

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Great day for birthers! Biden is out, one of two birthers, Clinton and Trump is likely to be our next president and will prosecute Obama for his use of a stolen CT SSN and fabricated IDs

Posted on | October 21, 2015 | 45 Comments

Biden announced today that he will not run for president effectively ending the Democratic party primary. Clinton is the presumptive nominee and she is likely to pick Julian Castro as her running mate. Castro is a Hispanic and the former mayor of San Antonio, as well as current HUD secretary. Trump is the current GOP front runner and he is likely to pick a female member of Congress or Governor or former Secretary Rice to be his running mate. Important part and consequence of Biden’s announcement today, is the fact that one of two known birthers will be the next US president. Clinton’s campaign was the first to raise the issues of the  Obama’s use of bogus IDs. Obama and Valerie Jarett were reportedly the ones who leaked all of Clinton’s e-mail info and gave a green light for the FBI investigation of Clinton. She is likely to repay Obama by giving a green light to investigation of Obama’s use of a stolen SSN and fabricated IDs and his theft of the 2008 and 2012 elections with bogus IDs. Trump raised the same issues, only to be attacked and ridiculed by Obama and be called a “carnival barker” by Obama. Trump did not forget it. So, neither Clinton, nor Trump will raise the issue until they are elected. I expect that either Trump’s Attorney General, who is expected to be Trey Gowdy, or Clinton’s Attorney General will file criminal charges against Obama for fraud committed by Obama.



45 Responses to “Great day for birthers! Biden is out, one of two birthers, Clinton and Trump is likely to be our next president and will prosecute Obama for his use of a stolen CT SSN and fabricated IDs”

  1. Wow!
    October 21st, 2015 @ 1:44 pm

    Wow! This scenario really seems possible now!

    And now I understand why I’ve seen info online that says: O will not finish his term????!

    And, Orly, why wouldn’t Trump offer you the job of Attorney General???

    Does he have something else in mind for you???

  2. turnright
    October 21st, 2015 @ 4:15 pm

    ” I expect that either Trump’s Attorney General, who is expected to be Trey Gowdy, or Clinton’s Attorney General will file criminal charges against Obama for fraud committed by Obama.”

    Unless of course obama wants this thing to come to a head quickly. If both the 9th and the Supremes find him “innocent” or the Big Court won’t hear the case if (when) obama loses at the 9th, then obama is home free… double jeopardy into the new administration and all like that.

    But if (when) obama loses at both the 9th and the Supreme Court, if there is time left before a new administration, Biden can pardon obama.

    This is why it could be that obama would want speedy findings by both courts.

    Obama would be shamed, but I don’t think a mozlim narcissist will be too bothered as long as he can wreak havoc on the United States.

  3. turnright
    October 21st, 2015 @ 4:21 pm

    Poor logic: “or the Big Court won’t hear the case if (when) obama loses at the 9th”…

    Should read: “or the Big court won’t hear the case for whatever reason”…


  4. Veritas
    October 21st, 2015 @ 4:32 pm

    Perfect analysis…and neither one would pardon him.

  5. John Cole
    October 21st, 2015 @ 5:26 pm

    i’m pretty confident(like 100%)that president Clinton won’t prosecute Mr.Obama.

  6. Alexander Gofen
    October 21st, 2015 @ 5:54 pm

    Even if this scenario holds and either of the two future presidents will prosecute Obama after 2016…

    1) The main culprits guilty in double treason were all 3 branches of the US government, both parties and others. They must be prosecuted first (rather than a puppet Obama) – see the full list https://JudeoChristianAmerica.org/OpenLetter/UFOInWhiteHouse.htm . Yet a future president is only one of the branches, and he/she will have to deal with others: with the same others!..

