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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Please support Lt. Col Lakin. We need every member of the military and every American standing up to this travesty of Justice.

Posted on | August 7, 2010 | 22 Comments

Army gags officer challenging Obama eligibility

Escorts him from preliminary hearing under guard to prevent communications

Posted: August 06, 2010
4:37 pm Eastern

By Thom Redmond
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin


FT. BELVOIR, Va. – A decorated military officer who is challenging – in military court – President Obama’s eligibility to be president was taken into custody and escorted under guard back to Walter Reed Army Base today after a hearing, apparently so he could not talk to the press or his attorney about his case, according to his defense attorney.
The Army held a hearing today at Ft. Belvoir, Va., for Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, who posted a YouTube video challenging the Army to charge him after he refused to deploy to Afghanistan again this spring because of his concerns that Obama is ineligible to be president, and orders under his chain of command then would be suspect.
The hearing was on several charges of disobeying commands and “missing movement,” and was held by Col. Denise Lind, who has been assigned to be the military judge in the case.
At the conclusion of the arraignment, Lakin was ordered not to speak with the press and was taken back to Reed under military escort, surprising and disturbing a civilian lawyer who has been working on his case.
“This was completely inappropriate. Col Lakin was brought here and taken away from here as if he was a common criminal. He was prohibited from talking to the press for two minutes; he was prohibited from talking to anybody, even me,” Paul Rolf Jenson said.
There’s a new strategy to get answers to Obama’s eligibility questions. See how you can help.
Jensen said he was not sure how long Lakin was being detained because the Army offered no explanation as to why he needed an escort after the hearing. Jensen did say he thought it was because the Army did not want him talking to the press.
(Story continues below)


