
Trump must be celebrating, Biden picks Kamala Harris as his VP, a woman who built her career by sleeping with a much older married mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown.

Wow! compare Trump’s VP, Mike Pence, who has a great experience in governing, was a successful governor of Indiana and a long time congressmen. Kamala Harris built her career by sleeping with a much older mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown. Brown reportedly bought her a BMW, put her on two public boards where she […]

Presumptive Independent candidate Howard Schultz contradicts Kamala Harris states that we cannot afford Medicare for all

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who is worth estimated 3.5 billion dollars, announced that he is seriously considering a run for Pres in 2020 as an Independent. Schultz is a life-long Dem. He blasted both parties for wasteful spending, states that the debt is the number one threat to the US and on this point I […]