
Here is the original “Concord Monitor” article by reporter Maddie Hanna, which was pulled by the regime (inconvenient truth?)

I need help in research.  I am preparing several cases now. We need such Usurper Obama ballot challenges in each and every state, we will burst this fraud and treason wide open. Supreme Court of the US will not be able to ignore 50 cases coming from the Supreme courts of 50 states, just as […]

Concord Monitor covers the hearing and the revolt by the State Representatives after Commission became complicit in Elections fraud, Forgery and Treason

View our complete coverage » Primary Circus 2012 More from Primary Circus 2012 » Primary Circus Orly Taitz challenges Obama’s U.S. citizenship Photo by John Tully / Monitor staff Orly Taitz, from California, questions a representative from the Secretary of State, Bill Gardner’s office regarding the primary ballot registration process.Purchase photo reprints at PhotoExtra » […]

Extremely important! Obama’s fate as a candidate in NH will be decided tomorrow!

Overnight my account with Network Solutions was hacked and body of all the articles posted yesterday was deleted. Also, somebody disabled the backup function on my Network Solutions server. So, there is no back up. I am reposting the complaint and exhibits and info on the tomorrow’s upcoming NH Elections Board hearing. I am getting really […]

NH presidential primary registration is over. No registered candidate on the ballot by name John Dummitt.

  NEW HAMPSHIRE William M. Gardner – Secretary of State   PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY The date of the upcoming Presidential Primary has not yet been determined  Statement on New Hampshire Presidential Primary Calendar by Secretary of State  William M. Gardner October 12, 2011 CANDIDATES FILED FOR PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY PRESS RELEASE REGARDING PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY FILING PERIOD September […]

latest articles

Supporter Asks for Campaign Donations for “Orly Taitz for Senate … www.thepostemail.com/…/supporter-asks-for-campaign-donations-fo… You +1’d this publicly. Undo 21 hours ago – PROMINENT ELIGIBILITY ATTORNEY PLANS TO CHALLENGE DIANNE FEINSTEIN FOR CA SENATE SEAT by Carolyn (Oct. 26, 2011) —To all Orly Taitz . Orly Taitz | Mediaite www.mediaite.com/tag/orly–taitz/Cached You +1’d this publicly. Undo 8 hours ago – […]

Thank you Mr. Hodge for kicking off my Senate campaign and for a special touch on the check

from my supporter Paul Humber

   Reply |PAUL G. HUMBER via yahoo.com to Prudence show details 8:01 AM (0 minutes ago) Help Dr. Orly Taitz take on Diane Feinstein. I have written my check ($100) and plan to mail today. Do I think she’ll win? I don’t know. I do know this that I have not given a penny to […]

now 56 news papers and magazines write about Rick Perry’s doubts about Obama’s eligibility

Rick Perry Tells Parade Mag ‘I Don’t Have Any Idea’ If President … ‎ You +1’d this publicly. Undo Mediaite – Tommy Christopher – 5 hours ago Just when you thought it was safe to take Orly Taitz off of your producer’s speed-dial, Texas Gov. and … Highly Cited: Rick Perry Isn’t Sure If Obama’s Birth Certificate […]

from Major General Paul Vallely, “CEO of Stand up America”, please, forward to all of your contacts. I attached General Vallely’s bio from WIKI

Paul E. Vallely From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the American military analyst. For the British journalist, see Paul Vallely. Vallely Paul E. Vallely is a retired US Army Major General and senior military analyst for Fox News. He served in Vietnam during the Vietnam War and retired […]

Please, call me at 949-683-5411, let me know, where this picture was published for the first time, where did it come from? It is definitely doctored, grandpa’s left hand is floating, not attached to the arm

Please, look at this certificate, that I was able to get  from the ‘Student clearing house?”. It shows Obama attending Columbia university from 09.01.1982-to 05.31.1983 only 9 month. How did he get a Columbia university degree with only 9 months attendance? Where was he from 06.01.1981 to 09.01.1982? Was the picture photoshopped in order to […]

from Sharon Rondeau, editor of “Post and E-mail”, second part of the interview

SECOND HALF OF INTERVIEW JUST OUT X InboxX  Reply |Sharon Rondeau to me show details 9:08 PM (5 hours ago) https://www.thepostemail.com/2011/09/26/orly-taitz-they-are-all-aware-that-crimes-are-being-committed/

from Tea Party Tribune

Message body https://www.teapartytribune.com/2011/09/26/12-us-senators-agree-to-meet-with-orly-taitz-about-obamas-allegedly-fraudulent-social-security-number/     Thank you all for your truly extraordinary contributions. Stay well. Gil

Join TN resident Fran MacLeran, demand congresswoman Marsha Blackburn to petition committee chairs and allow me to testify before Congress on SSA fraud committed by Obama. Demand your local sheriff to file charges.

Fran MacLeran to Margaret, me, Sharon show details 8:51 AM (5 minutes ago) Dear Ms. Tipton,   I am writing to let you know that I accept your acknowledgement, and that of Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, that you have been informed of a felony being committed by the Federal Employee named Barack Hussein Obama and you […]

Letter from Linda Jordan to Obama, demanding to explain mismatch in his Social Security number. Please, add your name in the thread to this post. I am adding mine

Letter from Linda Jordan to Obama I concur with Ms. Linda Jordan. Mr. Obama owes the whole nation some answers, why is he  using in his recent tax returns and his selective service certificate a Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was issued in the state, where he was never a resident and which according to […]

Obama regime is not letting citizens report SSN fraud by Obama, demand a congressional hearing on this issue

dianna burton Submitted on 2011/09/23 at 2:43pm tried to leave a fraud report and the site crashed.what can i do now? tried to leave a fraud report and the site crashed.what can i do now?  When you write and call Congressman Lamar Smith, chair of the Judicial Committee and file a SSN fraud complaint in 2 […]

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