There also now are several hearings scheduled in the case, starting with an Aug. 20 event that will deal with evidence in the dispute.
According to the court, a second hearing on Aug. 27 would be for government “objections” to the evidence, and Jensen said he expects opposition from the White House at that point.
That’s because the strategy in the case will include requests for evidence that Obama is, in fact, eligible to be commander-in-chief, evidence that could come through depositions with Hawaii state records holders – who presumably have access to Obama’s original birth documentation if he was born there as he has written.
Two other hearings are set Sept. 2 and Sept. 14 in the case before the trial date of Oct. 13.
The 18-year Army veteran, decorated multiple times, is facing court martial where, if convicted, he could get up to four years of hard labor in prison and be dismissed from the military.
Lakin refused orders to deploy to Afghanistan in April of 2010 because he believes that President Barack Obama has failed to demonstrate that he is constitutionally eligible to be commander in chief.
The five charges brought against Lakin can be found in articles 87 and 92 of the military uniform service code of conduct. The five charges read aloud in a packed courtroom were three counts of disobeying a lawful order, one count of missing a movement, and one count of dereliction of duty.
As WND reported earlier, in June of 2010, Lakin and his civilian attorney, Jensen were preparing for an Article 32 pre-trial hearing where they hoped to present both testimony and evidence proving that President Obama is not a citizen of the United States.
However, all evidence in the case that pertained to the president, such as academic transcripts and his birth certificate on file in Hawaii, were banned by Army hearing officer Daniel Driscoll.
Driscoll issued an opinion that said only Congress and not a Unites States military judicial body should decide to use the president’s credentials on file.
But that evidence dispute will come up again, Jensen has confirmed.
Lind noted that Lakin has the choice of supplying either his own counsel at his own expense or be provided military counsel at the government’s expense. Lakin actually took a third option, which was retaining both military and civilian counsel, which he is entitled to do.
Lakin also has the choice of being tried by a jury of five military officers, who would vote by secret ballot on his guilt or innocence. Alternatively, he could choose to be tried by the trial judge alone, who would determine the result.
Jensen deferred that choice for the moment, but believes it would be better if Lakin is tried by a group of his peers.
After Lind requested that Lakin submit his plea of guilty or not guilty, Lakin’s attorney said “No plea.”
“A motion to dismiss must be brought before the plea is entered, and after the proceedings are commenced,” Jensen explained. “In that thirty second period we didn’t have time to bring the motion, but we will.”
Asked how his client would plead, Jenson said if the motion to dismiss the charges is denied, Lakin would plead not guilty.
The trial will now move to the discovery phase, where Jensen will again be making requests for President Obama’s birth certificate and other relevant documents to support Lakin case.
According to the Safeguard our Constitution website, which is supporting the officer, Lakin earlier release a statement that, “I am not guilty of these charges, and will plead ‘not guilty’ to them because of my conviction that our commander-in-chief may be ineligible under the United States Constitution to serve in that highest of all offices.”
Lakin is board-certified in family medicine and occupational and environmental medicine. He has been recognized for his outstanding service as a flight surgeon for yearlong tours in Honduras, Bosnia and Afghanistan. He was also awarded the Bronze Star for his service in Afghanistan and recognized in 2005 as one of the Army Medical Department’s outstanding flight surgeons.
The controversy stems from the Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, which states, “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”
A number of challenges and lawsuits have been based on the constitutional requirement, some alleging Obama does not qualify because he was not born in Hawaii in 1961 as he claims. Others say he fails to qualify because he was a dual citizen of the U.S. and the United Kingdom when he was born, and the framers of the Constitution specifically excluded dual citizens from eligibility.
Complicating the issue is the fact that besides Obama’s actual birth documentation, he has concealed documentation including his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records, baptism records and his adoption records.
Lakin is not the first officer to raise questions. Others have included Army doctor Capt. Connie Rhodes and Army reservist Maj. Stefan Cook. But Lakin is the first active-duty officer to raise the question.
In at least one of the earlier disputes, the Army simply canceled the orders rather than allow the argument to come to a head.
Lakin, who previously has served in Afghanistan, refused orders this spring to go again, “because the president refuses – even in the face of mounting evidence to the contrary – to prove his eligibility under the Constitution to hold office.”
Now Lakin is facing a court-martial and as part of his defense wants the information about Obama from the state of Hawaii.
“The records Lakin seeks have been the subject of intense interest ever since the closing days of the 2008 presidential campaign when a document appeared on the Internet purporting to be a certification that Hawaii’s Dept. of Health had records showing he had been born in Honolulu,” the foundation supporting Lakin’s case confirmed.
“Since then, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the head of that agency, has made public statements on the subject, but has refused all requests for copies of the actual records in the department’s custody. Recently, a former Hawaii elections clerk has come forward saying that he was told that the department’s records showed Obama was NOT born in Hawaii,” the organization said.
“The United States Constitution requires that a person be a ‘natural born citizen’ to be elected to the presidency. If Mr. Obama was not born in Honolulu as he has claimed, then he is unlikely to be a ‘natural born citizen.’ An examination of the records kept by the Hawaii Dept. of Health (is) an essential first step in ascertaining Mr. Obama’s constitutional eligibility to hold the office to which he was elected in 2008,” the foundation said.
The issue of the Hawaii records has been a volatile point in the argument. The state of Hawaii has gone so far as to approve a law that allows the state to ignore repeated requests for documentation about Obama’s birth.
The state’s governor, Linda Lingle, just months ago told a New York talk-show host that it was an “odd situation.”
“This issue kept coming up so much in the campaign, and again I think it’s one of those issues that is simply a distraction from the more critical issues that are facing the country,” she said on the radio show. “So I had my health director, who is a physician by background, go personally view the birth certificate in the birth records of the Department of Health, and we issued a news release at that time saying that the president was, in fact, born at Kapi’olani Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii. And that’s just a fact and yet people continue to call up and e-mail and want to make it an issue, and I think it’s again a horrible distraction for the country by those people who continue this.”
However, no news release from the state of Hawaii identified the birth location as Kapi’olani. And Lingle’s statement also was contradicted by Fukino, who reported, “No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of the State of Hawaii.”
Critics also note that while the Obama campaign posted a computer image of a “Certification of Live Birth” online during the 2008 election run-up, the procedures at the time allowed such certifications to be issued on the sworn statement of a relative for a child not born in the state.
The American Patriot Foundation said the records have been the target of many civil lawsuits over Obama’s eligibility. But the lawsuits all have been dismissed on procedural grounds, such as the “standing” of the plaintiff, and none has yet addressed the merits of the arguments.
“While no civil litigant has obtained discovery of these records, and all the civil lawsuits seeking those records have been dismissed on procedural grounds, Lakin’s case is different because he is the subject of criminal prosecution, and upon conviction stands in jeopardy of being sentenced to years at hard labor in the penitentiary,” the foundation said.
The issue of Obama’s birth “in Hawaii” also arose after he assumed the Oval Office when a letter was revealed that purported to be from the president claiming Kapi’olani as the place of his birth.


