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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

We need names of corrupt GOP senators who sent to Chris Wallace of FOX news all kind of garbage on Ted Cruz. We need to throw them all out of the Senate

Posted on | September 22, 2013 | 5 Comments


When Cruz was asked if he will support challengers to sitting GOP senators, he did not want to undermine sitting senators and stated that he will not campaign against sitting GOP senators.

Well, they really repaid him in kind. Chris Wallace of FOX announced that a number of sitting GOP senators sent him  letters  denigrating Cruz. Wallace was shocked by lack of values  and consideration by those RINOs, he stated that this opposition research did not come from the Democrats, it came from Republican senators.

I have already proven that 1996 boogie man was a lie, manufactured by our dishonest pro Democrat media. The truth is that in 1996 GOP gained 2 seats in the senate and Dems gained 2 seats in the House. Standing up to uncontrolled spending by Bill Clinton did not hurt the GOP. Because they stood up, Clinton actually caved in on welfare reform and they came very close to passing the balanced budget  amendment.

Tom Delay, who was recently acquitted of wrong doing appeared on Hannity and stated that he sees an unbelievable excitement in the House GOP because they see they are making a difference.

GOP leadership in the Senate  on the other hand is either:

1. gutless

2. stupid

3. got some type of kick backs, some type of pay off in order to vote with the Dems for uncontrolled spending by Obama, which includes the Obamacare Ponzi scheme.

It is time for every one of you to get on the phone, start tomorrow morning and call every one of 46 GOP senators. Please, thank mike Lee and Ted Cruz for their leadership. Please, call others and demand that they support brave House republicans who stood up to Obama on behalf of the people. Demand that they vote “NO” on cloture so dirty Harry will not be able to add Obamacare with 51 votes only. Without cloture he will need 60 votes.

Tell GOP senators: we are sick and tired of you being spineless and allowing Obama to loot this nation, to rob our children. Either stand up and support House GOP and Ted Cruz and Mike Lee or resign so we can replace you with someone with back bone and principles.

Please, read the wiki article on balanced budget amendment here  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balanced_budget_amendment


You can see that GOP came very close to passing it. They passed the Balanced budget amendment in the House in 1995 and came within 1 vote to passing it in the Senate. Sadly immoral and squanderous Democrat Senators and one Republican senator, Mark O. Hatfield of OR,  voted against it and as a result we have an enormous debt today and the need to raise the debt ceiling every year or so. Other developed nations passed and passing the balanced budget amendment, but the Democrats and a few corrupt Republican senators are binging and are drunk on power and on kickbacks from their cronies. We can see Obama pulling the same garbage Clinton did: he is taking money from the Federal Employees Retirement fund and increasing  taxes. He has no concept of  cutting spending. Sadly, we have a number of GOP senators who are as corrupt as Obama and the Democrats. We need to shame the daylights out of them and send them the message: cut the spending, leave within your means or leave the Senate.


5 Responses to “We need names of corrupt GOP senators who sent to Chris Wallace of FOX news all kind of garbage on Ted Cruz. We need to throw them all out of the Senate”

  1. Veritas
    September 22nd, 2013 @ 4:12 pm

    Hence, the Republican Party is singing its swan song, but Conservatism shall rise as the Phoenix!

  2. colette
    September 22nd, 2013 @ 4:58 pm

    Ted Cruz’ Father

    Recommend you read and watch the video. Really interesting.

    Obama has no liking for Cruz, the least reason of which is because Cruz, is Republican. Here are a few other factors: Cruz, is academically superior. Cruz graduated cum laude from Princeton. Not the case for Obama. Cruz, graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School. Not so for Obama. Cruz’s mental prowess has been recognized by Allan Dershowitz (who by all accounts is a bigger liberal than Obama) who said that Cruz is one of the most brilliant legal minds that he has ever seen. His actual quote was that “Cruz was off-the-charts brilliant.” Not so Obama. Cruz clerked for the Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, Justice William Rehnquist, one of the most coveted positions for any young lawyer right out of law school. Not so Obama. The liberal tin horns in Washington along with the liberal media try to tout Cruz as some kind of nut.

    Perhaps Obama and the other libs don’t like him because he worked on the Florida lawsuit for George W. Bush against Gore. Perhaps it is because Cruz is a Baptist. Perhaps it is because Cruz’s wife worked for Condoleezza Rice in the White House and also as one of those horrible investment bankers in New York. Perhaps it’s because Cruz ran his Senate campaign as a Republican and still garnered 40% of the Hispanic vote in Texas. Perhaps its because Cruz is against same-sex “marriage.” For whatever reason, Obama seems jealous of Cruz’s legal successes. What has Obama done in the legal profession? Ans.: community organization in one of the most God forsaken cities in the world. Obama was not a professor at the University of Chicago as many of his supporters dishonestly tout, but was a “guest lecturer,” an enormous difference.

    This brief video of Cruz’s father is amazing– it is a must watch. Indeed, every true American should have an opportunity to watch this.

    Ted Cruz, is a Texas Senator. His Dad may have just established himself as one more reason for Obama to dislike Texas. Please take the time to watch this and to pass it on.


  3. rich
    September 22nd, 2013 @ 5:22 pm

    There are many GOP members who are Progressives. So, it shouldn’t surprise anyone.

  4. Davey Crockett
    September 23rd, 2013 @ 3:37 am

    Well, if one is a (R), then, it was historically known that they were conservatives!

    Now, if they are progressives, then, they are RINOS! If they want to do the tax and spend nonsense, then, they should be honest enough with themselves, as well as with the American public, to change their colors to (D), liberal!
    Why? Cause they are wolves in sheeps clothing! They work with a great deal of deception! And that is working against the voters! We The People should be able to TRUST these members of Congress, so that we know whom to vote for!

  5. Davey Crockett
    September 23rd, 2013 @ 3:39 am

    Well, if one is a (R), then, it was historically known that they were conservatives!

    Now, if they are progressives, then, they are RINOS! If they want to do the tax and spend nonsense, then, they should be honest enough with themselves, as well as with the American public, to change their colors to (D), liberal!
    Why? Cause they are wolves in sheeps clothing! They work with a great deal of deception! And that is working against the voters! We The People should be able to TRUST these members of Congress, so that we know whom to vote for!

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