    2) Moreover, after 2016 it is TOO LATE. It will demonstrate for the entire world a complete failure and disgrace of the so called “beacon of the world” to live up to its own Law and Constitution during 8 years! This fact will enter into the record of human history as an example of extreme baseness of the entire nation. In the USSR, yes, Krushchev dared to open a part of Stalin’s crimes only after Stalin dropped dead. But in the late 1980s during the “perestroika”, while the USSR, an evil empire, still existed, the stream of truthful information and full exposure of the Communist party did take place! In USSR, mind you! America therefore fell even lower than USSR, as this fall took place without GULAGs and KGB… Any reason for elation?!

    3) That is if a future president dares to open this box at all (the the others did not want to do that in the past, never mind in the future). Mrs. Clinton was told to shut up in 2008, and she did. So far Mr. Trump shut up (for whichever prompt). Any reason for elation?!

  7. Judy
    October 21st, 2015 @ 5:56 pm
  8. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    October 21st, 2015 @ 7:21 pm

    it is not an elation, but so far this is the most likely solution.
    If you can achieve results in a different way, do it. So far nothing else worked

  9. Alexander Gofen
    October 21st, 2015 @ 8:18 pm

    Dear Orly, in reply to your comment #7…

    1) Speaking about a “solution”, it must be specified for which problem it is a solution. Judging by your context, the problem is limited to delivering at least partial justice to Obama post factum, not touching anybody else, nor nullifying his presidency and all his deeds. OK. Theoretically that may happen (though even this looks rather as a wishful thinking). Yet is it a cure for the disaster of such a scale? Is justice “post factum” proper to a civilized nation – a beacon of humanity?

    2) It’s not as though nothing else worked! It’s rather that near NOTHING HAS BEEN done by the great majority of people in this nation! And I do not mean only some very special individuals at key positions, say like our version of General Pinochet. I mean millions of rank and file people which did nothing at their grass root level, not even as little as throwing out their local party leaders in their party cells, or other local offices. I called those whom I could reach to do that, but nobody wished. Therefore it is not as though nothing else worked. It is that nobody wished to work…

  10. Frank O'Pinion
    October 21st, 2015 @ 8:45 pm

    Barack HUSSEIN Obama resigns.
    Shotgun Joe (Biden) becomes president.
    Shotgun Joe pardons the illegal alien Obama.

    For sure this is a 10. Makes me want to lose my supper just thinking about it.

    Scale of sickness:
    0 = upset stomach
    5 = bile regurgitation
    10 = three-foot projectile vomiting

  11. turnright
    October 21st, 2015 @ 8:58 pm

    Well… what you are managing to do Orly is stand a corrupt regime and its cohorts on their heads. Nobody else who was high-profile was doing it, at least after the initial skirmishes back in 2007-2009. They dropped out it seems, not that many of us can much blame them. The opposition was horrific. But you’ve stayed the coarse.

  12. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 12:04 am

    you can hold your food down, Obama’s ego is too big for him to ever resign

  13. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 12:06 am

    the fact that Trump is leading all of the establishment puppets, is a sign that people are waking up. their fact act is to reject the establishment candidates

  14. Kevin J Lankford
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 2:24 am

    Though there may be some satisfaction achieved in having the fraud prosecuted for his fake and fabricated persona; there is still the very important and to me, most important issue of reestablishing the true definition and purpose of the “Natural Born Citizen” clause within our Constitution.

    We already have three ineligible candidates aspiring to step right into the void created by fraud new age scholars, who have redefined truth, and no telling the countries now breeding their new age natural born U.S. citizens on some secret foreign farm.

  15. EyeballNews
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 6:03 am

    Glad to see Joe “plugs” Biden bow out of the race. Will be more glad when he fades into obscurity where he belongs.

  16. HB
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 6:55 am

    I hope I live long enough to watch Obama and his so called wife “Manchelle” led out in orange jumpsuits and shackles. What a sweet day that will be!

    October 22nd, 2015 @ 10:05 am




    October 22nd, 2015 @ 10:11 am


    October 22nd, 2015 @ 10:16 am







    October 22nd, 2015 @ 10:21 am








    October 22nd, 2015 @ 10:34 am

    According to Gowdy, it does not appear that Stevens knew he was tasked with vetting information from a non-governmental Clinton friend. Stevens also did not appear to communicate directly with Clinton through email.


