

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

All attempts to debunk Obama’d Kenyan BC, that I submitted for authentication were debunked.

Posted on | August 16, 2009 | 10 Comments

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Salon attempts to debunk Kenyan birth ceriticate twice, fails


Salon ran an article which is barely worth mentioning in an attempt to discredit the Obama Kenyan birth certificate, reported previously on this site. The first attempt, which was proven to be fabricated, was an alleged “South Australian” template that the Obama Kenyan birth certificate was designed from.

This was quickly debunked here.

Now, a more credible attempt has been released from the same source – Salon. But I believe this is also another fake as I will show.

Pic 1, as appeared on posting

Pic 2, as appeared on posting

Pic 3, as appeared on posting

At first glance, these look pretty convincing.

The first thing I did was open each JPEG file in Wordpad. Instantly, I noticed some differences between these three images and the Taitz website Jpeg.

Here is the header information in the “original”.


The header in the other three are:


So right away, there is a potential problem.

Next, I noticed some differences, as I will point out. Remember, Kenya-BC is the “original”.

In the above picture, you can see that the crease does not align properly. Compare the fold in relation to the letter P in Province. Also, just below the red circle, you can see that the fold passes between I and S of Registration instead of between the G and I.

Second. The smudge.

In the above picture, the smudge is funky. Also, the word “Maiden” looks like “Maieen”. Why would the smudge have transferred over the fold? Doesn’t the fold go the other direction?

Problems with crumples.

In this picture, you can see that the “You’ve been punk’d” message is not on the crumpled copy. The apostrophe in “You’ve” in the bottom image is not on the top image. Just remember this for the next picture.

Ok, so now it’s uncrumpled. And they wrote the message on this paper. But the stroke of the marker pen went right over this tear. While it could have been torn after this was written, it seems unlikely.

This, to me, is the icing on the cake. The age’s don’t match on Obama’s dad.

In this image, it’s a little tough to discern. Does that say 25 and 26? So I took a closer look.

Click image above to enlarge.

Yep! Debunked!

Also of interest is that many claimed E.F. Lavender was a soap used in Kenya. However, that name has been identified as accurate here.



10 Responses to “All attempts to debunk Obama’d Kenyan BC, that I submitted for authentication were debunked.”

  1. linda
    August 16th, 2009 @ 7:38 pm

    excellent detective work. you are definately going to win with this authentic BC.from Kenya. Just hope you got an honest Judge with integrity.

  2. Steph
    August 17th, 2009 @ 12:26 am

    Orly, what is the next step with this birth certificate?

  3. martin Pinsky
    August 17th, 2009 @ 2:39 pm


    sOMETHING AS PRIMA FACIE as the clear and indisputable fact that Obama’s daddy was NOT an american national prima facie-


    Kiss MSNBC “s ass!! after what they did to you.


  4. Troy
    August 17th, 2009 @ 3:59 pm

    Obama’s My Space: “I am 52 years old” (not 48)


  5. Jacob
    August 17th, 2009 @ 4:04 pm

    WND is reporting that Obama posted his age on his Myspace page as 52 not 48. Go figure!

  6. Michelle
    August 17th, 2009 @ 4:24 pm

    Dear Dr. Orly-
    I don’t know if you have seen this yet. Just when you think it could not get weirder it just does.
    Obama’s MySpace page: I’m 52 years old, not 48
    Would place president’s birth during time Hawaii was a territory
    Posted: August 17, 2009
    2:46 pm Eastern
    © 2009 WorldNetDaily
    Is President Obama’s age 52? His MySpace page declares his age as 52, thus putting his birth year at 1957, two years before Hawaii achieved U.S. statehood.
    If President Obama were indeed born in Hawaii, was it while the islands were a territory of the United States?
    A new wrinkle in the dispute over his birth – and whether he is eligible to be president under the U.S. Constitution’s requirement that the president be a “natural born” citizen – appeared today when Obama’s MySpace page declared his age is 52, thus placing his birth year at 1957 instead of 1961 as has been claimed.
    That would mean he would have been born during the archipelago’s time as a territory of the U.S., the islands’ status from ab

  7. Brett
    August 17th, 2009 @ 5:29 pm

    Well, let’s assume that Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate is a fake. Now both sides are even since the digital copy produced previously by the Obama Campaign is fake….. It doesn’t then mean that Obama is qualified to be President, it actually still means the opposite!

    Also, remember “natural born” means that the individual is born in the country AND both parents are citizens of that country.

    Vattel – Law of Nations, book 1, section 212 – 215

    § 212. Citizens and natives.
    The citizens are the members of the civil society; bound to this society by certain duties, and subject to its authority, they equally participate in its advantages. (1) The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. As the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those (2) children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The society is supposed to desire this, in consequence of what it owes to its own preservation; and it is presumed, as matter of course, that each citizen, on entering into society, reserves to his children the right of becoming members of it. (3) The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and (4) these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent. We shall soon see whether, on their coming to the years of discretion, they may renounce their right, and what they owe to the society in which they were born. I say, that, (5) in order to be of the country, it is necessary that a person be born of a father who is a citizen; for, (6) if he is born there of a foreigner, it will be only the place of his birth, and not his country.

    § 213. Inhabitants.
    The inhabitants, as distinguished from citizens, are foreigners, who are permitted to settle and stay in the country. Bound to the society by their residence, they are subject to the laws of the state while they reside in it; and they are obliged to defend it, because it grants them protection, though they do not participate in all the rights of citizens. They enjoy only the advantages which the law or custom gives them. The perpetual inhabitants are those who have received the right of perpetual residence. These are a kind of citizens of an inferior order, and are united to the society without participating in all its advantages. (7)Their children follow the condition of their fathers; and, as the state has given to these the right of perpetual residence, their right passes to their posterity.

