
188 Republican congressman (81%) oppose funding of Obama-amnesty. Boehner and 44 treasonous Republicans join treasonous Democrats to fund Obama amnesty and rob millions of Americans of their jobs when 92 million adult Americans are not working and rob the US taxpayers of trillions of taxpayer dollars. Send a fax to Congress, demand to add express exclusion from the 2015 budget for any action in pursuit of amnesty

Does John Boehner Think You’re Stupid?… The House Just Voted To Castigate Barack Obama Over His Unlawful Amnesty Decree… But A Vote To FUND That Same Amnesty Decree Is Only Hours Away. And yes, Boehner and a number of GOP Elites are not only going to vote to FUND Obama’s Executive Amnesty, they’re actually whipping […]

Call every GOP congressman, tell him to stop Boehner from committing treason and allowing Obama amnesty! Tell them to vote “NO” on Boehner funding bill, vote to throw Boehner out of speakership, vote for true American patriot, Steve King, for Speaker of the House in 114 th Congress, remove Kevin McCarthy from the position of the GOP leader

[Watch] Jeff Sessions – Boehner Funding Amnesty – Bill Will Allow Obama To Move Money Around To Do It  

18 states file with the same judge similar arguments to stop Obama’s lawless treasonous amnesty. Call your governors, demand that they join the law suit. We need all 50 states suing Americans hating charlatan, Obama, for his massive theft of US jobs and benefits

Immigration debates rise in Brownsville Brownsville Herald  – ‎11 hours ago‎ Next came a lawsuit brought by Texas and 16 other states challenging President Barack Obama’s executive actions. Both lawsuits were filed in federal court in Brownsville.   Taitz v Johnson order by Judge Hanen for Obama, Johnson,Burwell to provide information to the court Taitz […]

Press release: Judge to rule on petition ordering Obama to produce the executive order, which cannot be found and the court to rule on constitutionality on Obama’s immigration order

Press release Law offices of Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Judge to rule on petition  ordering Obama to produce the executive order on shield from deportation and work permits to 5 million illegals, which cannot be found, and the court to rule on constitutionality of Obama’s immigration order DR. ORLY TAITZ, ESQ 29839 SANTA MARGARITA, STE […]

Great news! Second state announces, it will sue Thief Obama for his theft of millions of American jobs and trillions of dollars in stay of deportation and work permits for illegals. Call your AG, we need every state seeking an emergency stay, as well as budget exclusion and impeachment

Scott Pruitt, Attorney General of Oklahoma, joined Gregg Abbott, current Attorney General of Texas  and Governor elect of Texas in announcing an upcoming legal action to seek an emergency injunction to stop this totally lawless grant of protection from deportation, as well as grant of millions of jobs to millions of illegals by Thief-in-Chief, Obama. […]

GOP, don’t be stupid! You will fight in court to reopen the government, which will be shut by Obama. You will be the good guys, fighting for American people to stop thief Obama from stealing their jobs!

GOP, don’t be stupid! You will fight in court to reopen the government, which will be shut by Obama. You will be the good guys, fighting for American people to stop thief Obama from stealing their jobs! By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ The most important strategy today, is to explain to American people that GOP […]

Obama makes as much sense as a thief, who demands the keys of your car, so he can steal all of your belongings and get away in your car. GOP has to fund agency by agency and seek an injunctive relief, if Obama keeps closed fully funded agencies

Obama makes as much sense, as a thief who demands the keys of your car, so he can steal all of your belongings and get away in your car. GOP has to fund agency by agency and seek an injunctive relief, if Obama keeps closed fully funded agencies. If Obama shuts down the government, he […]

Debunking the myth: just as 74% of African Americans do not vote for Dems because they want to legalize people from Africa, similarly, 62% of Hispanics do not vote for Dems because they want legalization of millions of illegals, who would take their jobs. What is the real reason?

Debunking the myth: just as 74% of African Americans do not vote for Dems because they want to legalize people from Africa, similarly, 62% of Hispanics do not vote for Dems because they want legalization of millions of illegals, who would take their jobs. What is the real reason? By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Aside […]

No, we don’t want job outsourcing proponent, Carly Fiorina, as a US president

No, we don’t want job outsourcing proponent, Carly Fiorina, as a US president By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ Recently, FOX news started promoting Carly Fiorina, inviting her to appear on different shows, at which time she stated that she might run for president. Tea Party nation ran an article below arguing that Fiorina would be […]

Hispanic congressmen: you are not elected to the parliament of Mexico, we are elected to the US Congress, to represent US citizens, not invaders, stealing U.S. jobs and benefits

Today, far left Obama mouth piece, Candy Crowley of failing CNN network, invited three Hispanic current and former officials to her program “State of the Union”.  Among them were Congressman Xavier Becerra, former mayor of LA, Antonio Villaraigosa and former AG, Alberto Gonzales. Firstly, Villaraigosa was saying things that are flagrantly not true. For example, […]

Please, respond to this article by Obama operative, which is widely circulating on Yahoo.com. My answer is below

My Turn: Is Mitch McConnell evil or just plain stupid? Here is my response to this Yahoo.com article. Please, send your comments as well McConnell is not evil and not stupid. Obama is acting as a thief, he is stealing millions of American jobs in amnesty when 104 million Americans are not working (92 million […]

Call every member of Congress and demand a statement that they will seek immediate impeachment and removal from office of Obama, if he pulls his lawless executive order amnesty of millions of illegals. If they do not throw him out of WH for this treason, we will throw all of them out in 2 years

Obama Vows To Proceed With Executive Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants Steve Watson | McConnell: President is “Waving a red flag in front of a bull.”  64 Comments

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