    October 22nd, 2015 @ 10:47 am

    one more gain

    Billary and her illusion distractions..She knows she will have to respond to “What is the definition of “is” is”

    “I don’t know what this line of questioning does to help us get to the bottom the deaths of four Americans,” Clinton says, getting frustrated with Gowdy.

    “It’s relevant because our ambassador was asked to read and respond to Sidney Blumenthal’s drivel,” Gowdy replies.

    “I think it’s fair to ask why Sidney Blumenthal had unfettered access to you … and why there was no access between you and the ambassador.”

  23. Larry
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 12:18 pm

    Orly ,I think that IF Clinton gets elected NOTHING will happen ,because it would show how complacent all of the Democrats have been (and our so called Republicans too) …The ONLY hope to get to the bottom of this is Trump (I’m not sure he will go after Obama) and a REAL Attorney General that stands for justice (IF he/she is not afraid of being called “racist” by the black community (It doesn’t matter if the facts prove them to be right)….

  24. Davey Crockett
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 1:05 pm

    Well, let’s see…I tried several times to “go public” and have been bird-dogged by some establishment types…

    Tried to inform the public of Orlys’ Site…but they wouldn’t post it…!

    I live in an area where anything out of the ordinary speaks volumns of “just how ‘far OUT'” can one get????

    So having to face elation in not succeeding to awaken the public is a quiters song! I’m not a quiter!

    I’m fighting a loosing battle due mostly by the liberal establishment of the news media; the govt; treason also in some judge-ships; as well as not having time and $$ to get myself bailed out of jail…(cause that’s what will happen if I personally try to succeed, with everyone else here doesn’t understand what I’m trying to do!)

    So Alexander, why do you continue to pound on America? That thoroughly pisses me off!

    Do you go public where you live? or send info out to many people, even to this day on Dr Orlys’ efforts?

    You agitate Orly all the time! How come? Are you doing any praying? You think that I’m happy with the evil from hell succeeding to screw around with us?

    Every time you post that kind of message on Orlys’ Site, the left is smiling with glee!

    You keep feeding the “coch-roach!” How come?
    Are you so frustrated that you can’t vent well enough to get rid of your anger?

    All Patriots are on edge, as well. Can you not just give Orly her due, with grace and a great deal of respect?

  25. Davey Crockett
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 1:13 pm

    And let me post this…

    A Quinnipiac Poll that states something I don’t believe:…


    Since when?

    And here’s one of the biggest reasons why America hasn’t gotten the message yet about O:…Americans will go to a lot of different candidates and believe them, cauce the news media won’t help publicize the massive treason!

  26. will
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 2:30 pm

    if hillary wins she will never bring up the obama forgeres and treason..

    why would she.. he could have her tried on treason charges as well…

    they have no choice the rats have to stick together….

  27. Rich
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 4:09 pm

    Trump isn’t going anywhere. If Carson was in front they would find a way to move someone else up. They will just keep stirring the pot to prevent anyone getting traction and the media will exploit it to the hilt $$$$$$$$$.

  28. Alexander Gofen
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 8:15 pm

    To Davey Crocket (#24): It’s your strange misperception as though I post anything in order to agitate Orly or attack her personally.

    1) Yes, I post objections against some of Orly’s actions or reasoning. So what: This is an open discussion site, and if I am wrong, anybody can shove me into what is wrong.

    2) I ALWAYS give Orly her due as the pioneer and the most efficient judicial fighter for exposure of the illegitimacy (as she did it in the past). We see that this nation didn’t appreciate her fight – never mind to back it. The nation is willing to swallow the entire shit and just to have a life (whichever it means). Following this national trend, Orly lowered the plank in order to fit into the main stream. You can read this in her recent publications, and yes, I criticize this lowering of the plank and change of the goal (see item 1).

