
An answer to Obama operative, why amnesty costs us more money than deportation

An answer to Obama operative Andrew Morris. Andrew Morris 54 approved andrew_morris100@hotmail.com Submitted on 2015/01/14 at 2:23 am OK retards, why will this be a problem? Amnesty doesn’t have to cost anything because, by definition, it involves doing nothing. It’s administering the law, and deporting people, that costs. So this actually plays into Obama’s […]

Judge threw out Arpaio immigration case. All hope with Judge Hanen in TX in ruling in favor of Orly Taitz and in favor of the states in 2 immigration cases before him

https://ca.news.yahoo.com/u-judge-throws-arizona-sheriffs-immigration-suit-against-030104270.html Taitz v Johnson motion to produce Executive orders Taitz v Jeh Johnson et al Motion 11.26.2014 Taitz v Johnson order by Judge Hanen for Obama, Johnson, Burwell to provide information to the court Taitz v Johnson supplemental brief 11.07.14 filed Taitz v Johnson List of witnesses for October 29th hearing Taitz v Johnson Government […]

DHS Buying Nearly 100,000 Pairs of Underwear for illegals. Is Obama regime expecting mass diarrhea if Judge Hanen rules against them?

DHS is buying hundreds of pairs of underwear for illegals expecting a large wave of illegals post Obama’s amnesty. at the same time DHS is disarming the border patrol. Please write to Congress and FBI, we have to stop this treason of illegal amnesty, open borders, loss of jobs and wages by American citizens. we […]