

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Q & A Do you plan to appeal, if the ruling in IN will be adverse?

Posted on | October 25, 2012 | 12 Comments

Kerry 32 approved


Do you have plans to appeal an adverse ruling?

yes, of course Actually, the state might not appeal if they lose. Keep in mind: Governor Mitch Daniels, Attorney General Greg Zoeller and Sec of State Connie Lawson are all Republicans. They realise that if the decision is in our favor, we might not pursue other causes of action and other remedies. Declaratory relief deeming Obama ineligible is at the center of the complaint. They understand it and the judge understands it. The judge is older, very experienced, very smart. I don’t know how old is she, but she is all gray. She understands what is going on. When Kenneth Joel was cross examining Mr. Irey, he did not know what to ask or say.

After Irey said that it is a forgery, that letters came from different typewriters Joel told: objection,  do you know exactly how  those certificates were done in the health department.  I stated, your honor, he already stated that it was done with a typewriter, you cannot have letters of different sizes, shapes and fonts made with one typewriter. The whole question was stupid, as clearly one would not sit there and type a letter “a” with one typewriter and “b” with another and so on.  I felt bad for Ken Joel. He probably thought to himself “I can’t believe I am being forced to defend this shit” The courtroom was full. I think that everybody there felt bad for Joel, in that he was forced to defend this


12 Responses to “Q & A Do you plan to appeal, if the ruling in IN will be adverse?”

  1. The Right Thing
    October 25th, 2012 @ 7:45 am

    Remember a vote for Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is a vote for “HIGHER GASOLINE PRICES”, maybe as high as $20.00 a gallon.

    Remember a vote for Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is a way to push the “NATION DEBT” so high that it would be impossible to ever repay.

    Barrack HUSSEIN Obama was on the Jay Leno show last night, and in an idiotic effort to dodge around while he won’t release his school and passport applications forms for FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, he made a joke about he, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama and Donald Trump grew up in “KENYA” together.

    All the “BIG FRAUD”, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama would have to do is show a few papers and his favorite charity would receive FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. Yet the “BATHHOUSE FRAUD”, decided to just make a joke out of Donald Trump sincere offer.

    I wonder how much money it would take for Barrack HUSSEIN Obama to show his, and his wife Michele “DIVORCE PAPERS”, or is Barrack HUSSEIN Obama hiding those papers along with all the other papers this most NON-TRANSPARENT President that this Ccountry has ever had.

  2. The Right Thing
    October 25th, 2012 @ 7:47 am

    Remember a vote for Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is a vote for “HIGHER GASOLINE PRICES”, maybe as high as $20.00 a gallon.

    Remember a vote for Barrack HUSSEIN Obama is a way to push the “NATION DEBT” so high that it would be impossible to ever repay.

    Barrack HUSSEIN Obama was on the Jay Leno show last night, and in an idiotic effort to dodge around why he won’t release his school and passport applications forms for FIVE MILLION DOLLARS, he made a joke about he, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama and Donald Trump grew up in “KENYA” together.

    All the “BIG FRAUD”, Barrack HUSSEIN Obama would have to do is show a few papers and his favorite charity would receive FIVE MILLION DOLLARS. Yet the “BATHHOUSE FRAUD”, decided to just make a joke out of Donald Trump sincere offer.

    I wonder how much money it would take for Barrack HUSSEIN Obama to show his, and his wife Michele “DIVORCE PAPERS”, or is Barrack HUSSEIN Obama hiding those papers along with all the other papers this most NON-TRANSPARENT President that this Ccountry has ever had.

  3. don irey
    October 25th, 2012 @ 8:39 am

    We WILL win this one!
    Don I.

  4. The Right Thing
    October 25th, 2012 @ 8:58 am

    Attorney Ken Joel didn’t have to attempt to defend the BIGGEST FRAUD to ever occupy the WHITE HOUSE.

    Attorney Ken Joel choose to be there on his own.

    Another Attorney would have immediately jump in if Attorney Ken Joel choose not to represent the “GASOLINE RAISING CHAMPION”, who doesn’t even have a “VALID SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER”.

    Why, why, are so many Americans MYOPIC to all of Barrack HUSSEIN Obama’s “FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES”? All they have to do, is just open their eyes, those “FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES” are in plain sight, thanks to Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.’s.

    The Government should have step-in and cleaned this fiasco up back in 2008 when Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. FIRST brought it to their ATTENTION.

    Yet here we are four years later with a guy hiding out in our “OVAL OFFICE” that really AIN’T GOT NO kind of vital personal documentation to hold a GOVERNMENT JOB at any “LEVEL WHAT SO EVER”.

  5. turnright
    October 25th, 2012 @ 9:42 am

    When you win, the Obamites will scream that the trial was rigged because a Republican Governor, Attorney General and Secretary of State buggared the trial by causing a hollow defense to be presented on purpose. The Obies will claim the Republican state government was lax in defense because they wanted Obama to lose, big time.

    But what the oBIMAs won’t say is that their side could have hired Perry Mason, F Lee Bailey, Clarence Darrow, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams to lead a team of forty lawyers in defense, if they had wanted to. But nobody wanted to. Nobody from Obama’s side wanted to try to defend the impossible to defend.

  6. Bloodless Coup
    October 25th, 2012 @ 9:58 am

    Sure could use a miracle.

    Just one honest judge.

  7. ken
    October 25th, 2012 @ 10:54 am

    Well said Bloodless coup. I wonder if there is not good money in taking on Orly’s cases and delaying the verdict. Also setting a precedent for the future.

  8. Slim Pickins
    October 25th, 2012 @ 10:59 am

    A woman judge.

    My mother always said women were the best.

    I have so much hope that this woman will do what no man would do. God works in strange ways. God knows the best way is to use women to save America.

    Keep Smiling Orly.

    America Loves You

    and so do I

  9. kw
    October 25th, 2012 @ 1:25 pm

    I have a bunch of folks copied regarding Dr. Taitz’s cases, and each of them have done the same, etc.,etc. Overall, how many others have done the same? Could be millions.

    So, did Soetoro answer the question on Leno or did he do another song and dance, skirting the issues? Notice how it’s always been another source doing his bidding? He has never, personally, answered the question, ergo, never establishing the necessity for coughing up the proof for his affirmations.

  10. Tom Cooke
    October 25th, 2012 @ 5:27 pm

    Ya, and how lame was Leno….instead of coming back with “well, what about the 5 million for charity, how can you turn that down?” All Leno could do was laugh like some child….I bet every one that could have used that money is laughing too.

    Let’s hope Leno’s audiance falls as hard as that joke did!

  11. Freedom fighter
    October 25th, 2012 @ 5:38 pm

    As the political games play out behind the scenes who knows how many times the Chicago style WH has talked to the judge. I think Roberts was “swayed” to vote for Obamacare making his vote the unconstituitionally deciding vote. Joel was objecting and stalling the court almost nonstop. Many times he objected to something that the judge said was inappropriate at that time. How do you defend something that is hidden from the public and if it is on record, showing he was Kenyan born, not Hawaiian born ?

  12. ken S
    October 28th, 2012 @ 9:03 am


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