

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Now I have 458,623 votes, getting close to half a million. Latest news.

Posted on | June 19, 2010 | 9 Comments

Happy Father’s Day … and a great message from the Queen of Article II Constitutionalists, Orly Taitz – on how the Governors, together with Sheriffs Joe Arpaio & Richard Mack, can use their Executive Powers to enforce immigration laws, protect our coastlines and borders, stop the financial ruin of their States and our country, and arrest the Usurper for the unconstitutional takeover of our Government.

Neil B. Turner
Citizens for the Constitution


Now I have 458,623 votes, getting close to half a million. Latest news.

Posted on | June 19, 2010 | www.OrlyTaitzEsq.com  

I am getting very close to half a million votes (for Republican CA Secretary of State).  No Tea Party candidate ever got that many votes. Half a million in one state in one primary really translates into millions of supporters around the country. This is great news, considering all the vicious attacks, only 3 months of campaigning, and no funds.

Today (Friday, June 18, 2010) there was a curious set-back. Today I reported on this blog that ‘since April 27th there was no answer from Chief Judge Lamberth to my motion for reconsideration, it has been nearly 2 months and the good thing is that at least he didn’t deny it, which means that he is still considering it and he sees value in my argument.’

Literally within a couple of hours from posting this article, I got a notice from the court that Judge Lamberth denied the motion, it was like someone read the article and called the judge or sent him the memo “Hurry, deny it now”. I am not saying it really happened, as I don’t have such information, I am saying that it looked like it happened this way. Of course I will be filing another motion. Nothing in this order made any sense.

This episode reminded me what happened to judge David O. Carter, when he suddenly changed his decision after initially scheduling the case for January 2010. Suddenly Carter changed his demeanor; from a proud Marine he changed into a scared old man. I don’t know how they threatened him and with what. We will find out one day, but the hearings were on camera, they had monitors in several courtrooms. One could see the difference in this man.

Anyways, I will be filing another motion soon; this is a complete insanity.  Just one example: Carter confirmed  that one can file a quo warranto (by what authority does one hold that position) as an ex relator (as an attorney on behalf of others), but it needs to be done in Washington, D.C.  I re-filed in DC, and now Judge Lamberth is saying that no-one can file a quo warranto, only a federal government. Since when? Why do we even have a concept of an ex relator, if a judge can say that what is available to us and is clearly on the books suddenly doesn’t exist?  What is he saying? Don’t believe your lying eyes?  How do we fight a Tyranny of a Kenyan communist usurper, when the court is suddenly saying that the right to bring a legal action as an ex-relator suddenly evaporated and we have to go to the government of the same usurper and tell him what? “Please, Mr. Usurper, please pretty, be so kind and file a legal action against yourself?” How do you call it? Completely insane? Totally idiotic? This is just one of many points of insanity I noticed. 

Keep in mind, all of this is going on, when our ballots in most populated jurisdictions are counted by Sequoia software, which is owned by the government of the Communist dictator of Venezuela Hugo Chavez. He owns it through a shell company, Smartmatic, registered in FL by a citizen of Venezuella, Anthony Mujica.

More news. Obama administration ordered: stop operation of 16 barges that were cleaning up the oil in the gulf. The same administration that has switched off the water to CA farms and is destroying the economy of CA, the same administration that is filing a legal action challenging the AZ law, which is aimed at curbing illegal immigration.

What can we do? We can urge the Governors of these states to exercise their inherent executive powers. Every governor has executive powers. While I doubt Capitalist turned Communist Schwarzenegger, the worst Governor ever, will do a thing and will give a care about this falling apart economy of CA, Jindal (LA) and Brewer (AZ) might actually do it.

For example, the Governor of CA can use his executive powers and switch on the water in CA, and submit to the federal government a bill for damages caused by illegal, unconstitutional acts of the Federal government. If the feds don’t pay, he can use his emergency executive powers and power of State Eminent Domain to take over the holdings of the Federal government in CA. What can Obama do? He is not allowed to use US military on U.S. soil, as there is Posse Comitatus. Obama can do absolutely nothing on U.S. soil to enforce his assumed imaginary powers. He can’t do squat; he is a giant standing on legs of clay.

What people don’t understand, is that Obama cannot enforce anything against the States. Since Obama is not allowed to use U.S. military on U.S. soil, all he can use is U.S. Marshalls and FBI agents, and even those don’t have jurisdiction to enforce any executive orders or laws against States, and those are no match to the combined force of the State Police + National Guard under the control of Governors, + sheriffs of even the smallest towns. This was set up in such a way by the framers of our Constitution to fight what we have today, tyranny of the out-of-control Federal Government.  