    3) Yes, I too realize that I am fighting a “loosing game”, but it’s OK to fight for what is right no matter what. The dissidents in the former USSR had zero reason to hope as though their fight can ever change the regime, yet they did it anyway (and, in various ways, their fight did contribute into final collapse of the regime).

    4) Yes, I keep vehemently posting and sending info out about the ineligibility in general and Orly’s contribution in it (over 3000 comments already in the last few years). And I compiled all the ideas, the “theory”, and strategy into the site of the Judeo-Christian America. I live in an area analogous to yours, and I have a very limited (reasonable) connections. I have tried what I had – and I have exhausted them all.

    5) And yes, I do pound America. But… “The American people, especially the patriotic ones, simply do not want to hear or believe any bad news about their country”. (Eric Samuelson)

  29. Dustin C.
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 8:39 pm

    Davey, don’t be angry with Alexander. He cannot help being a realist.
    As painful as it might be to face, the reality is that nothing has happened and nothing is going to happen because (are you ready to hear it?) the overwhelming majority of the PEOPLE are corrupt, evil and insane with SIN. It is they who have elected, empowered and continue to enable their equally corrupt, evil, and insane leaders.
    “As the leaders go so goes a nation.” It is a hard truth, yes, and your own worldview may not be able to handle it. But there it is.

  30. Alexander Gofen
    October 22nd, 2015 @ 9:45 pm

    A clarification for Dustin C (#29). My “realism” (whichever you mean) does not imply defeatism. I will keep fighting even the loosing game.

    This polemic is about not lowering the plank in order to fit the main stream. I insist on keeping the SAME goal as set from the very beginning: Only the full exposure and prosecution of all culprits as listed here https://JudeoChristianAmerica.org/OpenLetter/UFOInWhiteHouse.htm BEFORE the 2016. And this goal is not negotiable. Only God knows whether any game is really loosing. Let’s follow the mottos of couch Dave Daubenmire:

    The game is never over until the clock hits zero.


    Work while the sun shines, for a day cometh when no man can work.

    And after the clock hits zero, the goal must still remain the same, plus publishing an extensive report – a Black book – about the rise and fall of the greatest experiment ever attempted on this planet: at least for the sake of posterity.

  31. Starlight
    October 23rd, 2015 @ 10:08 am

    Love this discussion,

    but have to say, the word is “losing”

    not ‘loosing’…..


    “the overwhelming majority of the PEOPLE are corrupt, evil and insane with SIN. It is they who have elected, empowered and continue to enable their equally corrupt, evil, and insane leaders.”
    That is the TRUTH, in today’s society.
    Very well-said.

    I think that movies, television, and what passes as ‘music’ (along with
    poor parenting,) have warped too many minds,

  32. This is America!!!!!!
    October 23rd, 2015 @ 2:12 pm

    Okay…Davey asked me to respond, since he’s having a bout with a cold, sinus problems, and the weather keeps him from going out and about.

    Alexander, when the left sits and reads your posts and makes critical responses to what you are posting, doesn’t that say that you are then, helping the other side? Remember that recent poster who cussed Orly out?

    Doesn’t that bother you? Or why wouldn’t post in defense of her when this happens?

    I don’t believe in a “no win” scenario! Anybody who gives up before the end, is not a person who is going to “go the distance” to keep the faith!

    Do you think it’s not God that brought Trump into the fold, with his candidacy? I never give up! But apparently we have some poster (or two) that can’t see the tree for the forest!

    How do you think Orly feels when she has to respond to something negative towards her and/or America?

    Are you so frustrated that you can’t carry on without blasting something American? You haven’t learned the ability to “pace yourself!”

    Were you born in America? Russia? or where? Anybody born here should not be posting to criticize Orly and/or America!

    Or is this too hard for you to even consider, let alone see the benefits of NEVER QUITTING?

