

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

A letter from supporter telling the candidates thaey will not get a cent in donations until they stand up and demand subpoena of all of Obama’s records

Posted on | March 9, 2011 | 10 Comments

Florence Stone

I am mailing back 8 more requests for money to impeach/expose Obama today. Five are in ‘postage paid’ envelopes. I will need to put 44 cent stamps on the other 3. Each envelope contains Orly’s letter to Obama following his AZ shooting speech, and my cover letter as follows:

You continue to send mail requesting funds from me, yet, you fail to address the number one failure of this administration: to properly vet Barack Hussein Obama aka Barry Soetoro.

Adopted by Lolo Soetoro, he was named Barry Soetoro, became a citizen of Indonesia. He attended schools, and a document exists that shows Obama was an Indonesian citizen and that his religion was Muslim.

Congress refuses to address the eligibility of this man; the courts say it is not for them to investigate, but that of Congress; Darrell Issa, heading the Oversight Committee to uncover corruption in this administration, and who was given subpoena power, refuses to address this issue, saying it doesn’t fall under the scope of his duties.

The only person actively working on exposing this man is Orly Taitz, Esq., who tries to fund her fight with her dental business and donations from people like myself. Every penny I can spare each month, goes to Orly. None of the rest of you will get a penny from me until you UNITE behind Orly and support her in her effort to save America from Socialism and Communism. If America falls, there will be no other country where a person can go to find FREEDOM.


Florence Stone
Winston, OR 97496


10 Responses to “A letter from supporter telling the candidates thaey will not get a cent in donations until they stand up and demand subpoena of all of Obama’s records”

  1. Redd
    March 9th, 2011 @ 4:19 pm

    dunham says he was born in hawaii…what else can he say? [try releasing long form like mccain]…

  2. Alexander Gofen
    March 9th, 2011 @ 7:44 pm

    These are letters I have sent many times.




    Feel free to copy, rephrase and send them in your name.

  3. Anonymous
    March 9th, 2011 @ 10:15 pm



    SHAME ON THE STATE DEPARTMENT: The Mario Marroquin Story – How War Veterans and Other Citizens “Born In A House” Are Denied Passports Despite Having Birth Certificates.
    Posted in Uncategorized on February 21, 2011 by naturalborncitizen

    In an act of unparalleled hypocrisy and disgrace, Obama’s Department of State continues to deny passports to some US citizens who were “born in a house” on US soil – and not in a hospital or other “appropriate medical facility” – despite the fact that they possess long form birth certificates featuring more factual proof of birth in the US than President Obama’s COLB.


    Mario Marroquin is a one hundred percent, service connected, Disabled American Veteran who served two tours of duty in Vietnam and another in Desert Storm. He was born in Alice, Texas in 1942 and has resided there his entire life. Mr. Marroquin’s father was also born in Alice, Texas. And he too resided there his whole life. Mario’s grandfather was also born in Alice, Texas. Mario informed me that his family has lived in Texas since before there was a United States.

    Mario Marroquin gave ten years to his country. As a result, he was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam and now has cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory illness, and a host of other ailments all of which are diagnosed to have been caused by the vile chemical exposure.

    When Mario was born in Alice, Texas in 1942, a long form birth certificate was issued to his parents – in their home – by the medical doctor who delivered him into this world. Mario presented this birth certificate to the military as identification when he enlisted and it was accepted by the government as proper ID.

    In 2000, Mario applied for a US Passport because he wanted to fulfill a dream to visit Peru and to see the Incan ruins. But the State Department denied his passport application because he was born in a house. Had he been born in a hospital and birthed by that same medical doctor, there would have been no problem. But since he was born in a house, the State Department claimed that his parents were required to bring the BC to a courthouse for registration despite the fact that the medical doctor who signed it was authorized to issue birth certificates for children born at home.

    The State Department never returned Mario’s birth certificate to him. And they continue to deny him a passport. To this day, he is not considered a citizen by the State Department. He is deeply hurt and insulted that the US Government would strip him of his citizenship and confiscate his birth certificate, the same document accepted by the military when he enlisted.

    So Mario began a letter writing campaign to state and federal representatives. But nobody returned his letters.

    Then, on August 16, 2008, Manuel De La Rosa from KIII, an ABC news affiliate, issued a report on Mr. Marroquin. While the video report has been removed from the kiiiTV.com web site, the text of the story was reprinted by VA Watchdog, and mentioned at Democratic Underground.

