

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Examiner article shows Obama ineligible (link attached)

Posted on | June 20, 2009 | 18 Comments

check this out!

Saturday, June 20, 2009 10:14 AM


18 Responses to “Examiner article shows Obama ineligible (link attached)”

  1. bob strauss
    June 20th, 2009 @ 8:42 pm

    Is your case, for injunction, to prevent Soetoro, from nominating, Supreme court justice, and AG of DC, docketed at SCOTUS? Any response, from acting AG of DC, on Quo Warranto of Soetoro? Thanks! I think public awareness, of this crime, is hitting a crescendo, and it wont be long, before all of the actors, in this fraud, will be running, for their political lives, like rats, jumping overboard, from a sinking ship. Our, so called, “representatives”, have totally failed, to protect, and defend, our Constitution, and to insure, that the laws, have been followed, and we, the citizens, have had a fair, and Honest, election, containing, only eligible candidates, for the office sought in the election. My Constitutional rights, and those of every American, have been violated, by this phony election, containing, a candidate from Kenya.

  2. NewEnglandPatriot
    June 20th, 2009 @ 8:43 pm

    Great article. People who say the eligibility issue is without merit are mindless. They just don’t want to see that they made a huge mistake and were completely defrauded. No one wants to be proved wrong. No one likes his judgment being called into question. But Obama deceived every single one of his supporters with the aiding and abetting of his campaign staff of criminals and the MSM.

    And since he’s been in office, he has committed many crimes, as the article stated. While I think Congress is waking up to how extreme he is, this whole situation would never have come up if Obama had been properly vetted. He has lied to the entire country about being a natural-born citizen. He knows he is not.

  3. sillyhaha
    June 20th, 2009 @ 9:07 pm

    “They just don’t want to see that they made a huge mistake and were completely defrauded. No one wants to be proved wrong. No one likes his judgment being called into question. But Obama deceived every single one of his supporters with the aiding and abetting of his campaign staff of criminals and the MSM.”

    At this point, the obots are willfully ignoring the truth. Finally, the eligibility issue is getting some real press coverage…but it won’t sway the die-hard obots. As long as hey get what they want, they don’t care if the rule of law is broken. And they obviously don’t care if the Constitution is defiled by Obama and his lot.

  4. live oak
    June 20th, 2009 @ 9:21 pm

    This is a good article but there is so much more information that was not covered. I may be jumping the gun a little but I’d also like to see the SCOTUS cleaned out too. I realize they are there for life or until they choose to retire, but I am so angry at them for aiding and abetting treason, for meeting with Barry and Biden in secret behind closed doors before the swearing in of thefake president. I especially have a problem with Roberts and I’ve told him so in a letter I wrote back in February. He is a coward and should step down. I told him that too. From what I can see, they let the clerks run the show and all they do is write books and travel around to promote them. There is no law in Washington. period. I agree with Bob Strauss; they are going to run like rats. Napolitano has to go… Reid, Frank and Pelosi..every one of them!!!

  5. live oak
    June 20th, 2009 @ 9:25 pm

    One more thing…has anyone got any word about James Schneller’s case in the Supreme Court in PA? I was able to get the docket up but that’s all. I am a novice at the computer.

  6. redd
    June 20th, 2009 @ 10:30 pm
  7. Larry
    June 21st, 2009 @ 12:37 am

    Very Good Article. Lets get more articles published on more sites and papers. Take a look Mary, and do some research. Learn something.

  8. RobK
    June 21st, 2009 @ 1:19 am

    Dr. Taitz, I was listening to the Sean Hannity radio show on Friday and between 3:30 and 4:00 p.m. CST, he had Bernie Goldberg on, the author of “Slobbering Love Affair”. Bernie was trying to make his point that Conservatives should point out the good Obama is doing, while Hannity stated to Goldberg he would if Obama had done anything right. Hannity then asked Goldberg to name 1 thing Obama has done right and Goldberg didn’t and couldn’t answer it and dodged the question on multiple occasions. The conversation turned into an argument and Goldberg then said to Hannity: “You should stop covering the little things that don’t matter”. Hannity then said “Everything I cover is big. I don’t cover the Birth Certificate issue”. Then, I tuned everything out after I heard Hannity say that. As of Friday, I will never watch or listen to Sean Hannity’s shows because he doesn’t seem to think a huge violation of the U.S. Constitution is a “Big Thing”. I will be writing him regarding this and will be voicing my opinion. Unbelievable!