Similarly, Jindal can send his crews to clean up the gulf, send Obama the bill, and put a lien on that $20 billion dollar settlement with BP.

Lastly, my favorite, Jan Brewer, can send AZ state police, sheriffs and AZ National Guard to secure the border, deport the illegals and send Obama the bill for the cost of effectuating immigration laws, border patrol, and expenses of providing health care and education to illegals and their children. If Obama does not pay, she can use her inherent executive powers and AZ state powers of Eminent Domain to take into eminent domain federal holdings in AZ, and to put a lien on all IRS Federal government payments by the citizens of AZ in lieu of the moneys owed to AZ by the federal government. If Obama doesn’t like it, he is welcome to come to AZ for a talk and (I love it – drum roll, please), I will be there with Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Sheriff Richard Mack to serve him with an eligibility law suit and a complaint to the Sheriff’s department seeking to verify his legal status, in light of the fact that he never unsealed his long form birth certificate with the name of a doctor and the name of a US hospital where he claims to be born, and in light of the fact, that he is sitting in the White House using Social Security number 042-68-4425, issued in the state of CT to an individual who was born in 1890!

Have a good weekend. Happy Father’s day to everybody. No matter what, usurper or not, rain or shine, I am celebrating Father’s day with my husband and my 3 children.

Orly Taitz, Esq.


9 Responses to “Now I have 458,623 votes, getting close to half a million. Latest news.”

  1. Patriotic Joe
    June 19th, 2010 @ 6:47 am

    I leff a voicemail message to you a few minutes ago to thank you for your efforts to expose the fraudulent election of BO. You are a very brave person for whom I have much respect, unlike the effete Obama. I pray that you are eventually successful in your endeavor, for America’s sake. I find it sad that it takes a foreign born American citizen like yourself to defend our country’s constitution. I can only assume that it means more to a grateful naturalized citizen like yourself than it means to many natural born Americans. God bless you.

  2. Patriotic Joe
    June 19th, 2010 @ 6:56 am

    Actually, you have 462,193 votes. Congratulations from a tea party supporter in Florida!

  3. BruceWho
    June 19th, 2010 @ 8:51 am

    It is interesting to read from the beginning pages of The Declaration of Independence where a description of political condition in the colonies was written about due to “The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.” Then the description goes on with more examples: “He has endeavored to prevent the Population of these States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners.” “He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Power.” “He has made Judges dependent on his Will along, for the Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount and Payment of their Salaries.” “He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harass our People, and eat out their Substance.” “He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; given his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:” “He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our Towns, and destroyed the Lives of our People.” “In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms; Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury.” “A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of a free People.” The tyrants, who are now attempting to subject a free people, are the same now as they were when The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were written 300 years ago. The similarities of your history to the conditions of today should be apparent: Dr. Taits, your repeated attempts to proceed with court cases have repeatedly been stopped at the discovery phase because the current tyrannical King does not care about “the little people or rule of law.” The King’s objective is to follow out the “Rules for Radicals” as prescribed by Saul Alinski with no for the American People or the American-way-of-life. “So What’s a Patriot to Do? Confront a Liberal Today,” is the title of an article written by Kyle-Ann Shiver in the American Thinker on dated June 18, 2010. It is still difficult to believe that judges in this country at this time would believe that the personal desire of a given “King” are over and above the requirements set out in the US Constitution unless these very judges have been threatened by a tyrant or they agree with him. I wish people reading this comment would not only read the USA’s Declaration of Independence, Constitution, but also read Shiver’s article along with others so that the TEA Parties can continue to delineate their strategy for taking our country back.

  4. Elizabeth
    June 19th, 2010 @ 9:07 am

    Dr. Orly, I wish I had all of your
    savvy so that I could assist you in
    these legal matters.

    Question: what prevents you from
    finding another judge, and gleaning
    from others what sort of person he is?
    I knew, women’s intution, when I saw
    Lamberth’s face, that he was absolutely
    no-good, no character and no integrity.
    He is a weakling and it is in his face.

    There must be in this great land of ours,
    another judge who will not only be
    timely but will be on the side of justice.

    Lamberth COULD have been threatened.
    If so, he is truly a weakling to have
    first of all, procrastinated for 2
    months, and secondly, to have given
    in to threats.