    There are very few details listed in the one paragraph report, so I contacted Mario Marroquin yesterday, Sunday Feb. 20, 2011. We spoke for more than an hour on the telephone and Mario graciously answered my questions, provided a few documents by fax, and agreed to allow me to publish his story.

    Among many other decorations, Mario Marroquinn’s unit was awarded the prestigious Presidential Unit Citation. And he has been honorably discharged three times. He votes in every election. It is undeniable that this man has led a more patriotic life as a US citizen than most of us ever will. But when he applied for a US Passport in the year 2000, he was denied because the State Department determined his birth certificate – which was good enough for the military – was not good enough to establish US citizenship despite the fact that his family has lived in Alice, Texas for multiple generations.

    Finally, after trying to establish his US citizenship for more than nine years, on December 16, 2009, Senator John Cornyn wrote back to Mr. Marroquin indicating that he had made an inquiry with the State Department:

    “Thank you for providing me with your signed Privacy Form. I have made an inquiry on your behalf and will contact you again as soon as I receive a reply.

    I appreciate having the opportunity to represent you in the United States and to be of service in this matter.”

    On December 30, 2009, Mario wrote back requesting that Senator Cornyn sponsor him for citizenship, stating:

    “Please let me know if you can help a disabled vet be recognized as a citizen.”

    Unfortunately, Mario Marroquin has not heard another word from Senator Cornyn or the State Department. And his birth certificate remains confiscated in the hands of the State Department.

    Before I go any further, I want to add that Mr. Marroquin told me, “I’m not a birther, Leo.” And I told him that I am not a birther either. Readers of this blog know that I believe Obama was born in the United States but that despite his place of birth, the President was a dual citizen owing allegiance to a foreign nation and that is why I do not believe he is eligible.

    Regardless, the President, who is Commander In Chief, should be under at least as much scrutiny to prove citizenship as veterans of foreign wars. Since, as you will see below, a COLB from Texas or California isn’t prima facie proof of US citizenship according to the State Department, the President ought to submit to the same exact scrutiny as the citizens of Texas and California. A true Statesman would step up and put the issue behind him and the nation rather than drag it out for America to suffer over and be distracted by. This is especially true in light of the double standard which is established in this report.

    While President Obama has not offered a single document to prove that he wasn’t born in a house, the State Department continues to deny Mario a passport because he was born in a house. The Marroquin family is well known in Alice, Texas for over a hundred years. This is not the case of a fake midwife delivery. This veteran was – without question – born in Texas and that birth was documented on a long form birth certificate signed by a licensed medical doctor.

    On the other hand, we have President Obama, a dual citizen at birth, born — exactly where??? Somewhere in Honolulu apparently. Birthed by whom? We have no idea if it was a doctor, midwife or whatever. We just don’t know. Yet he is eligible to be President and to command our armed forces, while Mario Marroquin is denied a passport. That’s hypocrisy defined.

    Obama’s State Department fails to recognize Mario as a citizen despite his offering a long form birth certificate, a doctor’s signature and multiple witnesses to his birth in Texas notwithstanding his valor in the line of duty protecting this nation. The State Department is practicing its very own form of birtherism. The State Department doesn’t feel comfortable giving Mario and others like him a passport to travel out of the country with. The reason cited in a video interview with a State Department representative is…wait for it…national security. Please look at the picture above of Mario Marroquin – a man whom the State Department considers a potential national security threat – NOT ELIGIBLE FOR A PASSPORT – NOT A CITIZEN – NOT PROPERLY DOCUMENTED.

    Who’s guilty of being an insane conspiracy theorist now?


    Esmerelda Cazares.

    On August 20, 2010, KGET TV-17 ran a story about Esmerelda Cazares, another war veteran, born in Los Angeles, birthed by a mid-wife. She has lived in the U.S. her whole life, but the government won’t allow her a passport because they say she doesn’t have enough proof of citizenship. Cazares had been trying to get a passport issued for five years when the story ran on KGET, but because her Los Angeles birth certificate – issued by the county of Los Angeles – was delayed, she was denied a passport.

    Unfortunately for Cazares, her delayed birth certificate, Social Security card and service in the US military are not enough to prove her citizenship to Obama’s State Department.
    ANOTHER RED FLAG = birth records registered a few days after birth.