  9. the phoenix
    June 21st, 2009 @ 1:22 am

    Are they moving forward to indict him? I heard about the 29th Oh God please, How can our justices beholding to their oaths and treasonists to us and our country do this? Is anyone accountable for us? Is the military as your piece says taking steps to stop him? I want them all in prisonWhen can we get our country back and the Fed shut down! I’ve heard of cases all over the country are they progressing before it is too late? Please keep us informed, Orly get on Glenn Beck and scream this to our nation.

  10. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    June 21st, 2009 @ 2:14 am

    I talked to 2 reporters recently, National magazines. third reporter called, but I sent him to hell, as he totally distorted the facts before and tried to show me as a racist and antisemitic.

  11. Ernest Serano
    June 21st, 2009 @ 3:09 am

    There is something very wrong when the most prominate conservative radio shows like Hannity and Rush will not wholeheartedly cover the elgibility issue on Obama. This just goes to show that we the people really need to lead the way with our grass roots efforts and eventually as the momemtum grows more and more this issue will not be ignored so easily. It seems that half of the voting public now knows and is being interested on the subject. I am finding that coworkers and aquintances and strangers are mostly not happy with Obama and i really have only met two people who thinks he is doing the good for the country. Keep on talking about the issues becuae that is our best way to educate others who aren’t hearing the facts on the news.

  12. Ernest Serano
    June 21st, 2009 @ 3:27 am

    I also have to add that since Obama could not have been elected without the media going out of their way to help him and since they will not cover the elgibility issue or any other negative story about him, then perhaps we need to boycott them. We should start with our local news affilates and tell them thaht if they will not cover the elgibility isuue now then we will boycott any advetizer on their station or newspaper. We must do this to really hold them accuntable. They will only listen if their existance is treatened economically. Why should we help them make a profit when they are against telling people the facts? We can get our news from the internet which is the best forum for it anyways and read your local Big Nickle or Pennysaver for ads. I’d like some feedback on this please.

  13. Ddavis
    June 21st, 2009 @ 9:23 am

    Did it ever occur to anyone why so many conservatives and Republicans are leery of touching the birth certificate issue?

    There is a Republican Governor named Bobby Jindal. As I understand things, Bobby Jindal was born in the USA less than nine months after his parents immigrated from India. Republicans could find themselves dealing with a yet another “natural born citizen” issue and a Governor who is not Constitutionally eligible to be President.

    Republicans have faced questions of natural born citizenship status with two previous Presidential candidates. John McCain was born in Panama to U.S. citizen parents during his father’s Navy service and Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona before it became a state.

  14. live oak
    June 21st, 2009 @ 12:10 pm

    Jindal can’t be president and he knows it.

  15. bill
    June 21st, 2009 @ 2:40 pm

    Since Ernest Serano ask for feedback,here it is.
    Yes Mr. Serano,you are quite right about the effectiveness of
    boycotting products that MSMs are paid to promote but I might add that the buying public must also look up these vendors and tell them exactly why they refuse to buy these products.This in itself is a time consuming task but absolutely necessary to get the advertisers to stop paying for ineffectual advertising.When the money stops,the MSMs will get right and return to journalism instead of entertainment.I have done this but NOT enough.If enough people buy in to this boycott,we can help folks like Dr.Taitz and the Grand jurys as they try to help us.If we choose to do nothing,then shame on us.Thank you for your post.

  16. Gary
    June 21st, 2009 @ 3:46 pm

    I agree…Jindal is not constitutionally qualified…as am I …as are my sons who were born in the United States but their mother was not naturalized until about 8 to 10 years after their birth. No exceptions for anyone PERIOD, Especially Barry Soetoro who perpetrated election fraud and is a known criminal and political thug and is now intent on destroying America from within. The Constitution must be respected and upheld at all costs.

  17. RobK
    June 21st, 2009 @ 11:33 pm

    Were Jindal’s parents Naturalized Citizens? If so, Jindal is Natural Born if he was born here. And Ddavis, the State Department sets the standards of Natural Born Citizenship and John McCain, although born in the Panama Canal Zone, is in fact natural born per the State Department standards. Goldwater was also ruled Natural Born via State Department definitions. So why did the Senate certify John McCain in September of 2008 as a Natural Born Citizen, while the puke Obama wasn’t certified. Because Obama blew off proving his eligibility and is now guilty of a crime. He needs to resign immediately.

  18. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    June 22nd, 2009 @ 2:25 am

    Jindal’s parents were on a student visa from India when he was born and therefor he is not eligible, just like Obama. I like Bobby Jindel and he can be a good governor or a secretary in an administration-say secretary of treasury, but he cannot be the president or vice president