

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

US Senate Examiner: Taitz is leading Senator Feinstein in Worldwide Google Searches: 33,100 per month Dr. Orly Taitz, only 27,100 Senator Feinstein. In the US Searches Taitz and Feinstein are tied with 27,000 searches per month.

Posted on | May 4, 2012 | 21 Comments

Feinstein, Taitz tied in Google searches

Michael McGuire's photo

US Senate Examiner

U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein and challenger Dr. Orly Taitz receive the same number of Google searches in an average month, according to Google’s AdWords Keyword Tool.

Within the United States, each receives 27,100 searches per month. When the rest of the world is included in the totals, Taitz leads with 33,100 and Feinstein’s remains the same.

Elizabeth Emken, endorsed by the California Republican Party, gets about 590 searches per month.

About two dozen are seeking two spots on the November ballot. Feinstein is presumed to be one. Who finishes second is impossible to predict. Most polls show the remaining candidates in a virtual tie.

Beginning this year, there are no partisan primaries in California, with the exception of the presidential race. In all other races, the top two finishers – regardless of party affiliation – will face each other in November.

Almost all candidates are unknown to the public and campaign spending by challengers is low.

Taitz is the best known challenger to Feinstein because of her fervent campaign to attempt to prove President Barack Obama was not born in the United States and is, consequently, ineligble to be president of the United States.


21 Responses to “US Senate Examiner: Taitz is leading Senator Feinstein in Worldwide Google Searches: 33,100 per month Dr. Orly Taitz, only 27,100 Senator Feinstein. In the US Searches Taitz and Feinstein are tied with 27,000 searches per month.”

  1. Extirpates
    May 16th, 2012 @ 11:40 am

    Dianne must have put the entire dimwit apparatus on computers to search for her name,on the other hand, politically left leaning google may have creatively adjusted the count.

  2. Starla
    May 16th, 2012 @ 12:27 pm


    May 16, 2012
    By Tim Powers


    “It seems very strange to me that Ms. Feinstein could demand the violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution on three separate occasions in one e-mail. The right to free speech, the right to free press, and the right to peaceably assemble. Senator Feinstein should sit down and read the very document that she swore to uphold, defend, and protect. Senator Feinstein gives new meaning to Nancy Pelosi’s term of “draining the swamp”.

    I urge all Tea Party Patriots to do what you can to help Dr. Taitz take out the trash. From Obama, right on down. Stay safe, and be aware of your surroundings.”

    Read The Entire Article Here:


    From: http://www.westernjournalism.com

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    May 16, 2012
    By Ron Reale

    Read the Entire Article Here:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  3. Starla
    May 16th, 2012 @ 12:29 pm


    May 9, 2012
    By Tara Servatius


    “pResident Obama has spent the last three years trying to figure out how to turn over Afghanistan to the Taliban without taking the political heat for it. In the process, the Obama Administration has committed a betrayal of our troops so stunning that anything done to them in or after Vietnam pales in comparison.

    While the Taliban kills our troops and innocent bystanders in Afghanistan, the Obama Administration is fighting to give them the one thing they can’t seem to win on the battle field: control over the whole country.


    “The only reason the Obama Administration has failed to put the Taliban in power in Afghanistan so far is because Taliban leaders refuse to make progress in peace talks that were supposed to “integrate” them into the national government. That is because Taliban leaders refuse to “negotiate” until Obama releases their buddies from Guantanamo. Problem is, Obama can’t do that without the approval of Congress. So he’s stuck releasing the lower level terrorist thugs our troops risk their lives to capture from our Afghan jails to placate the Taliban into negotiations.

    It is the ultimate betrayal not just of our troops, who spend their days battling the Taliban while the Obama Administration undermines them at the negotiating table, but of the Afghan people, who were led to believe they could freely elect the leaders who would govern them.

    If Obama and the State Department get their way, the Afghan people will once again have Taliban overlords forced upon them for the first time since 2001, when US troops gave their lives to set the Afghan people free of Taliban rule.

    If they succeed, our entire war effort there will have been for nothing. In fact, it’s worse than that. The Taliban would not only regain control of a centralized Afghan government, they’d also get something else they weren’t able to achieve when they controlled the country before the 2001 invasion: international recognition of a Taliban-run Afghan government.”

