
Judge Hanen issues orders simultaneously in States’ and Taitz case. In States’ case he ordered Gov. officials to court for possible civil sanctions, in Taitz’s case he wrote that if defendants are intentionally infecting people with drug resistant TB, civil sanctions will be the LEAST of the Government problems

Johnson, immigration brass ordered to Texas court… www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2015/07/johnson… Jul 06, 2015 ยท A federal judge up in arms about non-compliance with a court order blocking President Barack Obama’s recent executive actions on immigration is demanding … Taitz v Johnson Order for the government to produce records Taitz v Johnson Memorandum to order to produce records

Breaking News! Press release: TX Judge, who ruled to stop Obama amnesty, to rule on Motion by Attorney Orly Taitz for sanctions due to Obama’s intentional release from DHS detention of illegal aliens with deadly infectious diseases. Obama’s response is due by May 1st.

Press release Law Offices of Orly Taitz TX Judge, who ruled to stop Obama amnesty, to rule on Motion by Attorney Orly Taitz for sanctions due to Obama’s intentional release from DHS detention of illegal aliens with deadly infectious diseases. Attorney Orly Taitz filed in July of 2014 her leagal action against Barack Obama, Sec […]