

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Here is a Washington Post article and a few posted comments, illustrating how the pro-Democratic party biased media uses “racist” slurs against Rand Paul, Michelle Malkin and me simply because that’s all they have. Most of them simply lack intellectual ability and integrity to discuss the issues, so they resort to using slurs, they hire composers to write songs with “f” words about candidates on the ballot, their hire deranged artists to paint nude pictures of the candidates on the ballot, they would call Jewish candidates a nazi, they would do anything to obfuscate the truth, anything to make sure any crime committed by their idols goes unpunished, unprosecuted.

Posted on | May 24, 2010 | 1 Comment

Defending Rand Paul, Part II

A number of liberal writers have included or featured me in essays about the Rand Paul flap.

First, Adele Stan:

Rand Paul’s biggest mistake, Weigel asserts, is that he told the truth about what he believes. … I do not, I admit, know whether or not Rand Paul is a racist, or simply misguidedly naive. But I do know that this conservative, libertarian idea — that private ownership trumps civil rights — is nothing more than bigotry dressed up in the garb of “principle.”

Then, Gabriel Winant:

Various figures who stand a few notches in toward the mainstream from Paul have made arguments similar to Weigel’s. It was a mere theoretical fancy, they say, nothing should be made of it. A staffer for Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., calls the whole thing “a non-issue.” Thanks, white people, for clearing up that whole civil rights thing for everybody else. Not important!

This is complicated stuff, but the Pauls are used to it. I first grappled with it in a 2008 story about racist passages in Ron Paul’s newsletters, written between his departure from Congress and his 1996 return to it — a story Joe Conason kindly links to in order to make a point about the Paul family’s embrace of Pat Buchanan-style populism. (A number of people whine whenever I mention this story, and they should probably grow up already.)

But there’s no comparison between the 2008 newsletter story and this story. That was about explicitly racist populism. This is about the libertarian dream of a colorblind society, faithful to the Constitution, with as little regulation of business as possible. I’m sticking up for Rand Paul here for a couple of reasons.

— He believes this because he despises racism and believes almost all Americans agree with him.

— This debate is more interesting and honest than the usual slippery debate we have about race, law, and regulation.

How does Paul’s opposition to racism explain his position here? He’s a property-rights absolutist, and he believes property rights, and the choices of consumers, are the only constitutional remedy to discrimination against race, against disability, against anything else. I think Julian Sanchez puts it best:

Strong property rights have often been the friend of unpopular minorities: Jim Crow laws were imposed precisely because racists feared the South’s rigid caste system would collapse if business owners were free to integrate, as historian Charles Wynes noted in his 1961 study Race Relations in Virginia. After that long apartheid imposed on consumer preferences, it might have been too sanguine to hope market forces alone would have ushered in desegregation as rapidly as the Civil Rights Act did. But history is littered with tribal boundaries shattered by commerce, and formal law yielded no instant solution either.

That is the north star for Paul. He does not believe that the Constitution allows the government to force businesses, landlords, etc. to change how they do business and who they do business with. And he fears that doing so in the name of positive social change puts us on a slippery slope to extra-Constitutional measures in the service of negative social change — taking away guns, putting people in camps. You can disagree, but that’s where he’s coming from.

Now, if you disagree, can you prove him wrong? I think you can. As Errol Louis pointed out yesterday during our appearance on “Hardball,” while many libertarians believe that America is more or less colorblind, around 500 discrimination cases are filed each week.

Paul’s answer to this would be similar to his explanation of why it would have been better for the U.S. economy to have completely crashed than for taxpayers and the Federal Reserve to have temporarily bailed out banks. We should have endured the crash, stuck by our principles and rebuilt. If a man in a wheelchair can’t get into a restaurant, he can raise a fuss, his neighbors can join him, and the restaurant can build a ramp in order to get more business.

It’s essential to put Paul’s belief in the context of 2010 instead of the context of 1964. He sees less of a need now for the government to intervene against discrimination in private business because there is less discrimination now. And go and try to prove him wrong on that.

But understanding Paul’s view gets at the second reason I am fine with defending him — it is better that we have an honest discussion about the strict constructionist view on discrimination (and, as the campaign goes on, on manifold other issues) than the hidebound, trite and dishonest conversation we have now. And it really is conservatives who are responsible for most of the dishonesty.

Take, for example, this deeply stupid post from Michelle Malkin in response to Attorney General Eric Holder’s comment that America has been a “nation of cowards” in grappling with race.

Funny. When I think of racial cowards, I think of Barack Obama at Jeremiah Wright’s church, sitting there week after week, year after year, saying nothing about the separatist demagoguery echoing from the pulpit to the pews.

When I think of racial cowards, I think of all the navel-gazers who fret about poisonous racial dialogue, but say nothing about “My President Is Black” bigotry. …

Holder doesn’t want an honest dialogue about race. In the Age of Obama, “talking enough with each other about race” means the rest of us shutting up while being subjected to lectures about our insensitivity and insufficient integration on the weekends.

