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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Spanish Language media reports on the immigration cases before Judge Hanen

Posted on | February 17, 2015 | 3 Comments


3 Responses to “Spanish Language media reports on the immigration cases before Judge Hanen”

  1. Barack Obama's citizenship questioned - Page 571
    February 17th, 2015 @ 8:12 pm

    […] unlike the U.S. lamestream media under the cone of silence, the media in Mexico acknowledge that Atty. Orly Taitz brought to court and pleaded this lawsuit that gained a temporary injunction against Mr. Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty.] Judge […]

  2. MinutemanCDC_SC
    February 17th, 2015 @ 8:22 pm

    Translated into English and linked at ALIPAC.



    Judge Andrew S. Hanen, Obama’s nightmare paralyzing Democrat’s immigration policy

    Allexia Acosta
    [translated from the original Spanish]

    Tuesday, 17/02/15 – 15:36

    First nominated by [Pres. George H. W.] Bush in 1992 and also in 2002 by President George W. Bush, Hanen has spent his entire career in Texas.
    Last year he came out against the authorities who helped reunite children who came alone to the border, with their parents or relatives in the United States.

    Judge Andrew S. Hanen, Obama’s nightmare
    paralyzing the Democrat’s immigration policy

    Demands by Texas and 24 other southern states, against Obama’s latest decree on immigration, could not have fallen [into] more receptive hands. It is not the first time [that] federal judge Andrew S. Hanen is deciding on these issues.

    This time [he] has blocked the implementation of a decree by President Barack Obama, [which] would regularize million[s of] immigrants, or at least delay their deportation.

    Just over a year ago, in December of 2013, [Judge Hanen “slapped”] the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

    The judge nominated in 2002 by the then president, Republican George W. Bush, [ruled in 2013 that] Customs and Border Protection agents ‘collaborated’ in smuggling children.

    According to [Judge] Hanen, to facilitate the reunion of minors taken to the border by the mafias, [with] parents residing illegally in the United States, “rewards criminal behavior.”

    The judge [cited] at least five cases in which [CBP] agents, after arresting people recruited to take children to the United States, personally moved [the children to be] with [their] parents, who were in the United States illegally.

    “The Department of Homeland Security rewards criminal behavior rather than protecting the implementation of the law. What is most worrying is that it helps parents to risk the lives of their children (…) It’s just like [confiscating smuggled] drugs or weapons and personally taking them to [the] criminals who ordered their importation,” he said.

    Hanen’s ruling came [in December of 2013,] at a time when borders flooded with children, who came just from Latin America alone, was the order of the day. There was talk of 50,000 children trapped in “immigration limbo.”

    Specifically, Obama’s decree particularly benefits the undocumented children born in the United States or [who have resided in] the country more than five years.

    The judge’s view about the performance of the authorities was what led conservative activist [Atty.] Orly Taitz to sue in Hanen’s court. [Last] summer, Taitz requested [an injunction against] releasing illegal immigrants from southern Texas or shipping them to other states.

    Taitz asked that immigrants spend forty-two months [in custody? in quarantine?] and submit to medical tests [in order] to not create a public health hazard. But there was no case. The judge rejected the request because there was “no expert [witness]” to support allegations [by] Taitz.

    Born in Illinois, Hanen, 62, has [worked] his entire career in the state of Texas. Married with a daughter, he was nominated in 1992 by President Bush (the father), but the application was unsuccessful then.

    In his latest ruling on Obama’s decree, Judge Hanen said “the government’s inability to ensure border security has exacerbated illegal immigration to this country.”

    With today’s decision, according to The New York Times, the judge emphasized that the Obama administration did not respect the legal procedures for the enforcement of the decree. Actually, according to the Washington Post, the decision simply means buying time.

    The plaintiff states are Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio , Oklahoma, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin [and joined by Nevada].

    The complaint argued that Obama “changes the law and establishes a new policy, exceeds his constitutional authority and disturbs the delicate balance of powers.”

    “The constitutional overreach by President Obama is clear and very worrying,” they said in their plaint.

    The decree announced by Obama last November 20 extends protection against deportation to half of the 11.2 million “undocumented” [aliens] estimated [to be] residing in the United States. The measure guarantees them a work permit and [allows them to] stay for up to three years.

  3. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    February 18th, 2015 @ 3:07 am

    I responded to the writer of this article, as Judge Hanen did not rule yet on the quarantine and I brought an expert, who testified on Oct 29 for over 3 hours. I posted the transcript for the public to see

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