22 Responses to “Please support Lt. Col Lakin. We need every member of the military and every American standing up to this travesty of Justice.”

  1. PorkRoll
    August 7th, 2010 @ 3:41 am

    May God send his angels to shield Lt. Lakin from the malignancy that grows in the White House. If there’s any time to pray for guidance and divine providence, it is NOW.

  2. Veritas
    August 7th, 2010 @ 8:09 am

    Friends from NYS CAPITAL DISTRICT say they have seen NOTHING on LOCAL CHANNELS about LAKIN even though presiding judge, ARMY COL DENISE R. LIND, is a graduate of two local institutions of higher learning.

    Normally, they would be all over ANY story with SUCH PRESTIGIOUS local connections, but reports are that they have heard ZILCH on the

    CBS, ABC, NBC and FOX affiliates!

    from thepostemail article:

    Army Col. Denise R. Lind will preside over the trial. Before becoming a judge, she served tours of duty both prosecuting and defending soldiers in court martial proceedings.

    She is a 1982 magna cum laude graduate of

    Siena College,

    and earned her law degree from

    Albany Law School in 1985.

  3. The Doer
    August 7th, 2010 @ 8:36 am

    If we as Americans do not stand and fight for what is right in this country, we will have to face the fact that we have no one to blame but ourselves. Complacency is not acceptable. Lakin, as well as other great patriots, are leading the way for us. People ask me how I vote for this or that. I vote my convictions. What is happening in our country? People are no longer convicted about things. Wake up, America!

  4. Real Patriot
    August 7th, 2010 @ 8:52 am

    Unfortunately, you all know nothing about the UCMJ code. Lakin disobeyed a lawful order and he will go down. This has nothing to do with Obama’s legitimacy. If the military allowed every soldier to question their orders because they didn’t like the CiC or didn’t believe their CiC was legitimate, then we wouldn’t have a military. Get your heads out of your butts. There’s nothing any one of you can do.

  5. PV
    August 7th, 2010 @ 8:55 am

    Lt. Col got to change his second name to Luckin…and his fortunes will change…

  6. turnright
    August 7th, 2010 @ 9:27 am

    The Army’s handling of Lt Col Lakin should be seen as a giant anti-recruitment poster. Young men should now realize that the top brass at the US Army does not stand for truth, but rather cowardice, not willing to take their arrows in the front. There are too many non-warriors at the top; too many briefcase carrying, coffee making, butt kissing sissies, willing to trade in their country’s future for a go along, get along pension.

    I propose a new commendation to be worn prominently on their overly put forward, multi-decorated, undeserving chests – The Brass Steer, with non-combat V – a set of miniature bull testicles hanging from a white flag ribbon.

    Long live the Enlisted Man.

  7. Orly Remover
    August 7th, 2010 @ 9:35 am

    You want every member of the military to shirk their duty?

    Go back to Molodova.

  8. Elizabeth
    August 7th, 2010 @ 10:27 am

    It is bizarre censorship, to not allow
    Lt.Col. Lakin to talk to his own attorney
    nor even brief moments to the press.

    It seems that they know their case
    is weak and they do not want the
    American people to ascertain this
    weakness, but rather to push through
    his punishment, almost in a Gestapo-
    like manner.