    Read The Entire Article Here:


  4. Starla
    May 16th, 2012 @ 12:32 pm


    May 9, 2012
    By Tara Servatius


    “pResident Obama has spent the last three years trying to figure out how to turn over Afghanistan to the Taliban without taking the political heat for it.

    In the process, the Obama Administration has committed a betrayal of our troops so stunning that anything done to them in or after Vietnam pales in comparison.

    While the Taliban kills our troops and innocent bystanders in Afghanistan, the Obama Administration is fighting to give them the one thing they can’t seem to win on the battle field: control over the whole country.”


    “The only reason the Obama Administration has failed to put the Taliban in power in Afghanistan so far is because Taliban leaders refuse to make progress in peace talks that were supposed to “integrate” them into the national government. That is because Taliban leaders refuse to “negotiate” until Obama releases their buddies from Guantanamo.

    Problem is, Obama can’t do that without the approval of Congress. So he’s stuck releasing the lower level terrorist thugs our troops risk their lives to capture from our Afghan jails to placate the Taliban into negotiations.

    It is the ultimate betrayal not just of our troops, who spend their days battling the Taliban while the Obama Administration undermines them at the negotiating table, but of the Afghan people, who were led to believe they could freely elect the leaders who would govern them.

    If Obama and the State Department get their way, the Afghan people will once again have Taliban overlords forced upon them for the first time since 2001, when US troops gave their lives to set the Afghan people free of Taliban rule.

    If they succeed, our entire war effort there will have been for nothing. In fact, it’s worse than that. The Taliban would not only regain control of a centralized Afghan government, they’d also get something else they weren’t able to achieve when they controlled the country before the 2001 invasion: international recognition of a Taliban-run Afghan government.”

    Read The Entire Article Here:


  5. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 1:46 pm

    Orly. You have problem with website? It hacked? Why my comments not going through?

  6. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 1:47 pm

    Orly. Maybe this comment go through?

  7. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 1:48 pm

    Orly. Comments going through with msn address but that not my address. my address is gmail or aol.

  8. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 1:51 pm

    Oh. Well. You not reply. I be back later. Bye Orly.

  9. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 2:24 pm

    PS. I hope you no go to jail.

  10. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 2:26 pm
  11. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 2:31 pm

    Hey Taitz! Why you where white coat in bottom picture? Why you smile at person in chair?

  12. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 2:31 pm

    Hey Taitz! Why you talk to Perry in photo? What he say?

  13. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 3:02 pm

    Why guy from Red October wanting to strike your sanctions?

  14. P. R. Hank
    May 16th, 2012 @ 3:03 pm

    Hey Taitz! No all my comments show up. Why this?

  15. George Castanza
    May 16th, 2012 @ 4:35 pm

    I’m not sure what the point of those google stats are.

    I think Bigfoot probably gets more hits than the two of you combined

  16. Starla
    May 16th, 2012 @ 6:30 pm


    Published: 11:25 PM 11/02/2011
    By Matthew Boyle – The Daily Caller


    “At least 34 members of Congress have called for Holder to resign immediately over the scandal.”


    “The crisis is here, and we’d better wake up,” Brewer said. “This is a wake up call, in regards to an arrogant, out-of-control federal government that isn’t enforcing the rule of law.”

    “We have people like Rob Krentz [an Arizona rancher] who has been murdered, Brian Terry, our Border Patrol agent who has been murdered, and in the meantime I’ve got citizens along the border and in Arizona, and probably throughout America, who have terrorized and robbed and we are not going to put up with it any longer,” Brewer added. […]

    Few mainstream outlets have published in-depth coverage of Operation Fast and Furious, and most have completely missed the rising number of calls in Congress for Holder’s immediate resignation.

    Brewer thinks that’s unacceptable; she told TheDC that’s why she goes after the “liberal media” in her book.

    “It’s the liberal media that never tells the story, they’re always on the defense, they’re always the ones that do the name-calling, but they never tell the story — they always want to push it back and be the liberal-leaning media,” Brewer said. “I mean they just don’t call. All they want to do is pour gas on the flames at a time when we are facing a crisis, of course, of violence, human grief and desperation.”