    I hope that Jan Brewer has rec’d
    your professional input and will
    do as you have written to prevent
    Obama from his actions against her.

    Millions of people want Obama out
    of the White House and have signed
    umpteen petitions saying so.

    What happens when these petitions
    are signed? Are they sent to some
    higher authority .. does Congress
    take action? Who does the job of
    fulfilling the wishes of the people?

    This delay is more than detrimental
    to America. This fool impostor is
    getting control of all aspects of
    law and overstepping even the
    governors of our states.

    There has to be a legal action
    which makes him impotent.

    True he is surrounded by corrupt
    senators and representatives and
    judges, but … our Constitution
    is supposed to provide for this

    I read boards such as ExposeObama.com
    and the people are furious about what
    is happening to America. They hate
    Obama with a passion. Never seen
    anything like it with any ‘president’
    ever in our history. And he isn’t even
    the president but a dictator who has
    taken over the country.

    Shades of Iran, Iraq, Korea, and
    China, not to mention other lands
    where Christians are being massacred.

    The French Revolution was the
    answer to their oppression.

    The dissenters think that Tea-party
    members want this sort of coup.

    That is not true, but it may have
    to come to that when there is corruption
    in high places and our hands are
    tied by judges and ignoring the
    Founding Fathers’ documents,
    designed to prevent such travesty
    which is now taking place.

  5. Elizabeth
    June 19th, 2010 @ 9:49 am

    Thank you, Bruce Who, for the link to American Thinker and Kyle-Ann’s article.

    I read all of the comments and all of them were outstanding. I decided to post this one because it, in a nutshell, covers all of the activities by Obama over the last 18 months.

    Read it and weep!

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Posted by: slayer
    Jun 18, 09:23 PM

    One more thing. Try this.
    (in conversations
    with Liberals)

    When your Liberal friends pull their nonsense, see if they can defend:

    (going into month 19 now)

    record deficits, record foreclosures, record spending, record unemployment, record trade deficits, record bank failures,

    a failing dollar, two continuing and worsening wars, a record death toll in Afghanistan,

    a record environmental disaster ignored by a president who broke Bush’s 8-year golf record months ago, secret wiretaps, secret tribunals,

    Gitmo still open,

    don’t ask don’t tell still on, division in the country not seen since the sixties, Government takeover of healthcare, automotive, banking and lending industries,

    record Democrat corruption,

    a White House that throws wild weekly parties that would make Marie Antoinette blush for shame, a Vice President who is shipped anywhere but here, so we don’t hear him speak,

    bong hit foreign policy, and coddling enemies while slapping our allies in the face.

    Remember, Bush was gone almost 19 months ago.

  6. Judith Bailey
    June 19th, 2010 @ 11:13 am

    I never realized before that this country has so many corrupt judges. Just how can we get them out of office. Can the people impeach a corrupt judge and what evidence do they have to have in order to impeach him. How many votes.

  7. Andrew Chavez
    June 19th, 2010 @ 11:33 am

    Orly, you are showing very impressive numbers in the California voting tally. There may be all kinds of sly-guy reasons Obama is being protected but among them are the numbers of people who still support him and this frightens politicians. Can you set up a poll where people across the nation can click their support for you and thereby give you millions in political capital? This would be like Joseph Farah did at WND and people signing up to see Obama’s long-form birth certificate. This would put you in a position like a People’s Adjutant General or People’s Attorney General. Maybe you could get so many millions of people to “click” for you that you could make our so-called leaders pay attention and realize that you represent a force that must be listened to; what is more, Tea Party people are officially silent about Obama ineligibility; you could offer them a chance to give support despite the Tea Party’s silence. Just an idea; perhaps you have the people who could set-up a poll like this for you on your site. We could watch the numbers grow. Michael Savage might be willing to direct his listeners your way to click for you and maybe a lot of other radio hosts would also. Savage represents at least 10 million listeners. Big numbers are political clout.

  8. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    June 19th, 2010 @ 11:45 am

    I need volunteers. If you want to volunteer to do this, great! A lot of people have ideas, but I have no funds, I have a number of legal actions going and I have very limited time. I need people to actually do, what they suggest and to donate

  9. Michele
    June 20th, 2010 @ 10:23 am

    Was Bob Inglis really kidding when he answered Colbert’s sentence completion with “not Hawaii”.
    It may not be such a kiss of death after all to be truthful.

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