    You act like such a whiner…this is just too hard to handle, right? Does everything have to be lowered to its final thought, when you post a negative post? Take a look at the big picture!

    Man, consider what Orly thinks and reads when she sees something on her site that is not helpful to her, in whatever way, when she posted the other day, that this fight will probably take years off of her life!

    We are damned lucky she immigrated (legally) to America, cause she’s the only one who has seen what O was all about and took it upon herself to fight this evil!

    Compare that with what you think is right!
    Right? What is right for Orly? for America? I’ll tell you:…what’s right is when we post to show support for our Orly and America! Not just what you think is right, in some smaller way, to appease your ego and console your mind, never-mind what your post may be doing to Orly and/or America!

    How self-centered can you get? Now, some of us can’t get online all the time. We have to find a day when we are able to do so, even though we may have circumstances…and we may consider what our posts are doing to this very noble and very serious cause!

    You need to start finding the path to positive posts, instead of always finding the negative!
    I always consider, as much as I can, how not to make Orlys’ day even more difficult!

    And I and Davey don’t try to post with antagonism to any supporter of Orly…but it would be nice to see you reverse your attitude in this very serious fight, cause you ARE helping the other side when you post the way you have been posting!

    An educated person would know enough not to allow the other side see any negative platitudes posted here, cause it’s going to give them impetus to keep harassing Orly, on her site and maybe in other ways!

    Remember the car accident she experienced?

    I am sure, though, that you are a good person, but for Christs’ sake…be more positive, if you have some consideration????!

  33. Alexander Gofen
    October 23rd, 2015 @ 4:03 pm

    To “This is America” (#32)

    It already must get boring even for the most patient readers reaching this point, and I am sorry for that, yet your post needs a pointed reply.

    1) Again, this is a discussion of issues, not of any person or ambitions of anybody. It is not supposed to be pleasing or displeasing anybody.

    2) You have expressed your credo in this way: “What’s right is when we post to show support for our Orly and America!” Thank you for telling your mind! It’s clearly NOT my credo. I do not accept this axiom – and this deems further discussion senseless with all adherents of this credo. However here are a few more clarifications.

    3) It’s not I who gives up before the end. I do not compromise the initial goal and I do “go the distance” keeping the faith, because…

    4) For me the initial goal (the full exposure) is non-negotiable. That’s what I stand for. How in the world can it please the Lefts (if we care)? Does it express THEIR views?!

    5) I doubt as though “God brought Trump into the fold”. It’s rather that the NWO brought him as a Plan B or C into the fold. So far Trump had renounced any attempts to expose the ineligibility BEFORE 2016 – and that’s it: nothing else matters. If it is not exposed before 2016, the civility will be thrown back even earlier than during Henry VIII…

    By the way, Ambassador Alan Keyes also doubts if “God brought Trump into the fold” – see https://www.wnd.com/2015/10/candidates-part-of-the-gop-political-mafia/

    6) I was born in the former USSR. I disagree also with your second axiom as though “Anybody born here should not criticize America!”

    7) No, I do not act like a whiner. On the contrary, I stand for the initial goal, instead of to opportunistically compromise it. I do see the BIG picture… That is why my posts attempt to assert “this very noble and very serious cause”, rather than opportunistically reduce it to a bizarre nuisance of the past – because we must go on, you know!.. Those who think this way are the OTHER side. In no way does it help this other side that I stand firm on the goal of the full exposure before 2016 – the only way to save the face for America.

  34. Jim Buzzell
    October 23rd, 2015 @ 8:29 pm

    Here’s my problem with Cruz, Rubio and Jindal: They are all Naturalized Citizen of the US, maybe, they are not Natural Born Citizens of the US. Their birth citizenship follows their father’s, not his mother’s in the case of Cruz. Cruz, born in Canada, his father’s citizenship was Cuban, his mother’s citizenship is US; in the case of Rubio, born his father’s citizenship was Cuban as was his mother’s, and in the case of Jindal, born his father’s citizenship was Indian as was his mother’s; the Law of Nations explains this very well and it’s in the 1st volume of Vattel’s Law of Nations… So why do they feel they are eligible for POTUS when they clearly know they are not?
    Because Obama refused to show is birth certificate and got elected does our Constitution become irrelevant for all future elections?
    Are they simply self-serving their ego? Are they misleading the people who support them? Are they really Progressives trying to hide in Conservative clothes?

