

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Go to all of the townhall meetings, demand your congressman or senator bring Obama’s illegitimacy to the judicial committee hearing, demand that he join as an additional plaintiff

Posted on | August 11, 2009 | 6 Comments


Tuesday, August 11, 2009 2:25 PM
Friends,  (an important note on healthcare inserted at the end)
I met today with Congressman Franks (R) for about 25-30 minutes and had a cordial discussion with him in which we agreed pretty much on everything except one matter described below.  Here are the highlights.
He was well aware of the many documents (school & college records, passport, soc. security, selective service etc) under seal by Obama and the large legal expenditures made to his lawyers in order to fight the efforts to gain access to the documents and fight the many lawsuits designed to get the documents including the long form birth certificate.  He fully agreed that Obama is hiding something and in fact came right out and said “his illegitimacy.”  As an aside, he was not aware, however, that there was at least one admittedly unqualified candidate that like Obama was not “vetted” and who gained access to run in the 2008 Presidential election in five states, including New Jersey.  That was Roger Calero a Nicaraquan felon, admittedly born in Nicaraqua, who ran on the Socialist Workers Party ballot.
Trent also volunteered that at one point he himself was ready to sue Obama on his lack of eligibility until he became to believep that he was born in Hawaii as he claimed.  He stated that he became persuaded by the birth announcements that were printed in two Hawaiian newspapers in 1961.  I then pointed out three (3) things in this regard to him, two of which were related to these birth announcements.  I asked him to reconsider that he may have made a premature conclusion based first on assertions that have been made that the source of many of these birth announcements was the Hawaiian Health Dept that issued the Certificates of Live Birth (short form birth certificates) in the first place as oppossed to being initiated by the parent(s); and second on the fact that the address listed on these birth announcement has largely been determined to have belonged to a family other than the Obama’s by World Net Daily.   
Thirdly, I raised the point and he agreed that there was a larger issue than where he may have been born, that EVEN IF he was in fact born in Hawaii, he still probably does not qualify as a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN as required by the Constitution. In this regard, we discussed Obama’s admitted dual British citizenship at birth by virtue of British law at the time in relation to offspring of his Kenyan father.  We also talked about his probable Indonesian citizenship as a requirement to attend school there as Obama admittedly did and his travel to Pakistan in 1981 which could not have been done on an American passport.  However, the snag here that would cloud the situation is the fact that although the Constitution requires natural born citizenship it fails to define it.
You have to go to subsequent constitutional amendments and subsequent case law to try to get to a definition. Most interpretations of the latter would come up with that to be natural born (as oppossed to just a citizen or naturalized citizen) one would have to have both parents as American born, which of course Obama does not.  But with the Democrats in total control right now, such a definition would never be adopted in any effort to remove Obama.  I had to agree here with Congressman Franks that unfortunately this was in fact a snag in getting Natural Born properly defined.
In conclusion on the eligibility issue, I informed him that my main purpose in meeting with him was to try to get him to publicly sign on to House Resolution (HR) 1503, which is designed to prevent ineligible candidates from getting on the ballot in the first place in 2012 as happened in 2008 by requiring long form birth certificates and other necessary documents.  He promised to look into it further and earnestly consider doing so.  Let’s hope he does.  So far it has only eleven signatories and definately needs more. 
PS…… Franks will be holding a healthcare town hall meeting at 5 PM on Tuesday Aug. 25th (place still unknown).  While I was waiting for the start of my meeting, there were many Democrats in favor of Obamacare just walking into the office without appointments to make their opinions known.  They were courteously received by staff and informed of the coming meeting.  If you are oppossed to the healthcare bill, I strongly encourage you to MARK YOUR CALENDARS because there otherwise could be a predominance of supporters showing up without at least a balance.  Franks himself is oppossed to the bill.


6 Responses to “Go to all of the townhall meetings, demand your congressman or senator bring Obama’s illegitimacy to the judicial committee hearing, demand that he join as an additional plaintiff”

  1. Nancy
    August 12th, 2009 @ 1:38 am


    “Because he was born to American CITIZENS, there is no doubt in my mind that Senator McCain is a natural born citizen,” said Leahy. “I expect that this will be a unanimous resolution of the Senate.”


    Mrs. MCCASKILL (for herself and Mr. LEAHY, Mr. OBAMA, Mr. COBURN, Mrs. CLINTON, and Mr. WEBB) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee…

    RESOLUTION: Recognizing that John Sidney McCain, III, is a natural born citizen.

    Obama helped submit the resolution knowing his own father was never a U.S. citizen. Can the resolution be use to help determine the definition of a natural born citizen?

    May the Lord’s Will be done!

  2. Tom Cooke
    August 12th, 2009 @ 2:23 am

    I would like to take issue with your statement concerning the Constitution not defining “natural born citizen.” The Forefathers were not writing a Constitution of definitions. They were writing to establish a union and its laws and government. They used phrases that were either understood or had reference to clarification. Article 1, section 8, J “To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the hight seas and offenses against the Law of Nations:” Note that the “Law of Nations” is capitalized which means it is referring to something in particular (the know laws of nations as presented by Vattel’s book “The Law of Nations”). Also, the term “offenses against the Law of Nations:” is the object of “To define and punish” not of “piracies and felonies committed on the hight seas” therefore, the Constitution does give definition to the phrase “Natural Born Citizen.”

  3. john
    August 12th, 2009 @ 9:00 am

    JL…the Constitution cites to the “Law of Nations” once so the definition contained on the Law of Nations for what a “nastural born Citizen” by all indications applies.

  4. ObamaNotQualified.com
    August 12th, 2009 @ 10:11 am

    J, you should ask Rep Franks, to contact those newspapers and ask them if they can show him the original microfische that they claim they have or an original newpaper from their archives. My bet is they won’t as I do not think such exists.

  5. NewEnglandPatriot
    August 12th, 2009 @ 10:21 am

    This is a fabulous report. Even with the Dems in control now, though, the definition of “natural born citizen” is not up to them. It has been ruled on previously by the Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett, in 1874. The Wong Kim Ark case was ruled on in 1898.

    Both of these rulings took place AFTER th 14th Amendment was ratified for those who argue that Obama is a citizen by virtue of that. The 14th Amendment has nothing to do with “natural born” status.

    The other thing is that if Obama was in fact born outside the U.S., there is NO WAY, even with Dems pulling for him, that he could be a natural born citizen. Being born in another country with only one citizen parent who was too young to confer citizenship doesn’t cut it. He would not even be a U.S. citizen, let alone a “natural born citizen.”

    Your interview with Congressman Franks proves that they all know that Obama is ineligible. Why this doesn’t bug the heck out of them, I will never understand. Why they aren’t holding hearings and issuing a subpoena from both Judiciary Committees is beyond me. They should be outraged, incensed, and ready to go to war over it. The fact that they can just sit by and let him disgrace, disparage, and tear apart our country is absolutely horrifying.

    At least the congressman was honest, although I wonder if he was patronizing you by then saying that the birth announcements convinced him. Anyone can put a birth announcement in the paper. And even if the birth occurred, it didn’t mean it occurred there. It could have happened anywhere in the world.

  6. jenny
    August 12th, 2009 @ 11:39 am

    Please read our first Chief Justice Jay’s admission and his accurrate definition declared to be valid by our good President Washington. Its not confusing. Find it on Natural Borne Citizen Leo Deforino.