    President Obama’s COLB has just such a red flag. According to his COLB, he was born on August 4th, 1961. But that same COLB lists “date filed by registrar” as August 8th, 1961. Since his COLB is delayed by less than one year, the State Department won’t automatically reject it as a fraud, but it’s still a red flag.
    On January 2, 2010, Jazmine Uloa wrote an article published by The Brownsville Herald concerning a class action suit brought against the Customs and Border Patrol by persons held for long hours at ports of entry in South Texas and denied entry into the country after they presented US birth certificates registered by midwives. Towards the end of that report, Uloa mentions that midwife birth is not the only red flag used by the State department:

    “Others whose applications remain in question are U.S. citizens, mostly seniors, who have delayed birth certificates, or documents registered a few days after their births as was customary in the past.”

    (This article by Juloa was republished in its entirety by Thomas Esparza, Jr., a Board Certified Immigration and Nationality Law Specialist.)
    Obama’s COLB contains a red flag since it was registered a few days after his birth. And the COLB doesn’t indicate if he was born in a hospital, a house, or a midwife’s office.

    Silvario Vasquez and Felix Rodriguez.

    On August 29, 2009, Time Magazine ran a video report concerning the plight of US citizens born in Texas by midwives. The story highlighted the State Department’s denial of passports to two veterans. One of them – Silvario Vasquez – had been a US Customs and Border Patrol agent for 29 years. Furthermore, his birth certificate was good enough proof of citizenship for him to have been drafted and sent to Vietnam, but it wasn’t good enough for the State Department to recognize him as a citizen and grant him a passport.

    The Time Magazine video actually shows the official long form birth certificates of Mr. Vasquez and another war veteran, Felix Rodriguez.
    Time also interviewed Brenda Sprague, Deputy Assistant for Passport Services, on behalf of the State Department. She comments that due to various midwife scandals in the past, people from border communities – including veterans of foreign wars – were required to provide extra proof of US citizenship:

    “So suddenly people in the border communities were faced with this need to document themselves, and they had birth documentation which was, on its face, not as simple or compelling as it might have been.”

    Mr. Vasquez was particularly upset because, as he points out in the video, he was drafted at the height of the Vietnam war based upon the federal government’s awareness of his citizenship status and birth certificate.

    The official comments by the State Department are hypocritical in the extreme considering the failure of President Obama to completely document the circumstances of his birth with the American people. The State Department sure seem like a bunch of rabid birthers to me. They are citing the same issue as birthers – national security. Here is the Obama administration’s official position as stated by Sprague to Time:

    “In the aftermath of 911, a decision was made that we had to take steps to regularize the documentation requirements for crossing our land borders… This is not a moral judgment, this is a legal judgment. And my heart goes out to people who are caught in this…Nevertheless, people get passports who are US citizens. Not because they’re good people, and not because they love America. Because they are US citizens.”

    National security. Those who question Obama’s eligibility to be Commander In Chief are ridiculed by main stream media stooges and certain members of the House and Senate while decorated war veterans are left groping around in the dark begging to be recognized as US citizens. The State Department won’t give them a US Passport and won’t acknowledge that they are US citizens – in the cause of national security.

    All of this goes on under the guidance of President Obama whose birth records contain red flags the State Department sometimes marks for extra scrutiny.
    Compare the amount of evidence produced by Mario Marroquin to what Obama has offered and it’s not even close. Mario Marroquin and others like him have proved that they are US citizens with their blood and their birth records and established community histories. Some, like Silvario Vasquez (who was finally granted a passport after his story got legs) were drafted based upon these documents, but their applications were flagged for denial by the State Department. That is the absolute pinnacle of bureaucratic depravity.

    The following was posted at the Baby Center Community blog on August 27, 2010:

    4 of my siblings and I were born at home and of course received a state of TX birth certificate.

    My older sister recently applied for a passport and sent in all of the paperwork including a copy of her birth certificate as required. She received a letter back from the passport office that since she was not born in an “appropriate medical facility” her birth certificate was not valid proof of U.S. citizenship. WTH!

    “Appropriate medical facility”? What’s that? I can’t find any federal regulation for it. But when concerned citizens – aka birthers – point out that there is no evidence in Obama’s COLB that he was born in a hospital, the anti-birther response has always been that no law requires a person to be born in a hospital. But in practice, the Obama State Department will tag birth in a house as a red flag.