  35. Starlight
    October 24th, 2015 @ 4:29 am

    Jim, you know that old saying, “Give them an inch and they will take a mile.”

    That is the belief of those three men who are vying for presidency, a’la’Obama-the-impostor.

    Let that happen, and we have a breakdown in our cherished ‘law of the land.’

    This is an ongoing battle of good vs. evil.

  36. Starlight
    October 24th, 2015 @ 4:38 am

    And Davey, I feel your frustration and defense of Dr. Taitz’ unceasing work, but I also understand Mr. Gofen’s frustration, so just let it be.

    We who are born in America, do feel the walls falling down around us, at least those of us who love and appreciate what we have always had and took for granted.

    Someone who was not born here, lives here gratefully, also has the same sense of the imminent decline and fall of America, and feels as we natural-born citizens do, that it is rapidly going out of our control.

    Again, I say,for the 5th time, we as citizens, immigrants or natural-born, need to make vocal in an organized way, that we want this impostor/quisling out of the White House, and his czars, his cronies, his muslim staff, etc. etc. etc. with him, NOW and not next year.

    Again, I say, we need loyal military leaders to not just blog, and not just go onto the networks and state that we need to impeach,

    but to actually use their military skills and strategy and authority, to rid us of this vermin.

    Now this vermin Obama is cutting our defense fund. What does he have in mind? Think Hitler. Think SS, Gestapo, and concentration camps.

    That’s his goal. The Muslim takeover of this country, and our authorities are bowing down and letting it happen.

    In days gone by, there would have been a revolution by now.

  37. Alexander Gofen
    October 24th, 2015 @ 10:08 am

    To Starlight (#36): I agree. In a discussion here


    I mentioned the following practical considerations:

    2) Restoring the Constitutional principles is not merely a matter of the just pluralistic elections. With the GENERAL election and contemporary electorate, the outcome will not be much different. This Constitution was designed for the then moral and religious people and only under the voting right limited to tax payers and property owners! First therefore we have to restore the limiting voting right (Item 2 of the Platform). But you cannot restore limiting voting right having general voting right (and rigged everything). First you need a person like General Pinochet (which has not emerged yet). Or…

    3) Gather conservative pieces in one most hopeful state and secede. Given the illegitimacy of the entire federal government since 2009 anyway, judicially this time is ideal, and such a secession is a long overdue. It’s much easier to rid of and expel federal institutions in one state then in the DC or in many states. And its easier to convince the state power structures to take the side of the state against feds, than to appeal to anybody in the totally corrupted treasonous null and void federal government.

  38. Davey Crockett
    October 24th, 2015 @ 10:57 am

    starlight: I can let it go, as it were…

    But the big thing Alexander is not consideringh is the fact that when he gets negative on this site, he then, helps the left-wingers to see the dissension here!

    Alexander, have you taken any psychology classes? I have. I’m a former teacher, now retired. And I”m telling you that you are not helping Orly/America as long as you continue to post with your never-ending attitude to tell the truth!

    My words meant nothing to you. You have a one-track mind–ME! This is not your site! Can you not see that being negative is adding fuel the fire for the NWO? I think that if you could comprehend what your words are doing to Orly/America, you might consider not “accidentally” helping the treason!

    You just do not get it, IMO! One does not post a negative here, so we keep any dissension out of the equation! We should not be so concerned about one persons truth…but consider the whole picture, so that we don’t give these NWO treasonous scum a farthing of info that gives them impetus to keep fighting us!

