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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Demand send to Arianna Huffington, Editor of the Huffington Post by Attorney Orly Taitz for a retraction and correction of the article by John Celock published by Huffington post, which consists of Journalistic malpractice and defamation

Posted on | May 22, 2013 | 4 Comments

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ

29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100

Rancho Santa Margarita

Request for a retraction by Huffington Post

Dear Ms. Huffington

Kindly please post a retraction and correction of an article by John Celock “Tim Jones, Missouri House Speaker, Cites Birther Connection In Fundraising Letter”. Please, see the article below.

For several years now Mr. Celock has engaged in journalistic malpractice and posted time after time untrue and outright defamatory information about me and my legal actions. If the defamation does not stop and true information is not published, I will consider a legal action against Mr. Celock. and Huffington Post.

For example, in the current article, as in multiple articles before, he failed to report that no legal challenge against Obama was resolved on the merits, no judge has issued an order to compel production of the original (wet ink) birth certificate, original Selective Service certificate and the original Social Security application for the CT SSN 042-68-4425 of Harrison J. Bounel, which Obama is fraudulently using. No Judge has ever ruled that Obama has a valid Social Security number, valid Selective Service Certificate and a valid birth certificate. No original documents were ever produced and the copies produced for public consumption were deemed to be laughable forgeries by multiple experts and officials. All of the legal actions were dismissed on technical reasons, due to standing and jurisdiction. When Mr. Celock omits such important fact, he misrepresents the truth, he creates an impression that the legal actions challenging Obama’s forged IDs were deemed to be with no value on the merits, he is attempting to create impression that Obama’s IDs were proven to be valid, when in reality it is the opposite and by doing so he defames the attorney bringing the legal actions. Similarly he placed in the false light the speaker of the House of the State of MO, who was one of the plaintiffs in my action.

Further on Mr. Celock grossly misrepresented the truth and a report by a licensed investigator and a former elite Scotland Yard officer Neil Sankey which showed that according to multiple  national databases Obama’s name is connected to multiple Social Security numbers and addresses. None of those Social Security numbers were issued in HI. Most addresses are made up and there is a suspicion that those units   of bogus SSNs and addresses are linked to illegal fundraising. This suspicion is being reinforced by recent discovery that a charity by Obama’s half brother, Maliq Obama, used addresses for a UPS store and a drug rehab as addresses for the pro Obama charity of Maliq Obama. This did not raise the red flag and did not trigger additional scrutiny of the IRS, the application of Maliq Obama was approved by the IRS within 35 days, while applications by legitimate Tea-party organizations are lingering for years and while I personally  threatened and intimidated by an IRS attorney Mitzi Torri, who is running an attack web site together with Obama’s personal attorney Scott J Tepper and other federal and state high ranked employees.

Moreover, there is a high probability that the charity of Obama’s brother, Kenyan citizen Maliq Obama, was actually conceived by Barack  Obama himself and Maliq Obama was used as a tool for a modest cut.

Let us not forget some other instances with questionable transactions. While serving as  a state senator Obama recieved some $140,000 from his friend Robert Blackwell, who ran some ping pong tournaments. Later it was found that Obama used his position of the state senator to get a state grant of  some  $330,000 for Blackwell. So there is a suspicion that $140,000 paid by Blackwell to Obama was actually  a bribe to Obama as a state official, a cut of about 30% for obtaining state funds as a grant for a private business.

Later Obama, as a U.S. Senator,   secured a million dollar grant for the Chicago university hospital and his wife Michelle suddenly got a board position at that hospital with a  $340,000 salary. What did she do on that board? She is not a doctor and her law licensed was placed on involuntary inactive status only 4 yers after she got out of law school and long before she got on that board. She could not help the hospital in any way as her knowledge in medicine probably equals your knowledge in space travel.  When Michelle Obama resigned, her “extremely mportant” position on the board was not replaced by anyone.There is a suspicion that her $340,000 salary was a bribe to senator Obama, his usual 30% cut of from $1 million yearly grant of our tax payer funds funnelled to a private facility.

Further, Obama was the Chair of the “Annenberg challenge”, a charity which was supposed to improve academic performance of Chicago children. After 6 years the performance of students in Annenberg schools was as poor as the performance in the nearby schools. However, during this time 160 million was donated to this charity and according to professor Steven Diamond as much as 500 million went through ths charity. The records of this charity are currently sealed at the library of the University of Chicago. You and Huffington Post should be investigating how 160-500 million dollars can be spent with zero results. Was their a scheme of running “donations” through the charity in order to avoid the taxation and getting most of the funds back minus minor expenses and a cut for someone???

This are legitimate questions that have not been answered yet, just as none of Obma’s original (wet ink) IDs were seen yet.

Furthermore, I demand that you review the attached document forwarded to the Inspector General of the IRS, SSA and Judiciary Committees of the U.S. House of Representatives and US Senate. It is your duty to report the facts and investigate criminal behavior of the top officials, not defame a civil rights attorney, who is fighting corruption, criminality, fraud, forgery, Social Security fraud and possibly treason.

Ms. Hiffington, the public expects from you and your publication honesty and integrity and not journalistic malpractice, not complicity in the cover up of Obama’s use of bogus Social Security numbers and laughable forgeries as IDs.

I am requesting a response within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of this letter sent by Certified mail.



