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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Yesterday’s fast track vote might be a death sentence to TPP/ Obamatrade

Posted on | June 24, 2015 | 10 Comments

Yesterday’s fast track vote might be a death sentence to TPP/ Obamatrade

By Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ


Yesterday we have seen 60 Senators and 278 representatives vote for fast-track, however this might be a  death sentence for the final, actual TPP.

What congress voted for, was only the bill to allow TPP agreement, aka ObamaTrade to be voted on without amendments. What it means, that it can still be voted “NO” and now it is even more likely to be voted “NO”.

This fastrack vote actually may mean the death of the bill, as it is expected to be the most anti-American, treasonous bill in the US history and the public is waking up and there is now an enormous pressure from both right and left to kill the final bill. Previously, if amendments were to be allowed, a bad bill could have been saved by a number of amendments, however, now there is nothing to save this bad bill.

We are seeing top luminaries, both conservative and liberal, speaking out and demanding to stop the final passage of the bill.

Senator Sessions, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Phylis Shlaffly, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michael Savage- all are saying, what Attorney Orly Taitz was saying for years, this bill, as well as other free trade bills, such as WTO-GATT, NAFTA, free trade with South Korea, are nothing but a scheme of grand theft of global proportions. The only incentive of all of these bills, is to give a group of billionaires who have the president and at least 51% of the Congress on the take, to get cheap labor and rob Americans of their jobs and wages. On Friday Rush Limbaugh, who was the GOP cheerleader for decades, stood up against corrupt and treasonous GOP leadership and stated: the only reason for this bill is cheap labor,  GOP is not the party I grew up with. Senator Sessions spoke up by saying that congressmen, who voted for the bill, lost the trust of the American people.

On the left, the Labor unions, environmental groups and student organizations are fighting to stop this organized crime to rob us of our jobs and wages.

Obama and pro-trade congressmen are claiming that TPP will create jobs and that one in five jobs are supported by the free trade. However, this is a feeble argument. Free trade agreements dismantle tariffs, taxes on imports. So, now American jobs can be sent to countries like Vietnam and Malaysia, where workers are paid 50 cents an hour and manufacturers will not have to pay a cent in import taxes when they dump in the US markets products which were produced by this slave labor. Prior free trade agreements of WTO-GATT, NAFTA and free trade with South Korea created a loss of 56,000 factories and manufacturing facilities in the US. Each factory on average supports 500 jobs, so 28 million manufacturing jobs were sent to the third world countries as a result of NAFTA and WTO-GATT. Now, with TPP and TIPP, things will only get worse. These agreements lead to a skyrocketing debt. When a nation losses its’ manufacturing and imports everything, the debt sky-rockets. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to get it. Further, people, who used to be employed, are now a burden on others, who are still employed, as they become recipients of welfare, program eight housing, food stamps and other programs, which contribute to debt even more. Statistics of one in five jobs being supported by global trade is a misleading statistics. Oligarchy puppets like Kevin McCarthy, Mimi Walters, McConnell, Boehner and, of course, Obama are not showing us where this  statistical data came from. They are saying that these jobs are supported by either exports or imports. What they are not explaining, is that those jobs are mostly minimum jobs in selling imports or transporting imports. If we stop TPP and rescind WTO-GATT and NAFTA, we can see a surge of American manufacturing jobs, not import, but export jobs. Today 93 million adult Americans are not   in labor force at all. Ending these global free trade agreements and importing tariffs (taxes) on products coming from slave labor countries, will force the manufacturers to bring these factories, manufacturing back to America, to American citizens. That is what we need. For example, today port workers and their jobs are supported by the free trade in that they are busy unloading containers full of imports from China and loading either empty containers or containers with cotton or scrape metal or scrape paper going back to China. This is an economy of a colony, not an industrial country. What we need, is for the port workers to load and send to China  containers full of  goods made in the USA. We are seeing jobs in Walmart supported by free trade, as they are selling mostly foreign made products. What we need, is for workers in Walmart and other stores to sell US made products.

Additionally, new agreement will make the US immigration laws subservient  to international tribunals and commissions, which will dictate to the US quotas of poor foreign immigrants that we will have to allow in the US and straight into the welfare system. We are seeing how well free trade agreements are working in Greece, Spain, Italy. There is an enormous unemployment there and dissipation of the middle class. In Great Britain the people are so livid that they scheduled a ntional referendum to get out of EU. We have to learn the lessons of history and stop this anti-American agreement before this country and its’ economy is completely destroyed.

