

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Michael Savage: 2012 elections are being rigged by outsourcing counting of our votes to a foreign company. Demand immediate reversal of this decision, immediate congressional hearings on restoring integrity and transparency of our elections. This is bordering on treason.

Posted on | April 8, 2012 | 10 Comments

Check out the video ‘Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election’

We will be investigating…. Please watch this!!! Send it to everyone you can.

Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election
Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election

Pay attention to election fraud. There is no greater topic of importance! Michael Savage: Why Obama is confidend of election outcome? Oba…

Video link:

Michael Savage: How Obama fixed 2012 election


10 Responses to “Michael Savage: 2012 elections are being rigged by outsourcing counting of our votes to a foreign company. Demand immediate reversal of this decision, immediate congressional hearings on restoring integrity and transparency of our elections. This is bordering on treason.”

  1. Harry
    April 8th, 2012 @ 5:27 am

    I read about this and it is scary- but the whole DEMOCRATIC party is behind this terrible Obama HOAX- They cant even get rid of Eric Holder after he misuded Stimulus money & lied under oath in a court and was in contempt of court- because the entire DEMOCRATIC party is owned by the super rich and half of the REPUBLICANS are probably owned also-

  2. Robert
    April 8th, 2012 @ 7:18 am

    if mr savage truly believes the election is rigged then why not open his mouth about the felonious crimes at hand, ie selective service fraud, forgery etc? he should clearly understand that if the election is rigged that he must do his part in stopping any illegal candidates before the election.

  3. orly taitz
    April 8th, 2012 @ 7:29 am

    why don’t you contact Savage and ask him to invite me to his show. I was on his show over 2 years ago. Over time he got discouraged and believes that eligibility issue will not bring results.
    Please, advise him that I am now the leading GOP candidate for the position of the US senator. This is a legitimate reason to invite me on his show. Additionally, now there is more urgency, as we now for sure that the elections are rigged. If we don’t expose and prosecute forgery and elections frau, he will be put in office for 4 more years in rigged elections and that will be the end of the USA as we know it

  4. Robert
    April 8th, 2012 @ 8:03 am

    ok, i just emailed him to this address
    good luck and thank you

  5. Robert
    April 8th, 2012 @ 8:35 am

    i received an email failure message to that address….do you have his contact info?

  6. Rod Riddle
    April 8th, 2012 @ 9:39 am
  7. Alexander Gofen
    April 8th, 2012 @ 9:57 am

    Savage’s emails:

    Michael_Savage@mail.vresp.com, star@TheJamesRWhelanAgency.com

    His streaming site


    Dr. Savage,

    Time and again you brag as though you were the most clairvoyant and courageous author revealing the scope of the catastrophe of the Obama’s government. You brag as though you are doing your best to defeat Soetoro and to avert the “4 more years” with the help of your books, shows and etc. You sub-titled your new book “Crushing Obama’s dream of the socialist states”.

    However everyone who wants to crush an opponent, must begin with exposure of the most serious counts of criminality of the opponent – if one is sincere and honest. And how much more criminality do you need if your opponent Soetoro/Obama is…

    – A thief, an IDENTITY THIEF with fake SS#!

    – A fraud who had mockingly produced a cheap audacious forgery of his birth certificate to the world! This has compromised the entire institute of American presidency more than anything in the entire history!

    – Not a US natural born citizen, therefore not qualified because of this alone!

    And yet you have uttered not a word about the recent GA trial, where the above crimes entered into the trial record for the first time in the US history. The trial happened to be a disgrace of American Justice, or perhaps the end of it, yet this was not a news that fits your print or airwaves…

    And you have uttered not a word about the March 1 press conference of Sheriff Arpaio which too confirmed the allegations presented in Georgia…

    You are only bragging as though you are no part of “that media”, as though you are “independent”… Yet you are maintaining the same deafening silence on this most shocking and most crucial news ever happened in this nation.

    Diana West wrote:


    It is you too who silences this historic scum, Dr. Savage. It is you, who shares the view of another conservative hack, who dared to say as though “the truth about ineligibility would alienate too many people from the Republican Party”. (Like hell it would!)

    And it is you whose silence on this issue is deafening, as exposed in


    – pravda.ru of all places!

    So what: Now it appears that you are not qualified to polish the shoes of Pravda…

    Alexander Gofen

  8. Steve Neuenschwander
    April 8th, 2012 @ 9:58 am

    I do not find his claim credible. Primarily because the election process is up to the individual counties and each county has their own process to include whether to use electronic or paper ballot. In my county the process is 100 per cent mail-in paper ballot and they are scored by hand and eye analysis. In order for this claim to be true the entire process would have to be under one central electronic system with the mainframe in a central location. Simply impossible to occur. The votes are counted at the county level, the report is sent to the State Secretary of State and eventually certified. The votes are then sealed in containers and stored at the SOC’s office. The election process in almost immediate and with the hodge podge of processes it barely runs efficiently now.

  9. Mike
    April 8th, 2012 @ 6:17 pm

    It will so important for this election to be on the up and up. There was a certain amount of voter fraud last election, and it just seems like candidates that originate from Chicago are notorius for suspicious activities. ACORN was seen to be involved in nefarious activities. Let’s hope we have a fair election.

  10. SC Warrior
    April 10th, 2012 @ 1:31 am

    Orly: I really like the post of Steve Neuenschwander. This post gives me reason to breath a lot easier! He’s lucky they use mail in paper ballots. I’ve tried to get our state legislature to enact a similar law.

    But they seem bent on taking care of “usual” business…and I couldn’t get this done (so far), since I have tried to impress upon them, way back in Jan. 2011 or before. This paper ballot was the most important item I sent to them…along with (3) other ideas that would really help straighten out America.

    The (R)’s in the legislature seemed to think my Eligibility idea had merit! But the other (3) items didn’t!

    And the biggest reason that they couldn’t get that idea passed was the fact that there is one (D) leader in the senate, that literally thinks he’s the voice of our state! They said he wouldn’t allow this idea to go anywhere!!

    As well, I have emailed out several times about the (2) main culprit voting machines that seem to be rigged: The Diebold and The Sequoia. And in Nv., Harry Reid got around the machine they use there, that looks like a “slot machine!”

    They are rigged to switch votes for Reid, and people who voted for Sharon Angle saw their vote switch to Reid. This even got a write-up in the Las Vegas Paper and was discussed (I believe) on channel 5 there!

    So I think the bottom line that will protect America, if all else fails, is the usage of paper ballots! This way no machine can be allowed to “switch” anything! All these things should’ve been done a long time ago! But even in small towns here, they use machines!

    But I’m still trying to find out when the state legislature quits for a break! There’s no reason to allow the machine type of voting, since all of this (fraud) activity has been massive and continues to put the election process and our survival at risk!

    I think it’s also irresponsible to see the legislature carry on, like nothing is happening!!! They all know what is transpiring and I’ve informed them of all this insanity! And most of the problem is this one (D) in the senate.

    This man should bare the burden someday!

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