    Now consider that former Hawaii elections clerk – Tim Adams – has signed an affidavit swearing he was told by his supervisors in Hawaii that no long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate existed for Barack Obama Jr. in Hawaii and that neither Queens Medical Center nor Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu had any record of Obama having been born in their medical facilities.

    If Obama wasn’t born in a hospital, that’s a big red flag for the State Department. And in Mario Marroquin’s case, that fact alone was enough to deprive him of a passport and official status as a US citizen.

    The following was posted in the Missouri “City-Data Forum” on March 1, 2010:

    I am looking for the name of my midwife who practiced in Mountain Home Arkansas in 1984. I am needing to get info regarding my daughter’s birth for her passport because they are not excepting her birth certificate.

    We have moved many times and I cannot find any records with her name on it. I birthed my daughter in the basement of a church in Gainesville, Missouri.

    So the State Department’s policy of red flagging birth certificates of people born in a house appears to be nationwide, not just in Texas and California.

    The bogus mantra spouted by main stream media propagandists like CNN’s Anderson Cooper – that a COLB is universally accepted as proof of US citizenship for passport issuance – is unequivocally false propaganda bunk. All one needs to refute said bunk is the Department of State website, which states:

    *A certified birth certificate has a registrar’s raised, embossed, impressed or multicolored seal, registrar’s signature, and the date the certificate was filed with the registrar’s office, which must be within 1 year of your birth. Please note, some short (abstract) versions of birth certificates may not be acceptable for passport purposes.

    See that reference to “short (abstract) versions of birth certificates”, that’s a direct reference to a COLB.

    § 51.42 of the Federal Regulations lists the required documentary proof for a passport as follows:

    § 51.42 Persons born in the United States applying for a passport for the first time.

    (a) Primary evidence of birth in the United States. A person born in the United States generally must submit a birth certificate. The birth certificate must show the full name of the applicant, the applicant’s place and date of birth, the full name of the parent(s), and must be signed by the official custodian of birth records, bear the seal of the issuing office, and show a filing date within one year of the date of birth.

    Taken at face value, this appears to qualify any person with such a COLB for a passport. However, if you read the regulations a bit further:

    § 51.45 Department discretion to require evidence of U.S. citizenship or non-citizen nationality.

    The Department may require an applicant to provide any evidence that it deems necessary to establish that he or she is a U.S. citizen or non-citizen national, including evidence in addition to the evidence specified in 22 CFR 51.42 through 51.44.

    By reading § 51.45 in conjunction with the State Department’s reference to not accepting “short (abstract) versions”, the propaganda being force fed to the nation – which alleges universal acceptance of COLB’s is proof of US citizenship for passport purposes – is exposed as fraud by the Government’s own regulations. While some COLB’s may pass the smell test, if your COLB is from Texas or California, it definitely will NOT be accepted as proof of citizenship without further scrutiny.

    Passport Visa Express.com is a professional expediting company officially recognized and registered with the U.S. Passport Agency. At their web site, it states:

    “Applicants born in California or Texas MUST submit a Long-Form Birth Certificate; short forms or abstract birth certificates are UNACCEPTABLE

    The stories of Mexican-American citizens denied passports because they were born to midwives in Texas and California are certainly well known. And the Obama administration continued to deny a passport to all persons birthed in Texas and California by midwives until the ACLU sued them.

    The Government eventually settled the case by waiving extra fees for those forced to re-apply, and by promising to take a closer look at these passport applications, rather than simply rejecting them outright as frauds – which had been the policy all along. But a short form abstract (aka COLB) from Texas or California is still not considered prima facie proof of citizenship.

    As a result of the ACLU’s law suit, the government agreed to take a closer look into such an applicant’s birth history and to provide screeners with a uniform review procedure that subjects these applicants to greater scrutiny. But official policy still holds that a COLB from Texas or California, by itself, does not establish US Citizenship.

    This is because §51.45 gives discretion to the State Department to require more evidence of US citizenship than is listed in 51.42 for those who set off red flags with passport screeners. But it’s important to note that 51.45 also gives discretion to the State Department to accept whatever evidence it deems necessary to establish citizenship. So if the State Department wanted to, it could provide Mario Marroquin and other veterans holding long form birth certificates with passports.