    § 214. Naturalization.(58)
    A nation, or the sovereign who represents it, may grant to a foreigner the quality of citizen, by admitting him into the body of the political society. This is called naturalization. There are some states in which the sovereign cannot grant to a foreigner all the rights of citizens, — for example, that of holding public offices — and where, consequently, he has the power of granting only an imperfect naturalization. It is here a regulation of the fundamental law, which limits the power of the prince. In other states, as in England and Poland, the prince cannot naturalize a single person, without the concurrence of the nation, represented by its deputies. Finally, there are states, as, for instance, England, where the single circumstance of being born in the country naturalizes the children of a foreigner.

    § 215. Children of citizens born in a foreign country.
    It is asked whether the children born of citizens in a foreign country are citizens? The laws have decided this question in several countries, and their regulations must be followed.(59) (8) By the law of nature alone, children follow the condition of their fathers, and enter into all their rights (§ 212); (9) the place of birth produces no change in this particular, and cannot, of itself, furnish any reason for taking from a child what nature has given him; I say “of itself,” for, civil or political laws may, for particular reasons, ordain otherwise. But I suppose that the father has not entirely quitted his country in order to settle elsewhere. If he has fixed his abode in a foreign country, he is become a member of another society, at least as a perpetual inhabitant; and his children will be members of it also.


    Any way you slice and dice this, Obama can NEVER be qualified!

  8. Brett
    August 17th, 2009 @ 5:32 pm

    BTW: I added the numbers for specific referencing…. and you’ll notice that it CLEARLY states 9 times the conditions for “natural born” and Obama does not qualify…. Sorry….

    We’ve been saying it since before the Democratic Primaries!!! Too bad the Dems chose the WRONG candidate!!

  9. martin Pinsky
    August 17th, 2009 @ 8:50 pm

    shoot me– NOT KISS– the word should be KICK
    another damned senior moment– I blame it all on that gay drug dealing usurper Obama–his butler and factotum –around him more than moma bear Michel is a guy whose last name is LOVE. Obama had a another lover in the trinity church now deceased as in shot, named Donald Young.– and we thought the clintons were dangerous as in the ron brown and vince W. Foster Jr.,–her lover in Arkansas- situation.

    They are all dangerous megalomaniacs- power corrupted, power avarice, power insane..

    This current president is an odd fellow and really quite queer as in the older meaning of the word as when gay ment happy before confiscated by the pederasts, and does he have an abnormal tendency to admire his own perceived perfections? Strange fellow, but perhaps the apple did not fall to far from the tree as in STANLEY Ann, in her peripetictic education elitist persuit of none white men as she preached to her mullato son that blacks were superior to whites–encouraging his reading or Marcus garvy etc.

    Now here is a bizzarre , viscerally restless, peripatetic and historically elusive white women who thrusts her son on her white mother who in turn sends him to the best primary school in HI. A son visited ONCE by his officious scotch drunk, bigamist daddy– a daddy that lived separate from his mother in HI–a mother impregnated at 17 by a 26 year old foreigner from kenya of minority muslim extraction, a man whom she married when several moths pregnant–and in the seven months between her marriage in 2/2/61 to when he was born in Mombasa in 8/4/61 very little is known .

    He obviously brought her home to show off his new preganat WHITE wife which went over like a bag of shit there–ask Corsi for details. The theory that she was too advanced in her pregnancy to safely fly back to HI sounds very plausible as does herpoaternal mothinlaw saying she witnessed the birth there in Mombasa–along with at least two siblings.

    She comes back to HI–they live separately–ahhh true love—and he gets his degree I believe in 64 and heads over to Harvard–in ’64 they get a divorce–a default divorce because he never showed up because he was too busy courting as in banging ruth nederbrand who he married and had two kids with and when she came to Africa he almost killed her in a drunken rage–and she fled home–thinking–hey, maybe, just maybe I ought to try a white gut next time. Her two kids remained in Kenya.

    The key element in the BC from kenya that our orly has? is simply that a copy of the 64 divorce (default) decree was subpoenaed by Judge king at the 1964 divorce eharing–and would someone dare to produce a fraudlent document in a court of law–if so–at what risk? class three felony fraud?–Obviously the document was authentic–a 1961 BC from kenya produced in copy in 1964-

    these obama zombies are really pathetic blow jobs–I mean what else can you call them–do they deserve the king’s english–these rotten suck ass swine? I think not–and in another less gentle time and place if similar activties were happening like this oppressive leftist press supporting all Obama lies. The guillitine would have been brought out and the bunch of them thrust in ox- carts while Orly and madame defarge blithely weave to the sound of crunch!! cheers, !!!crunch !!!cheers-!!!! etc.,- what a cleansing effect that would have on our media- perhaps some judges and politicians as well. Barney CRUNCH!!! Immauel–send him a wrapped fish, then CRUNCH!!! AXELROD–double CRUNCH!!!

    What no more talk of new world order? OOPS some CFR and TRilateral types- Crunch! crunch! crunch!-
    ah what a busy day–what will history remember it as: Hmmmm., limme seeee…,,,? Ah yes: White House bastille Day!!! They will never tell us regular good hard working folk to eat cake again–I can assure you– CRUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  10. Civis Naturaliter Natus
    August 19th, 2009 @ 6:07 pm

    I am told by a British Friend who lives in London, that they have the equivalent of a FOIA and that requests for information regarding birth certifications in the Kenyan Dominion can be made to the Home Office. I explicitly asked him if only British subjects can make such requests, and he said, no, anyone can, even foreigners resident overseas…by such means one could discover whether any of the brits in colonial service whose names are mentioned on this Kenyan BC actually served in Kenya in that period or just prior to this…that would be a indirect means of authentication…