Malkin’s piece is rooted in a belief, common among conservatives, that some switch was flipped in 1964 and 1965, when laws were passed prohibiting discrimination in most settings, and that from then on any attempt to address racial imbalance is the real racism. White people have to watch what they say about race, while black people don’t — what could be more offensive? Obviously, being denied access to a business or a job because of your race is more offensive. And that’s still a problem. The argument is over how we deal with it.

Rand Paul is more sophisticated about this than many, many people who fill the airwaves to talk about it. And that’s why I defend him — even though, given his decision today about skipping “Meet the Press,” he no longer wants to talk about this specific issue. On other issues, Paul is going to cut through the cant and slogans and challenge the premises of laws. It will be fair to challenge him on whether he fully understands the way things would work if those laws were eliminated — if his libertarian theories match up with reality. When we do so, we’re going to get a lot more understanding about our laws than we did before Paul won his nomination.

That said, Paul would do better to find issues where he can speak positively about liberty. I’d point him toward the work of Radley Balko, a brilliant journalist who spends his time exposing the ways that the state takes away rights and limits justice, and not looking for cute end-runs around civil rights laws.

By David Weigel  |  May 21, 2010; 6:07 PM ET
Categories:  2010 Election , Libertarians

As a libertarian, Mr. Weigel, I understand that you would wish that an extensive conversation about “our laws” be conducted with another libertarian, Rand Paul. That would place Mr. Paul, and libertarianism, at the center of our national political scene. Mr. Paul’s significance, and libertarianism’s significance, would be hugely enhanced. What a coup for Mr. Paul — and for you!

Next, let’s have an extensive national conversation with Orly Taitz about President Obama’s birth place. And with David Duke about race. And with Pat Buchanan about Jews. And with Glenn Beck about socialism/communism/fascism.

Afghanistan? Iraq? Climate change? Energy? Unemployment?

Nevermind. Let’s push those off to the fringe where they belong so we can talk to Rand Paul, a nominee in a Senate race from the Great State of Kentucky (pop. 4.4 million), about his views of “our laws.”

Perhaps we can also benefit by listening to Mr. Paul’s views on the NFTA Superhighway. He could be joined by Lou Dobbs. (Remember him?) And you, Mr. Weigel, could interpret for us.

Posted by: fredbrack | May 22, 2010 2:45 AM | Report abuse

Journalist: Steve Watson
A fired up Paul hit out further at the establishment left’s political smear campaign on Good Morning America today:

“If you want to bring up 40-year-old legislation, why don’t you bring me on with Sen. [Robert] Byrd, and we’ll talk about how he filibustered the Civil Rights Act,” Paul said of the 92-year-old West Virginia Democrat. “Make him, call him to task for something he actually did as opposed to calling me to task for something they insinuated that I might believe that’s not true.”

“What is going on here is an attempt to vilify us for partisan reasons. Where do your talking points come from? The Democratic National Committee, they also come from Rachel Maddow and MSNBC.” he added.

Posted by: PaulRevere4 | May 22, 2010 12:34 AM | Report abuse

I’ve never seen the elite establishment liberals in such a tizzy since Ronald Reagan! They will use every smear possible to try to take Rand Paul down before he can even get elected.

“Racist” is the typical slur they use against the GOP and Tea Party (same slur they use against those who love LEGAL immigration and insist that the rule of law be followed consistently by ALL)

The establishment liberal elites obviously fear the man who can beat Obama in ’12 by highlighting the unfair Wall Street bailouts, bailouts for a car company that refused to adapt to consumer demand, and bailouts for fat cat bankers all while the little guy got stuck with the tax bill and jobs continue to go missing. How many outsourced jobs have returned to this country since Obama took over? What has he done about the supreme power of corporations?

The “change” so far: a quadrupling of the budget deficit, broken promises on FISA and the Patriot Act, 100,000+ troops still in Iraq and more headed to Afghanistan, broken promises on gay & lesbian issues, higher unemployment and jobs continuing to move overseas.

Obama is Bush III: a continuation of the warfare and welfare state. There has been no real “change”.

Posted by: krissys | May 21, 2010 10:11 PM
Exactly. On the national security front even Bush didn’t go to the level of wanting to change Miranda rights. Obama has renewed everything Bush passed.

Funny Holder gives foreign terrorist American rights. The minute we have an American citizen involved in terrorism the first talk is about how to limit Miranda rights.

Meanwhile the liberals are all quiet after years of “Bush is shredding our constitution.”

Posted by: Cryos | May 21, 2010 11:20 PM | Report abuse


One Response to “Here is a Washington Post article and a few posted comments, illustrating how the pro-Democratic party biased media uses “racist” slurs against Rand Paul, Michelle Malkin and me simply because that’s all they have. Most of them simply lack intellectual ability and integrity to discuss the issues, so they resort to using slurs, they hire composers to write songs with “f” words about candidates on the ballot, their hire deranged artists to paint nude pictures of the candidates on the ballot, they would call Jewish candidates a nazi, they would do anything to obfuscate the truth, anything to make sure any crime committed by their idols goes unpunished, unprosecuted.”

  1. JohnLBA
    May 24th, 2010 @ 9:56 am

    It’s very good article.

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