

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

please, sign this complaint filed by Mr. Laity

Posted on | May 26, 2014 | 3 Comments

To: Cathy Lanier

Chief of Police

Metropolitan D.C. Police



Please assign a complaint # to my charges. I disagree that the DC Police is not the appropriate agency  that “handles” such charges, In any event, if not your agency, please refer them to the appropriate Law Enforcement agency that does “Handle” Usurpation of a public office,by fraud,during time of war which has occurred under your jurisdictional parameters.


Robert C. Laity,Complainant


From: Robert Laity

Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 10:31 AM

To: DC Police (imailagent)

Subject: Re: Email from DC Police (Intranet Quorum IMA00702608)


I was instructed by Federal Magistrate Leslie Foschio, the USDC in WDNY  to file a complaint with Local Law enforcement. I filed with the City of Tonawanda NY Police Department in 2010 and since have contacted the FBI, ICE and the Secret Service.The U.S. Marshals have also spoken to me about this issue of grave national security, we have a constitutionally disqualified usurper occupying the office of the Presidency of the United States. I Notified your office and I demand that you file the complaint.


I was informed by Judge Foschio that D.C. is the proper jurisdiction and is the proper venue for filing such a charge since the crime of usurpation of a public office occurred in D.C.


I demand that you register my complaint and to issue a proper police report claim #. I am alleging that Barack Obama has usurped the office of the Presidency,by fraud,during time of war. See: D.C.Code Sec. 22-104; D.C. Code Sec.22-3221 (c ); D.C. Code Sec. 22-3241 (b ); 18USC, Sec.371; 18USC Sec 494; 18USC Sec 912; 10USC Ch.47, sub Ch.X Art.906, sec 106; 18 USC sec.1015 (c ), (e );18 USC Sec.1028 (a)(1),,(4),(6);

18USC Sec. 1036 (a); 18USC Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec.2381,inter alia.



Robert C. Laity

Charging Party

RE: Email from DC Police (Intranet Quorum IMA00702608)

Inbox x

Neil Sankey

10:27 PM (2 hours ago)
to mpd

TO: Cathy Lanier, Chief of Police, DC


May 25, 2014




I am a material witness in the above matter, and a Citizen of the United States of America.

I note your offhand, denial of this request and would seriously question its veracity, and indeed, perhaps yours.

Is it not your job to uphold and enforce the Law? Or do you, also, selectively choose which laws you enforce?

Since when has any Police Department had the right to choose which laws it will enforce, or, indeed, which complaints it will handle?

Is there no one left in this Country who “do their duty by God and Country”

Is there no one left to uphold the Constitution?

I would suggest to you that this Country is in this sorry state,  just because people are not fulfilling the purpose for which they were appointed.

I would, respectfully, ask that you reconsider your position, morally and legally.

If not, perhaps you could suggest where we could find, an Official who will uphold and protect the Constitution, we seem to be running out of them.


Sincerely yours.




3 Responses to “please, sign this complaint filed by Mr. Laity”

  1. joebanana
    May 26th, 2014 @ 8:59 am

    Perhaps an international court of law is the proper venue for this criminal act. The US courts are more corrupt than Mexico’s and are therefore completely useless when it comes to doing what they’re paid to do.

  2. John
    May 26th, 2014 @ 10:45 am

    Chief Lanier has a hard time with staffing her own department much less enforcing the laws. Here is an article on (her)”All Hands on Deck” Directive (Order), https://www.myfoxdc.com/story/25602717/chief-lanier-risking-crime-increase-police-union-says

    She has no control of her officers or crime in Washington, D.C. If you follow the website AlertDC, https://textalert.ema.dc.gov/latest.php
    They have a long list of crime that happens virtually everyday and every hour, some of the police officers say it’s off the hook, 911 calls never end and we never get a break from it. Some say the court system is a revolving door for criminals, judges let more go, due to the fact that D.C. Jail is overcrowded.

    Chief Lanier doesn’t even abide by her own General Orders and Directives, When she was selected to be Chief of MPD, one of the City’s rules was that All chief’s and officers had to live in the City (Residency Requirement). As soon as she was appointed Chief of Police, she had to get an permanent resident address in D.C. to be employed legally. Well she did that and went out and bought a brand new condo up off Fort Lincoln Dr. to be legal, but she doesn’t live there, she really lives in Maryland, but the D.C. City Council looks the other way, they have blinders on, so does Mayor Gray. She only has the address to get official mail delivered to her, some high ups says she shares the address with other officers that also don’t live in the city.
    I wonder what the union has to say about that.

    You would be wasting your time writing to her, she’s not going to do anything to jeopardize her job.

  3. Robert C. Laity
    June 5th, 2014 @ 7:37 am

    DC police still shirking their duty.

  4. Robert C. Laity
    June 9th, 2014 @ 1:54 am

    Re-filed using the online reporting tool.The ball is in their court now.

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