    There needs to be a public outcry
    about this man’s being railroaded
    into a federal prison and hard labor.

    It may come to his freedom being
    accomplished through the public’s
    demands because of their ultimate
    belief in the
    concrete research done on Obama’s
    background and commitment to socialism.

    In addition, Obama’s appointments of Russian-type Czars, his million dollar spending sprees,
    one of which was $240,000 to the
    Palestinians; plus,his rejection of defending our borders and allowing in the illegals,
    (who are not exactly the cream of the crop). He defies all the precepts of
    our Constitution.

    His Anti-American actions are
    a thousand-fold. The public must
    rise up in a major outcry for his
    and his ringleaders’ removal.

    Why should the military
    be crucifying a man for his
    unwillingness to follow the
    orders of an
    impostor-in-chief, which,
    in some cases, could lead
    to the deaths of the enemy,
    but without the sanction of a
    legal president? That would
    be grounds for a criminal trial.

    These actions of the military
    are beyond reason. I don’t believe
    that truly dedicated Americans will
    allow this travesty of justice.

  9. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    August 7th, 2010 @ 11:50 am

    where is Col Lakin now? You can file a motion of leave of court with Justice Alito. Lakin’s court martial is a new important info

  10. Leonard McCauley
    August 7th, 2010 @ 1:31 pm

    Everyone is talking about what will happen to Lt.Col Lakin if he is convicted…What happens if and when Body Odor and his Treasonous Conspirators r proven to be what they r??? In my judgment a Firing Squad and or a Hangman is in order.. Will the Joint Chiefs take over, since Hillary & Bill r also conspirators.Nancy Pelosi is the Prime Conspirator right along with Biden & Reid….Who is next after them???

  11. queenofshina
    August 7th, 2010 @ 1:36 pm

    Where is the MSM in regard to this NEWS story? Are they still in the news business or are they just gossip peddlers? It’s mighty strange it’s not on the front page of every paper.

    Since when is there no justice in the USCMJ? Since when do men and women forego their rights as citizens to serve their country? I believe that officers take an oath to never follow through on an UNLAWFUL order. If that is correct, Lakin is the Real Patriot, not some snivveling back slapping robot who jumps when an idiot barks out an order!

  12. Ver
    August 7th, 2010 @ 1:38 pm

    from various news sources:

    FT. BELVOIR, Va. – A decorated military officer who is challenging – in military court – President Obama’s eligibility to be president was taken into custody and

    escorted under guard

    back to Walter Reed Army Base today

    after a hearing, apparently so he could not talk to the press or his attorney about his case, according to his defense attorney.

  13. Veritas
    August 7th, 2010 @ 1:39 pm

    from various news sources:


    FT. BELVOIR, Va. – A decorated military officer who is challenging – in military court – President Obama’s eligibility to be president was taken into custody and

    escorted under guard

    back to Walter Reed Army Base today

    after a hearing, apparently so he could not talk to the press or his attorney about his case, according to his defense attorney.

  14. Leonard McCauley
    August 7th, 2010 @ 1:40 pm

    @ REAl PATRIOT-Not following unlawful or morally wrong orders have been intensly preached & enforced since the Mi Lai Viet Nam Massacre. Lt. Cally was imprisoned for quite some time on that issue. Regardless of the Military Code of conduct. Lt.Col. Lakin is absolutely correct in his refusal, until legitimacy can be establish….Legitimacy is all he is asking for, and me too for that matter.

  15. Elizabeth
    August 7th, 2010 @ 4:08 pm

    Leonard McCauley, thank you for your
    cooberating what I wrote regarding
    the military men and women following
    orders from an impostor, (until it
    can be proven otherwise).

    In this case, such proof of being
    a legitimate citizen will never be
    found, as it doesn’t exist.

    You are correct that Lt. Col. Lakin
    is within his rights to question
    Obama’s eligibility; all presidents
    in the past have followed ‘protocol’
    which is a prerequisite for attaining
    the highest office in America.

