the essential functions of the presidency.[102][103] Clinton also warned that Romney’s economic proposals were “wrong-headed” and that a Romney presidency would be “calamitous” for the country and the world.[104][105]

  12. linda
    February 29th, 2016 @ 12:14 am

    In this video, author and former politician Roger Stone, who is also a 40-year friend of Trump, discusses the GOP plot to steal the Presidential election from Trump. They would prefer Clinton win Presidency if Trump becomes the GOP nominee despite their well-laid plans to stop him. The Koch brothers and other elites met Thursday night, and pooled $75 million to carry out their plans. They gave another $25 million to Rubio with the condition that if he doesn’t win Florida he must drop out of the running. At that point, they will put Romney in and pull out all the stops running negative hit ads, and all their opposition research (and probably a bunch of lies, too) will, they hope, take enough votes away from Trump to keep him from reaching enough for the nomination. They’ll put out a bunch of propaganda via the media that Trump can’t beat Clinton and think we’ll believe that crap as being the reason they want Romney to be the nominee. I believe this could cause a revolution, because Trumps followers are much more than just a movement, this is an insurgency. I also believe that Obama is fully capable of taking advantage of the GOP split, declaring martial law, and then saying the election will be postponed indefinitely. There are several links at Infowars to articles about this – the best one is probably this one:
    We all need to spread the word to everybody we know, so that everyone is aware of the GOP’s evil plot to steal the election. This is really our last chance to save our country from communism and tyranny. If Trump becomes President, the first thing on his agenda should be to arrest all the players in the US cabal – the ones involved in the Kennedy assassination who are still living, the attempt to assassinate Reagan, the Clintons, the Obamas, Soros, and hundreds more that have stolen our country and hijacked our Constitution. Roger Stone would be of tremendous help to Trump in this endeavor.

  13. Davey Crockett...
    February 29th, 2016 @ 11:40 am

    Wow! Well…I’ve already sent Trump an email on what these treasonous trash plan to do!

    And all of America needs to pay attention…so that we can be of help to Trump in any fashion necessary, if possible?

    And all the billionaire’s that are trying to stop Trump won’t be successful…and we need to have a lot of us Patriots get ahold of: The National Enquirer; The Globe; and/or The Examiner, to fill them in on all the treasonous activities these people are up to.

    And who knows…maybe they are too damned surprised in finding out about Rubios’ past?

    So they want to put an end to Rubes running!

    But the people of Texas need to do some reading here and research what Cruz has been trying to do: to try to circumvent the Constitution after having been born in Canada!! How ridiculous this guy is!

    Going through all of this shows us, too, that these super wealthy types have been playing us for a long, long time!

    The NWO is a group of sick, deviant, evil “walking dead!” They could care less!

    But Trump showed us that he does care about America and stopped working in business and took a chance to get into politics!

    The addition of Jeff Sessions, to help the cause, will prove to be a very good move! Any other higher ups in Congress/American public will also do a world of good!

    And I’m hoping that those people who post here and read Orlys’ Site will spread the news about: Cruz/Rubio/and this newest twist of koch Brothers and Soros-? to try to stop Trump!

    Trump, as I understand it, will get the nomination, if he receives enough the delegates and votes before the convention!

    So pass the word around, Patriots, that Koch has a lot of $$$, but nothing he does is going to stop Trump, if enough people will vote for Trump in these caucuses/primaries!

    Go, Trumper, Go!

  14. Uncle Charles...
    February 29th, 2016 @ 2:56 pm

    For those of you who want to make contact with Trump, here’s the site, I believe:…

    ww w dot don ald tru mp dot com

    [Just put the words together, to find the site!]

    Then, you can contact with him and his staff to give them any heads up you might have, to forewarn him?!

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