/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ



Orly Taitz Lawsuit – Huffington Post


11 hours ago

Tim Jones, Missouri House Speaker, Cites Birther Connection In Fundraising Letter

Posted: 02/11/2013  4:12 pm EST  |  Updated: 02/11/2013  6:08 pm EST

Tim Jones Birther
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Although he has downplayed his involvement in the past, the Republican speaker of the Missouri House of Representatives appears to defend his connection to a “birther” lawsuit in a new fundraising push.

House Speaker Tim Jones (R-Eureka) does not directly reference the birther movement in the email, but he links to a blog post by Randy Turner on The Huffington Post and a video clip of MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews, both of which discuss recent comments Jones made on a Missouri television program explaining his involvement in a 2009 lawsuit claiming President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The links are part of a fundraising solicitation Jones sent out last week.

“The national liberal media, including The Huffington Post and Chris Matthews of MSNBC, are attacking me for standing up to the dangerous Obama agenda,” Jones wrote. “You can help me send a message to these liberals that Missouri will not back down in the fight against federal overreach, taxation and tyranny.”

Jones, who is also the Missouri state co-chairman for the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council, was recently elected to help lead the Washington-based Republican Legislative Campaign Committee. He declined to comment for this story.

Jones was one of several state legislators to join the 2009 lawsuit filed by birther leader Orly Taitz, which also included former Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes as a plaintiff. The lawsuit claimed Obama was not born in the United States and sought to have the president removed from office, as well as to limit his ability to make judicial appointments and handle military policy until the suit was resolved. Plaintiffs also claimed that the president and first lady Michelle Obama held dozens of legal residences in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas. Among the addresses Taitz cited for the first lady were those of Walt Disney Studios and the headquarters for the Los Angeles Times. The lawsuit was dismissed.

On Feb. 3, Jones appeared on “The Jaco Report,” a Missouri political news show, where he explained his involvement in the lawsuit. Jones said on the show that he got involved at the request of a “very personal constituent of mine.” He did not reveal the constituent’s identity and said that he now believes Obama settled the matter by showing his birth certificate.

Turner’s blog post criticizing Jones centered largely on the Missouri lawmaker’s involvement in the Taitz lawsuit, but also noted his positions on several Missouri-centric issues, including pushing right-to-work legislation, Medicaid cuts and gun rights in the state.


Taitz celebrated Jones’s 2010 election as House majority leader in Missouri, calling him an “unapologetic birther” on her website. Jones downplayed Taitz’s praise to PoliticMo.com at the time, saying of the birther lawsuit, “I’ve never really made that a really important part of anything I’ve done.”

George Connor, a political science professor at Missouri State University, said he does not believe that Jones’s involvement in the birther movement will cause the lawmaker long-term harm, at least in state Republican circles. Connor said as Republican primaries become increasingly conservative, Jones’s ties to birtherism could in fact help his electoral chances.

“If Tim Jones would have any political trouble from this issue, it would be distancing himself from it,” Connor said of the birther movement. “The challenge to Republicans in Missouri is from the right. I don’t see the birther issue or his stance on it becoming an issue. For the most part, everyone is past that.”

Connor noted that Jones’s biggest worries are a looming fight with Gov. Jay Nixon (D) over the governor’s push to expand Medicaid in Missouri and Jones’s support for right-to-work laws. Republicans hold super-majorities in both houses of the Missouri state legislature.


4 Responses to “Demand send to Arianna Huffington, Editor of the Huffington Post by Attorney Orly Taitz for a retraction and correction of the article by John Celock published by Huffington post, which consists of Journalistic malpractice and defamation”

  1. James Smith
    May 22nd, 2013 @ 10:01 am

    Nobody reads or believes anything huffington post says, they commit treason on a daily basis and that’s a fact.

  2. Thomas
    May 22nd, 2013 @ 10:19 am

    Dear Mrs. Taitz, I just ted to inform you that Arianna Huffington no longer Owns The Huffington Post. She sold it a couple years ago for 100+ Million Dollars. So any corespondence toward her is futile. The writter of the article tho, He/She is Fair Game. Just a heads up for you.
    God Bless,

  3. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    May 22nd, 2013 @ 11:15 am

    it is my understanding that she is still the editor

  4. Veritas
    May 23rd, 2013 @ 9:48 am

    Sharon Rondeau, at The Post & Email, has yet another response from a conservative Republican Congressman, Hanna NYS 22nd District, who gives the following reply to a constituent, who had asked him about NATURAL BORN.

    Apparently, Richard Hanna never answered that part, and, instead, supported belief in Obama’s B/C.

    Later, the constituent writes that he/she had not written about the B/C at all, but rather about Jus Sanguinis and Jus Soli, and brings up the point that the NYS Board of Elections has changed the Constitutional term to read “born a citizen” on its website.

    Is Cuomo in on the ruse too?
    Hanna’s letter to a constituent:

    Thank you for contacting my office regarding the issue surrounding President Obama’s birth certificate.

    As you may know, Barack Obama was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

    This has been documented in several local newspapers and President Obama has provided a long form birth certificate, which is the same documentation given to all Hawaiians as proof of birth in that state.

    The birth certificate may be viewed at https://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/04/27/president-obamas-long-form-birth-certificate.

    If evidence arises that the President of the United States has acted in a manner unsuitable for the position, I am confident that the Congress and the Judicial Branch will exercise their duty responsibly to provide our nation with a system of checks and balances.

    We are at a moment in our country’s history where there are major challenges to resolve, including improving our economy, advancing our education system and maintaining a foremost military and as your federal representative I intend to work on these and many other issues.

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