

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

From Conservative writer Jane Jamison-Uncoverage.net

Posted on | June 8, 2010 | No Comments

Orly Taitz for California Secretary of State Creates GOP Anxiety

Posted on 08 June 2010 by admin Share





Update: June 8, 2010  California Primary Election day

Politico.com  has an interesting view on the California Secretary of State’s race, where attorney/dentist Orly Taitz is pitted against California “newcomer”-GOP poster child Damon Dunn.

As you can see below, I editorialized in favor of Orly Taitz for the very important job of counting our votes in California for many reasons laid out in the article.

Politico says Orly Taitz may have a very good chance of being elected, which is causing consternation among GOP candidates who want nothing to do with the “birther” issue. 

Fine.   First, if you live in California, I truly hope you will vote for Orly Taitz.  She is an emigre, a true Patriot who loves this country and, say whatever you want to say about the Obama eligibility issue, this woman is a straight-shooter, a “rule of law” person.  If she is elected, she will raise hell in Sacramento and clean up our elections.  Have no doubt about that.

To my mind, having a person who refuses to “go along and get along” as Secretary of State is much preferable to a ”carpet-bagger” who was moved here by our GOP state elitists, who never voted all of his life until a year ago,  who was a Democrat all his life and who says his hero is Barack Obama.   Damon Dunn, (read below) has all of those “tags” on his credibility, in my opinion.

The person who counts our votes in California should be a Patriot, who values the sanctity of our precious right to vote and has demonstrated such by voting.

That said, do not be daunted by the fact that even our good conservative candidates cannot possibly align themselves with Ms. Taitz during any election.  Accept that the liberal media ”own” the spin on the Obama eligibility right now.   Let it be.  They are attempting to marginalize and minimalize anyone who dares to ask a question about the President’s legal right to serve.   We want our conservatives to be elected and in our tough blue states, such as California, we do not want the Obama eligibility issue to “cloud” their ability to reach across party lines.

In other words, be patient on the eligibility issue.  New media writers, like me, will continue to put out the information for you.  World Net Daily is covering the story daily.  Progress is being made slowly.  Let us work this 2010 election with good focus.  The eligibility story for the president will happen when it is time.

For now,  do not be swayed by the attacks on Orly Taitz.   Understand them.  She does have an accent and a “persistent” personality that grates on people.   I look past those superficial objections and have listened to hours of her talks, and  interviews.  I believe she is someone who truly loves this country and its constitution.

Read the Politico article here.  ”GOP Bad Dreams: Birther on the Ticket”



May 11, 2010  “Orly Taitz for California Secretary of State and Here’s Why” 

Before you write this off as “birther” kookiness, please realize I have given this a lot of thought the past few weeks.  I make the following recommendation to help your choice when voting in California.  Please make use of the links I am providing for your own research and voting decision.  You will see why I choose the way I do.

What makes a democracy?  The ability to vote in free elections, right?  It should follow that the person/agency in charge of counting those sacred trusts with democracy, the voter ballots, should be someone of the highest ethical caliber.

Such a candidate is Orly Taitz, a Russian immigrant, dentist and attorney.  You may not know her name, but she is controversial for being one of the lead attorneys in the United States in the legal action to obtain proof that Barack Obama is eligible to be president of the United States.

Orly Taitz is running for secretary of state in California.   She is very concerned about voter fraud that is occurring here and she pledges to require that all candidates who seek to be on an election ballot in California are legally able to run for office. 

Let me run that by you again.  Orly Taitz wants to make sure all candidates for office in California elections are legal American citizens.  If they are not legally able to vote, Taitz is pledging that they won’t be on the ballot in California.   So if you are a candidate running for office, you may not get on the ballot in California if you aren’t a legal citizen of the United States.    

Read between the lines here and help elect Orly Taitz. 

World Net Daily also reports that the other Republican in the race for California Secretary of State, Damon Dunn, is being challenged in court in Sacramento on the grounds that he has not been registered to vote in California for the proper amount of time to be eligible.  The suit also alleges he was registered as a Democrat in Florida until last year.

“It explains that Dunn on Nov. 5, 2009, “who had been registered and enrolled/affiliated with the Florida Democratic Party within 12 months, filed the declaration for his candidate for the California Republican Party nomination…”

Further, the case accuses Dunn of trying to expunge his Florida record so it could not be traced.

“According to a letter written April 13, 2010, by Jean Marie Atkins Director of Voter Administration the Duval County Board of Election and obtained in person by Dr. Orly Taitz while in Florida … Defendant Dunn contacted the Florida Board of Elections to have any record of enrollment or affiliation with the Florida Democratic Party in the Duval County database expunged from the official record,” the lawsuit claims.

An earlier complaint to the state’s elections office generated no response, the lawsuit explains, despite the evidence of an infraction.”

Bottom line:  Orly Taitz grew up in Russia, where there was no freedom.  She is a patriot.  As an attorney, she is a stickler for the rule of law and the constitution.    Despite being be-littled and smeared by the Obama administration as she attempts to obtain proof of the president’s citizenship and ability to serve, she soldiers on.

Damon Dunn, the other Republican in the race, has a lot of resume qualities that look great:  young, former NFL receiver, good-looking, millionaire, important friends like Condoleeza Rice.  The problem is, Dunn was registered from 1999 on as Democrat, claims Barack Obama is his hero, and has only voted once in his life, in the spring of 2009. 

It also appears that Mr. Dunn  not qualified to run for office.  At the very least, he appears to be a Democrat outsider to the state who is opportunistically changing parties and moving here to run for office in California. He is favored by the GOP establishment in California over Ms. Taitz, recruited to run here by former Bush operative, Karl Rove.

More on the controversial Taitz here in the archives of World Net Daily, one of the few publications in the U.S. which dares to write about the Obama eligibility issue.

Another thing to know:  Democrat Socialist billionaire George Soros has many liberal foundations and political action committees which are influencing political races in this country.   One very important group is a 527 political action committee called the SOS Project (Secretary of State).  It was established after the contested election of George Bush over Al Gore in 2000.  It seeks to get liberal/socialist Democratic candidates elected to secretaries of state offices around the country.

Carolyn Greenberg has done an exhaustive investigation of the SOS project, the 9 Secretaries of State it has gotten elected so far, and the states targeted now.

The people who COUNT the votes in elections are the ones who determine who wins.  Remember Minnesota.

The current secretary of State for California is Democrat Debra Bowen, who is a Soros-backed office-holder.  

Another one of the Soros SOS office-holders is the current secretary of state in Minnesota.  Mark Ritchie was a former Democratic ACORN community organizer until elected Secretary of State.  As you recall there was a very close election last year in which former Saturday Night Live jerkwad Al Franken was the Democratic nominees.   The vote tally was very close.  In a very controversial recount in which fraud is alleged, Franken suddenly emerged the winner.  Read about it here.

With these Soros-funded Secretaries of State counting the votes, Republicans will lose if there is a close election.

It is imperative to call out and root out these Secretaries of State who are funded and sponsored by George Soros.  He does not want democracy in the United States.

Orly Taitz is yes, controversial.  She will be controversial if elected.  However, if elected, she may be able the only one, due to her legal background, to stop the progression of progressivism in this country, in the most populous state in the union.   Damon Dunn looks good, talks the talk, but appears to be a “construct” of either the GOP or the Democratic party.  Say no to him.


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