Establishment Presidential candidates: Clinton on the left and majority of GOP candidates on the right are now being squeezed. Bernie Sanders on the left and Donald Trump on the right are speaking out against passage of the final TPP. They are speaking the truth and saying what it is: TPP is a theft of American jobs and wages. Both Sanders and Trump are surging in the polls. This will create pressure on congressmen from both parties, particularly the ones who serve in the Senate today, such as Rubio, Cruz, Paul, Graham. As a matter of fact, Cruz has already changed his position and voted NO on fasttrack. If the public can pressure Rubio to vote NO on the final bill, the bill will be dead, as it passed on the slimmest of margins: 60 senators, minimum required for the passage of the bill. Rubio is now in a precarious position. He decided not to run simultaneously for Senate and presidency, as Paul did. Cruz and Graham are not due for re-election next year. So, Rubio is in a tough position: if he loses his presidential bid, he will be left with nothing. In order to save his presidential bid and avoid the ire of his potential voters, he will have to vote NO on TPP. The only way he can differentiate himself from Bush and win the necessary Florida election, is by voting NO on the final TPP.

Further, we have to contact every member of Congress, who voted for TPP, and promise them not only a vigorous opposition in the general election, but also an opposition in the primary.

Moreover, as any bill, this bill can be repealed, should it pass and I believe, it is important to support  a presidential candidate, like Trump, who opposes the bill, as it is a viable plan B. Should the bill pass and Trump is elected, he can mount a formidable attack on it and will join the half of the Congress, which does not support the bill, in rescinding it or significantly weakening it.

Now is not the time to stop the fight. It is extremely important to continue the fight and continue the education of fellow citizens. Since our on the take main stream media does not report on the bill, it is up to us to bring the knowledge to fellow Americans and involve them in  a fight against this most brazen assault on their rights and and their jobs.


Schlafly slams ‘worst bill Congress has ever passed’

  • 10 Reasons Why You Should Oppose TPP and TTIP


    Jun 5, 2015 – 10 Reasons Why You Should Oppose TPP and TTIP … known as “Fast Track”) will soon be up for a vote in the House of Representatives. …. the documents online at their leisure: no restrictions, inconvenience, or humiliation …


  • Trans-Pacific Partnership Threatens Environment and …


    Jul 4, 2012 – I am speaking of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a “trade agreement,” … for U.S. firms to move investments and jobs to lower-wage countries, … folks, as it stands right now, this is the children stealing the cookie jar and …

  • There are More Reasons to Oppose TPP than Just Jobs by …


    Washington Monthly

    Jun 13, 2015 – That said, there are other reasons besides jobs to oppose TPP. … overrule domestic regulations concern jobs, health and the environment. … Don’t End” Red State Dem Line on Obamacare · Stealing From An Empty Wallet …



10 Responses to “Yesterday’s fast track vote might be a death sentence to TPP/ Obamatrade”

  1. Dawn
    June 24th, 2015 @ 11:17 am

    Obama will load this bill up with every progressive dream. Flood of illegals, carbon tax, gun control, U.N. panels and so on.

    The dems will be on board with all their goodies and the republican progressives will help ram it down Americans throats.

    The fix is in.

  2. concerned
    June 24th, 2015 @ 1:21 pm

    I wish you were right, Dr. Taiz.
    Work is in over drive underway o approve Obama’s directives

  3. HB
    June 24th, 2015 @ 1:46 pm

    They have sold us out!!! Time for us to us “The Declaration of Independence” once again. It is still our founding law!!!!!

  4. Judy
    June 24th, 2015 @ 6:36 pm
  5. concerned
    June 24th, 2015 @ 6:38 pm
  6. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    June 24th, 2015 @ 9:57 pm

    no, only fast-track passed, but the actual bill was not even finalized yet

  7. Stu
    June 24th, 2015 @ 10:28 pm

    On Fox News, Bret Bair,this evening, Fast Track passed the Senate and was headed to Obama to sign.

    The ‘fast track’ trade measure sought by President Obama wins final approval in the Senate with a vote of 60-38.


  8. EyeballNews
    June 25th, 2015 @ 6:07 am

    Let’s hope it never gets finalized

  9. Richard
    June 25th, 2015 @ 7:09 am

    The real reason behind this is there is a currency war between the US and China that they don’t want the American people to know about. This is the real reason for it. Take Iran for example with Obama’s secret nuclear deal and the recent freeing Iran’ s assets that we have had frozen for years now. Iran and the OPEC mid east have been trying to get oil off of trading on the U S dollar because it gives the US control of theirs and UN currency value where the federal reserve can manipulate the dollar and keep printing and printing paper money with no gold or even enough silver to back it. Every nation big or small that accepts the US dollar allows them to print away and preserve their elite lifestyles and they don’t care if businesses get sued here, fail,or go out of business. I knew they were just going to keep voting on this by finding republicans or democrats that they could blackmail or bribe. The Obama/Soros NSA has been gathering blackmail info for years now and every politician has a price….

  10. Richard
    June 25th, 2015 @ 7:24 am

    Something else to ponder and to back up previous comment. Question: why would they put in this bill that the countries involved in this can sue U S businesses if they want to? Answer: So that they can print many more millions to billions of dollars to pay them with… More US businesses will go into a death spiral. They don’t care, it will not have any effect on their lives…

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