

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Q and A in regards to today’s decision by federal judge Martin Feldman to go against other federal judges and uphold LA ban on gay marriage

Posted on | September 3, 2014 | 7 Comments

Rhoda Penmark

Marriage for gays has to be uniform throughout the country because of:

1. Federal taxes
2. People serving in the military
3. Denying gays the right to marry is immoral

Answer from Orly:

I respect your opinion on the issue. I should say, though, that taxation and army service are different from marriage. People can be granted tax benefits for same sex unions, also, gays were allowed to serve in the military before legalization of the same sex marriage. I believe, people are more open and accepting on these two issues. In terms of morality I simply do not know. We do not have answers yet: why about 2% of the population have same sex attractions? Is it a variation of norm, is it a psychological issue, is it an influence of the environment? So far nobody found a “gay gene”. Twins studies show that there is no genetic predisposition. I guess, many in the society struggle to answer the question: why is it happening? is it a part of the norm?

Many decided that until they know what it is, they are not ready to codify it as marriage and this is the reason, why only a handful of states voted to allow gay and lesbian marriage. I believe that people want more answers before they are ready to vote “yes” on gay marriage. When obnoxious federal judges shove gay marriage down people’s throats after most states voted “no” time and again on gay marriage, people get angry and combatant not only against gay and lesbian couples, but also against elitist judges, who substituted the will of the people with their own thinking, their fad of political correctness. This is simply not the way to go.

Since the Supreme Court ruled in DOMA that gay marriage is a state issue, it should not be up to the federal courts to overturn the state bans on the gay marriage. This constitutes a usurpation of the state power guaranteed to the states in the 10th amendment and guaranteed to the people in the 9th amendment.

I respect the decision of the people of NY, Vermont and MA to allow gay marriage. They voted for it and so be it, this is their choice. With this being said, I also respect the decision of people in other states to define the marriage as a union between one man and one woman. If gay and lesbian community wants to change this, they need to do it the right way, by placing a proposition on the ballot, arguing the case to the people and changing the mind of the public, doing it legally, not by seeking one gay federal judge in California, who substituted the state law with his own opinion and started the snowball of cookie cutter decisions by politically correct robot judges, who have zero respect for the people’s rights, zero respect for the legislative process, zero respect for elections, zero respect for the state rights and for the separation of powers.

It is interesting that the same federal judges allowed Obama with a flagrantly stolen CT Social Security number and all fabricated IDs to sit in the WH and cause so much damage to this nation. Many judges argued that they do not want to overturn the elections, however they are perfectly ready and eager to overturn the elections on the issue of the gay and lesbian marriages. This shows that these  judges as simply lacking integrity.

This issue is so raw in many states, that it might lead to some states seceding, as the states are already fed up with 18 trillion debt, half of which was incurred in the last 6 years by Obama, IRS scandals, shipping all of the jobs abroad, open borders and flooding of the nation with millions of illegals. This issue might end up being the last drop.



7 Responses to “Q and A in regards to today’s decision by federal judge Martin Feldman to go against other federal judges and uphold LA ban on gay marriage”

  1. Alexander Gofen
    September 3rd, 2014 @ 8:54 pm

    I respect the diplomatic answer of Orly, however the reality is much uglier.

    The homosexual Mafia get so much out of control, that in CA alone there are 10 laws on the book mandating … homosexual defilement of kids since kindergartens! Mandating something so ugly and terrible, that just a few decades ago this activity was severely punished felony in any society!..

    1. Federal (or any) taxes reflect the preferences of the nation. The nation can and must promote families bringing and raising children.

    2. Introduction of an OPEN sodomy in military was a vicious spineless act of the military brass licking the Impostor’s shoes, which destroys the military in many respects.

    3. A statement as though “denying the sodomites the right to marry is immoral” refers to some moral. Which moral? According to the moral defined in every major religion (and even according to the Code of the Communism builder in the former USSR), sodomy is an abomination and punishable act.

    “Homosexual marriage” is a part of the Agenda


    pushed by the sexually obsessed perverts over the 98% of sane population. See the structured arguments here:


  2. Rod Riddle
    September 3rd, 2014 @ 10:03 pm

    That was a brilliant summation of the topic. That is the way people feel about it. Right on!

  3. David
    September 4th, 2014 @ 5:01 am

    Very well articulated. As you stated, gays already have the same rights as married couples, so their argument is simply an attempt to force Christians to violate their faith by bowing to homo protective state laws. The Bill of Rights are to protect minorities, but homosexuality is not a minority status, it is a sexual fetish. They are not even in the same universe. Yet this is the only leverage gays have to protect their immoral fetish, by drawing a false parallel between the two to give them a legal protected status against hate crimes and discrimination.

  4. Starlight
    September 4th, 2014 @ 7:31 am

    We all know that there are innumerable scriptures in the Bible, stating that such behaviour is an abomination to our God.

    We also know that there are scriptures forecasting the overwhelming activity of such behaviour during our Last Days on this planet, before the Millennium.

    The rampant corruption of myriad cultures around the globe, the “legality” applied to such activity by our military, our court system, and even some “churches” ~~~~

    all of this is not a surprise, as it was prophesied generations ago, for times such as these.

    In other words, we are right on schedule, and that is encouraging to those of us who have the FAITH and Blessed Hope.

    It is also the decline and fall of America.

    Infiltrating our wonderful military ranks with this type of perversion, well…what can we say about that?

    We are now on the cliff, and what lies ahead is meant to be. The Obama monster knows how to destroy from within and not a person in high-ranking political or military authority has raised a hand to stop him in any facet of his reign.

    300,000,000 citizens could put an end to this corruption.

  5. JAK
    September 4th, 2014 @ 11:02 am

    I do not respect the designation of same sex unions as the same as an historical and biblical man-women marriage. The homo sexual people and their sympathizers have confiscated traditional words as ‘gay’ and ‘marriage’ to make themselves indistinguishable for their specific purposes of sexual behavior. Sodom and Gomorra have been noted for deviant behavior not marriage. I can think of numerous terms for same sex unions that do not intrude on the historical meaning and foundation of ‘marriage’. I have no grudge as to same sex unions getting equal societal economic benefits as in traditional marriages but I do have a grudge that a certain class of people with their different social behavior want to intrude in my historically accepted social behavior by an analogy such as of calling an apple a pear.

  6. js/js
    September 5th, 2014 @ 7:49 am

    IMO, agree with most above.

    However, I caution you all that US SCOTUS is
    probably going to nuke us all with a ruling
    on mandatory same sex laws in all states and
    territories in USA, etc.

    Sadly, no way out.

    Send em all to GITMO, Danno!!!

  7. Starlight
    September 6th, 2014 @ 10:48 am

    Should that ruling occur,

    we are indeed in the
    Last Days for America,
    and for this planet’s
    existence as it is now.

    Legalizing Sodomy.
    Not on God’s agenda
    for humanity.

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