    Please hold candidates for President up to the same standards as is required by the State Department for all citizens.
    Texas is one of the states which has drafted legislation – House Bill 295 – requiring an original birth certificate for listing candidates for President and VP on ballots.

    Since the Obama administration won’t honor the COLB’s of person’s born in Texas, why should Texas honor Obama’s COLB?

    Please contact legislators in those states with pending birther bills and forward this report to them. The sentence above provides an important soundbite. Any votes sitting on the fence might be interested.


    Please call on Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn to help Mario Marroquin and other veterans have their US citizenship status restored in the nation to which they have risked their lives in protection thereof.

    Happy Presidents day. Comments are open.

    by Leo Donofrio, Esq.

    Pidgeon & Donofrio GP

    Old Federal Building
    3002 Colby Avenue, Suite 306
    Everett, Washington 98201

    contact: leo_donofrio2000@yahoo.com

  4. Veritas
    March 10th, 2011 @ 3:49 am


  5. Starla
    March 10th, 2011 @ 10:53 am

    MUST SEE!!





    “For an ambitious and savvy politician Barack Obama has not chosen his friends wisely.

    They include an assortment of influence peddlers, terrorists, and Iraqi billionaires…”

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Lawless Daily Serial Criminals flock together to commit their evil & completely lawless crimes against humanity. The 100% Completely Corrupt, 100% Completely Lawless, 100% Daily Serial Criminal, B. Hussein Obama, his accomplices, & his entire 100% corrupt & completely lawless, & 100% illegal & illegitimate administration, & the Daily Serial Criminal, George Soros & others MUST BE IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED & IMMEDIATELY STOPPED TO LITERALLY SAVE THE USA & THE AMERICAN PEOPLE FROM THEIR 100% OUT OF CONTROL, 100% COMPLETELY LAWLESS, 100% MASSIVE DAILY SERIAL CRIMINAL ANTI-AMERICAN RACKTEERING FRAUDS, SEDITIONS, FELONIES, HIGH CRIMES, & HIGH TREASONS.

  6. Starla
    March 10th, 2011 @ 10:58 am



    By Gina Miller
    March 10th, 2011


    “Our state leaders are really stepping up to the plate under the realization that those in the federal government cannot be relied upon to follow or uphold the United States Constitution, so the state leaders are taking action to do so themselves. We’re seeing flurries of legislation at the state level that seek to uphold our country’s immigration laws. We’re also seeing states challenge the unconstitutional federal health care deform law, as well as states proposing anti-Shariah legislation to prevent the spread of unconstitutional Islamic Shariah law in America.

    We’re also seeing states propose legislation that would force potential presidential candidates to prove their constitutional eligibility to hold the office of president of the United States before being allowed on the ballot. This is in response to the criminal negligence that was displayed by all relevant, acting authorities during the 2008 presidential election, which saw Barack Obama avoid establishing his eligibility to hold the office of president. (snip).

    Michele Bachmann said that we should take Obama at his word, and John Boehner basically said the same thing. Take him at his word?! Do I really need to point out the ridiculousness of that statement in regard to this situation? Putting aside the fact that it would be hard to tally up all the lies Obama has told, since when do we conduct legal transactions based on someone’s word? You don’t prove your constitutional eligibility to hold the office of president of the United States by simply saying you’re qualified. Try just “giving your word” about your personal information the next time you want to get a passport or renew your driver’s license, and see how that works for you.

    It looks like it’s going to be on the states to step up in the next election to stop Obama from being allowed on the ballot if he is unable to prove his credentials. I hope that as the second half of this wicked administration unfolds, more and more members of the state and federal governments will be emboldened to fearlessly state the truth about the obvious absence of Obama’s proof of constitutional eligibility to be president of the United States.

    Obama must not be allowed to squat for a second term in the presidency. I don’t believe our country could survive another four years of the Marxist Obama administration.”

    Read More Here:


  7. Starla
    March 10th, 2011 @ 11:12 am


    By Andrew Walden
    March 8, 2011


    “At a March 3 news conference in San Antonio, Texas, CHICAGO-BASED REPORTERS PEPPERED OBAMA WITH SOME OF THE QUESTIONS THE NATIONAL NEWS CORPS HAS AVOIDED FOR OVER A YEAR. OBAMA CLAIMS HE HAD ALREADY ANSWERED THE QUESTIONS IN THE CHICAGO MEDIA. He said: “These requests, I think, could just go on forever. At some point, what we need to try to do is respond to what’s pertinent.” (snip).