    Can you not understand that? I’m not trying to keep this going, but you are wrong! Your stubbornness is the silent enemy!

    So that we don’t continue to give Orly a headache, I will stop this. But you need to sit and figure out what I’ve said here! We should never give the NWO any ammunition to fight us with!

    And apparently, you don’t care about Orlys health and what she’s gone through for almost 7-freakin’ years now! Or you wouldn’t be posting items that are negative! You just pass over the important items, and blast your “glass half-full” concepts!

    Posting things that come back at someone is doing a Herculean job is very egotistical and self-centered! And this type of posting doesn’t solve anything!

  39. Starlight
    October 24th, 2015 @ 12:39 pm

    I have clipped out this comment:

    “It will demonstrate for the entire world a complete failure and disgrace of the so called “beacon of the world” to live up to its own Law and Constitution during 8 years! This fact will enter into the record of human history as an example of extreme baseness of the entire nation.”
    Because this is how the world does see the great American nation, as one who overlooked, knowingly, a Muslim/Criminal/Usurper/Friend and Ally to the Enemy/Non-Citizen, and a Traitor to a country that isn’t his own country, a pervert who is a liar and a dictator.

    So, yes, this “beacon” is indeed no longer a shining light, and the reason this travesty continues is the complicity of the government, the Senate, Congress, SCOTUS, House of Representatives, and.. behind the scenes, the Army Provost Marshall, who it is my understanding, has the authority to go in and arrest the treasonous tyrant, but he is nowhere to be found.

    Not a peep out of him, but we do hear more from our own sheriffs and border patrol agents, those who have to deal with the fallout from Obama’s mad and insane edicts.

    I believe that when someone has endured, as Dr. Taitz and Mr. Gofen, the lack of freedoms that existed in their country, Russia, they value even more than we do, (but we are learning, slowly), the privileges that we are losing before our very eyes.

    They have ‘been thee and done that.’

    They see the handwriting on the wall.

    Mr. Gofen has every right and reason to be concerned, and what appears to be negative, is in reality a cry for action.

    He does acknowledge Dr. Taitz’s many cases and appeals, but we, he and she realize that we are up against a corruption so deeply infiltrated, in what we naively believed was the best of all nations on Earth, that once our Constitution and other documents have been made obsolete, with only a half-hearted whimper from millions of people, it will be too late for America.

  40. Starlight
    October 24th, 2015 @ 12:45 pm

    ooops.. typo ‘been THERE and done that.’

  41. Steve Wittlake
    October 24th, 2015 @ 1:17 pm

    Has anyone seen any of the remarks about health of Obama on the internet? They are talking about Obama having cancer or something akin. He is extremely skinny. I saw a picture of his face and it looed like he has bubbles in his face. Looks very bad.

  42. Starlight
    October 24th, 2015 @ 2:31 pm

    I would guess that AIDS has caught up with him.
    (or any similar disease associated with his
    propensity to sin)

  43. Alexander Gofen
    October 25th, 2015 @ 10:42 am

    Thank you Starlight, for noticing that what some see as a mere “negativity” is “a cry to action” (like #37, though perhaps a cry in a wilderness)… Believe it or not, I had posted some real “cry” for quite a long: https://www.judeochristianamerica.org/BattleCryOfAmerica.htm

  44. Starlight
    October 25th, 2015 @ 1:45 pm

    Great lyrics to this relevant time in our nation’s history.

    Maybe a “cry in the wilderness” is, indeed,
    our united theme, and if we followed through
    with an organized coup, pretending we are like a third world country, in enforcing the downfall of a tyrant,

    we would not be crying any longer.

    There would be a New Year’s celebration for a at least a decade!!

  45. Harry9
    October 27th, 2015 @ 3:18 am

    don’t kid yourself-our judicial system is the most corrupt in the world and the rich (foreign) backers of Obama have all their bases covered-once you feel that you are making progress another politician or judge is paid off-Hillary will pardon Obama-if any of the available information is eventually made public-

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