    Brewer thinks the media should be pushing, but aren’t, to uncover all Fast and Furious information and fighting for accountability of the officials responsible for it.

    “Then we have our federal government, if you will, enabling it south of the border? Something is wrong,” Brewer added. “Something is absolutely wrong and America is not going to stand for it.”

    Brewer said other officials in the Obama administration may also bear some responsibility for the results of Operation Fast and Furious. “I certainly have my suspicions, whether it be up the chain and down the chain,” Brewer said.

    “I think that we need to get our arms around this and whoever is at the top of that chain certainly needs to be held accountable and whoever’s below on that chain ought to be held accountable. And, I’m hoping in this great country of ours that’ll take place.”

    —-> Brewer also said California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s argument that gun control laws would have stopped Fast and Furious from happening is bogus. <—-

    “You know, here we go with the left-leaning politicians — that’s their answer to everything,” Brewer told TheDC. “It’s ridiculous. I’m so tired of them using that lame excuse for everything that happened that it’s just ridiculous to even comment on it.”


  17. The Phoenix
    May 16th, 2012 @ 11:41 pm

    If these numbers are right, then, it looks like you have lots of people who are now becoming more aware of what is going on, Orly! And this has to “snowball” as time goes on!!!

    And this is the type of support that will help you, as the elections move into Nov.

    Also, Orly, I just wanted to add this note: I just heard on Coast to Coast, that a Fox News Poll has Obama receiving 47% to Romneys 39%, if the election were held today!! I think that is B.S.!!

    But this doesn’t give anyone a clear picture, as to the validity of that poll, as it compares to Rassmussen or Gallup!! So that newsperson could be another Obot??!

  18. Ron (Dallas)
    May 18th, 2012 @ 8:46 am

    What in the world does that prove? Orly don’t worry you are miles ahead of her in ANY category.

  19. Darren Hankins
    May 18th, 2012 @ 7:44 pm

    Obama rock

  20. Marcelo
    May 19th, 2012 @ 5:03 am

    Dear Dr. Orly Taitz,

    Someone sent me an interesting information, which is below>>>

    The Communist agenda is no secret. We are in its path. It is running over us like a steamroller.

    Karl Marx (1818–1883) is best known not as a philosopher but as a revolutionary communist,
    whose works inspired the foundation of many communist regimes.

    He wrote a book on communiism called Forward. Today May 5 is his birthday.

    Barack Obama held his fThe theme of his reelection campaign is FORWARD. Is this just a coincidence…or is that intentional?irst official reelection rallies on Saturday May 5 on Karl Marx birthday.

    The theme of his reelection campaign is FORWARD.

    Is this just a coincidence…or is that intentional? We have to remember that Karl Marx dedicated his works to Lucifer… same as Saul Alinsky that dedicated his Rules for Radicals to the same evil mind> Lucifer. BOH was involved with Alinsky and Bill Ayers in Chicago… what a coincidence????



  21. GP
    May 26th, 2012 @ 7:08 pm

    Dr. Taitz;
    Just now learning (in depth) about your senate campaign. One thing I can’t find out is whether your are aware that the birth certif (however fraudulent) is moot.
    Why? The constitutional meaning of “natural born citizen” (NBC) has been decided by the
    SCOTUS to be (and always has been, according to natural law) that a person has been born within the jurisdiction of his/her own nation of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty.
    That is, Sen. John McCain is a citizen and a NBC (born in a US territory to US citizen parents) and Sen. Marco Rubio is a citizen but not a NBC. (born in US to two non-US citizen Cubans).
    So, Sen. Marco Rubio does not qualify to run for office of POTUS.

    Mr. O may have been born in HI (maybe not), but he was UNDISPUTEDLY born to a father who had foreign citizenship.
    THIS is the self-evident proof of his lack of qualification. All else is just a way for doubters to be played like a fiddle.

    It was part of the Supreme Court Case; Minor V. Happerset (1875) that required the court to verify the definition.

    If this is noted in your web content, please forgive my inability to find it.

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