    Reporters, however, had a different idea of what was pertinent, and the questions about Rezko, NAFTA and other unpleasant subjects continued to come. An aide called out ‘last question,’ and Obama made his move for the exit — only for reporters to shout after him in protest. ‘C’mon, guys,’ he pleaded. ‘I just answered, like, eight questions.'”

    Obama has refused to sit down at length with the Chicago reporters who have worked this story for years. But as Milbank pointed out, “The questioning…has only just begun.” With old-time Chicago corruption now going international-and Presidential–finding those answers is more urgent than ever.

    Read More Here:


  8. Starla
    March 10th, 2011 @ 11:45 am

    A Comment From:


    “jacqlynsmith | March 10, 2011 at 2:04 am

    EXCLUSIVE WORLD PREMIERE ~ Ben Bernanke: Public Enemy #1 – Mr. Big Shot (Music Video).
    Ben Shalom Bernanke is wanted for violating the United States Constitution, committing acts of financial terrorism and crimes against humanity. As a leading member of the Global Banking Cartel, he is considered a highly dangerous enemy combatant. Citizens of the United States hereby demand that he be properly detained under the laws and customs of war.

    In this new music video, for the song “Mr. Big Shot” by Pilot Rai, we feature leading members of the Global Banking Cartel: Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner and Jamie Dimon. We also feature the cartel’s puppet president, Barack Obama.

    Video includes an exclusive audio clip from a censored interview that David DeGraw did with a leading US media outlet. Amp up the volume and click play…”



    We Know Who Is Responsible For It.

    Yet No One Is Held Accountable.

    They Are Still In Positions Of Power.

    Financial Coup.

    Financial Terrorism……”

    MUST SEE!!


  9. Starla
    March 10th, 2011 @ 12:08 pm

    A Comment From:


    March 9, 2011 at 7:26 am

    I cannot begin to fathom why most every judge, politician and government official is so willing to ignore, bend and break the very law and system they have take a solemn oath to uphold, simply to protect that worthless, two-bit fraud currently squatting in We The People’s house. For what all he has done to our great country, he really is a piece human garbage who should be kicked to the curb alongside the many other sacks of trash cluttering up Washington, DC.

    Most of them must know in their hearts that something is very wrong and that their precious Pied Piper is actuality an ineligible usurper. Why do they continue to tolerate it, many willingly so? May the whole lot of them be given due process and be judiciously trash-compacted into the smallest, dankest, darkest prison cell.

    If it is race riots they fear, I say “bring it” for it’s long past time to cleanse ourselves of those who support divisive, thuggish race-based tribalism over melting-pot America’s belief in equal opportunity for all (I say this as a true “Heinz 57″ main-stream American mutt who feels not even the slightest twinge of bogus, so-called white guilt).

    If it is utter destruction of the dollar by the Soros-Saudi cabal that holds them hostage in fearful inaction, then I say I would rather live (or die) as a free sovereign Citizen in abject poverty than squirm under the oppressive thumb of new world order socialism.

    Is there not one freshman Tea Party senator or representative who loves his or her country enough to brave the derision of the regime-stream media and defend the Constitution by demanding and/or instigating investigations of Obama and his enablers? What unbelievable depths of depravity has our once great country fallen to.”

  10. Starla
    March 10th, 2011 @ 12:12 pm

    Some Comments From:


    “True Patriot
    March 9, 2011 at 7:38 am




    * * * * * * * * * *

    March 9, 2011 at 8:34 pm

    Amen, True Patriot! This fraudulent Muslim POS, he is getting desperate, obviously.
    I have almost lost hope in any justice. It is time to choose a side. Between him and all of his Muslim buddies, it is almost inevitable. It is going to happen here on our soil. Simply to preserve our freedom. We let this happen,
    we have to fix things. To share some info, Newt Gingrich is totally for the NWO, he is Obama and Hillary all over again, watch You Tube,”The Real Newt Gingrich Part 1″ by the John Birch Society, the bastard. At hand, here we have enough on our plate at present. TAKE THIS MUSLIM PLANT OUT OF OUR WHITEHOUSE, HE IS ILLEGAL. ARREST HIM. TALK TO YOU SOON.”

    * * * * * * * * * *

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