    The ball is legally in Obama’s
    court and we all know that he
    will lose that game. It is just
    a matter of time. I believe that
    when Col Lakin says he will not
    issue a plea, he is aware that
    by October’s trial date,
    Obama will be history
    and the trumped-up charges against
    him will be void.

    He must be aware that Americans
    are (except for an ignorant few)
    in a state of anger because of
    the injustice being handed down.
    Americans value justice and a
    fair shake.

  16. Christian Veteran
    August 7th, 2010 @ 4:30 pm


    Pay no attention to this troll getting it’s I.P. tracked.
    Keep talking troll.

  17. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    August 8th, 2010 @ 1:04 am

    you are not a Christian and you are not a veteran. You are here to tell brave members of US military that they need to support this Kenyan communist usurper, well they are not brain dead

  18. Ro
    August 8th, 2010 @ 5:53 am

    real patriot: The key word is unlawful order. When an order is given by someone who is not legally supposed to do so, it is an unlawful order.
    Under the Geneva convention, if our soldiers get caught, they are not protected by the Geneva convention. They can be shot or hanged. This is why it is so important. Lt. Col Lakin IS, IS protecting his soldiers.

    He is not beging given a fair trial at all. Our military officers are puppets of Obama. He does not care what happens to them or us for that matter.

    I am very disappointed the military hasn’t removed Obama by now.

    Hopefully, the globe will print a story on all of this,.

  19. Elizabeth
    August 8th, 2010 @ 10:08 am

    To: Unreal Patriot, Non-Christian Non-Veteran,
    and the Remover,

    I cringe when I think of how you three
    people are not endowed with the incentive
    to do some research on the duties of military
    personnel; you are wrong in your
    assumption that Lt.Col. Lakin is a traitor.

    He is following the code of the military,
    (as was stated ‘unlawful order’)
    and in so doing, he is the spokesperson
    for all servicemen and women.

    He feels, rightly, that it is his
    duty to protect, not only himself,
    but the guys and gals who innocently
    go into battle, convinced they
    are going to be safeguarded by the
    Geneva Convention’s rules.

    Because they are far from home
    and may not be aware of the controversy
    surrounding their supposed Commander-in-
    Chief, unaware that they are in several
    aspects being placed in harm’s way,
    they may not have the entire information
    that would be needed in order to
    ‘shirk their duty’ as one fool stated.

    Indeed, if those thousands of men
    and women did refuse to lay down
    their lives for an impostor,and demand
    proof of his eligibility,(which we
    know does not exist), part of this
    whole mess would be solved.

    Even Julius Caesar, Napoleon,
    and the Generals Eisenhower and McArthur
    would have to throw down their
    weapons of war.

    Those generals of WW2 would then
    confiscate and handcuff the impostor
    and his cronies, without delay.

    Those were the good old days.

    And by the way, what have you three
    done for America? Or are your
    loyalties to another culture?
    I thought so.

  20. Muldroon
    August 8th, 2010 @ 2:03 pm

    Unlawful order (no matter who the President): Shoot civilians.

    Lawful order (even when given while Obama is president): Treat some patients.

  21. Jesse Turner
    August 8th, 2010 @ 4:49 pm

    Elizabeth, you are long winded and have no idea about sentence structure or grammar. You are a first class birfer moron, right down there with Taint, Lakin and Manning. You are a fat cow who spends all day every on an assload of websites leaving comments that only a handful of people read and even fewer agree with. Your efforts are a joke and are quite futile.



  22. Elizabeth
    August 10th, 2010 @ 12:24 pm

    I did not ignore you, Mr.
    Marmaduke (woof, woof)

    but my reply has not been

    To reiterate, I said that
    you are not omniscient in
    your ‘knowledge’ of
    anything or anyone,

    that you are delusional
    in your beliefs ~and~

    you need to sharpen up
    your psychic ‘abilities.’

    In conclusion, God will right
    all the wrongs~~ when the
    time for civilizations’s
    has arrived.

    That is all.

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