

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

What is the best option for the Republic?

Posted on | February 21, 2010 | 4 Comments

I have received the letter below and I disagree with the writer, Mr. Kincade in his take on Beck for one simple reason: Beck has never talked about ending free trade, which depletes American jobs, he never talked about placing tariffs on imports. That tells me that Beck is not concerned about us, our children and our economic future, it tells me that he is paid off as everybody else. Granted, some of his ideas- such as curbing on spending resonates with the Conservatives and makes sense, but bottom line he doesn’t dare uttering the words”Stop the free trade with third World countries with slave labor.” That is the number one reason for the destruction of American wealth, our economy, our middle class and our jobs. Face it, all of our main stream media is owned by a few oligarchs, who don’t give a damn about you and me. Beck is a puppet on the right hand, just as Obama is a puppet on the left hand.

It is time for the people to rise and demand to clean house before they loose their house. If Judge Lambert orders discovery, Obama is gone. The democrats will pressure him to resign. There will be no trial.   I have faith in American people. We will not have a chaos. We will have an orderly election within a couple of months just as GA had an orderly run off election. I believe we will elect a leader with integrity, who will be legitimate and will concentrate on number one problem: jobs, ending imports and creating an environment where banks and industrialists will see no other option but to invest in US economy and American people  and will do it now.

We cannot afford option B. Obama is on the path of accelerated destruction of US economy. In 3 years there will not be much to save, if any.

In regards to other congressmen and senators, who might resign: good ridden. It means we have   a chance of electing decent people.

I believe new leaders will come from the ranks of state representatives and state senators and members of the military. I would recommend a number of my clients in Obama eligibility cases. Over 200 have signed up as my clients and I would wholeheartedly recommend most of them. Their background is very similar to that of Scott Brown.

Yes, we can

yes, we can get rid of illegitimate Obama

yes we can elect a legitimate president (out of 305 million we can find one)

yes we can stop free trade, place tariffs and and send Americans back to work.

yes, we can


Here is the letter from Mr. Kincade: 


Dr. Taitz,

Thank you for all that you do in this very important endeavor to have to
truth made public. You are an amazing person to persevere as you do in
that face of all the threats and challenges against you, and I applaud
you and fully support your efforts.

I am an avid fan of Glenn Beck‘s show, and watch each night. I have also
followed the illegitmacy of Barack Obama since April 2008 – well before
he (Obama) even won the DNC’s nomination to be their candidate for
President. I feel that I am well versed in the facts, and I am
particularly offended by Beck, O’Reilly, Shepherd Smith, and the like
who demean the efforts of others who are interested only in discovering
the truth. His latest insults made me think more deeply about it – why
would he even bring it up? Then it dawned on me.

Right now, our country is in a very precarious situation with high
unemployment, and a staggering debt load. Our economy is teeter on the
brink of collapse. Add to that the extreme unpopularity of the Congress,
and the Tea Party movement, and I realized that he (Beck) is demeaning
this movement in an effort to do a “Cloward and Piven” on those who want
to pursue the eligibility claims. By that, I mean he wants to
marginalize us and discredit us in any way he can. Why? Because
revealing the truth (as we all know that it is) would possibly tear this
country apart. If Barack Obama is removed because he is not eligible,
that forces his whole administration (in the Executive office) out –
including Joe Is-That-My-Foot-In-My-Mouth Biden. So who becomes that
acting President while we elect a true President? Well, that would need
to be selected by the Congress. But many of them would also be tainted
by this scandal, and would be forced out of office at the same time. (We
may end up with President Scott Brown because he is about the only who
wasn’t there when all this went down!) But imagine the chaos that would
ensue with the Executive Office thrown out, and a good portion of the
Legislature. What could our enemies do with such a situation?

So, it is my assessment that Glenn Beck knows the facts – certainly as
well as I do, and probably pretty close to as well as you do. But he
cannot bring himself to come anywhere close to this issue BECAUSE it is
valid, and because it would be so damaging to the Republic. At this
juncture, there are two schools of thought: those who believe we should
follow the Constitution as it is written (as we do) vs. those who think
we should interpret the Constitution to mean what we want it to mean (as
Barack Obama has stated.) There are also two schools of thought, one
that says our country is strong enough with withstand anything so long
as we are honest with each other and hold fast to the facts and one
another, vs. the idea that our country is too fragile to go through with
removing Obama from office. Again, I (we) fall into the former camp,
while Glenn Beck (sadly) falls into the latter camp. He knows – he has

Keep up your good work. God will protect you and our country – of this I
have no doubt. And all will be revealed as it should be when it should
be. Know that my prayers are with you and all your efforts.

Tom Kincaid
Principal Software Engineer


4 Responses to “What is the best option for the Republic?”

  1. verite
    February 21st, 2010 @ 8:57 pm

    Dr. Taitz,

    I agree with you that Beck is a sell-out, specifically a mouthpiece/puppet for the Saudi-controlled Faux News Network, which is part of the globalist oligarchy, which has its tentacles in every aspect of our society (POTUS, SCOTUS, Congress, RNC, DNC, the media, public education, federal, state and local governments and judiciaries, ACLU, Sanger’s eugenic Planned Parenthood, financial institutions, law firms, the entertainment industry to name a few).

    The globalists are so pervasive that there is realistically only one political party in the U.S. The voices of the “new leaders” you seek and hope for will be drowned out by “mainstream” phony conservatives like Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, McCain, Palin, Scott Brown. Even if a bona fide conservative like Alan Keyes surfaces, he will be relentlessly ridiculed and marginalized. If “birthers” and “Tea Partyers” are ridiculed, that’s nothing compared to the scorn attached to NWO “conspiracy nuts.”

  2. queenofshina
    February 21st, 2010 @ 11:35 pm

    I, too, watch Glenn almost daily, and I have been offended by his recent comments about Birthers! I’m convinced he has been influenced by his friend O’Reilly, who in turn has been influenced by Fox’s legal analyst Lis Weihl,(Wiehl?) who was previously employed by Perkins and Coie. This is Anita Dunn’s husband’s (Bob Bauer) law firm, the one that BHO has paid thousands and thousands to keep his records sealed. You know who Dunn is…the one he claims to be waiting for to call him on the red telephone. What a novela grande this mess would make…better than anything Hollywood could every conjure up!

    After thinking it over, though, there is also the possibility that they are just the usual brand of useful idiots, either wittingly or unwittingly, and have become the controlled opposition that the Marxists often use to make it appear that there is actually an opposition, when in reality they are serving a very useful purpose.

    They may also be playing small petty politics to hurt Pastor Manning since he had the audacity to protest in front of O’Reilly’s studio. If that’s the case, they will only hurt themselves as well as the American people!

  3. James
    February 22nd, 2010 @ 12:15 am

    Off-subject, but very much on. Very important to veiw this video. It is over two hours in length and worthy of a Congressional Medal of Honor,(in economics). Most likely also, Dr. Taitz this should be as new evidence in confronting any court magistrates, past to present. As the saying goes, “there’s more then one way to skin a cat”. Enjoy the Show! https://countusout.wordpress.com/2010/02/19/18662

  4. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    February 22nd, 2010 @ 10:54 am

    Pastor Manning has asked me to be a lead attorney presenting the case against Obama on May 14th, during Columbia graduation. I agreed, though my husband is concerned about my safety going to Harlem, where there are so many Obama supporters. Oh, well. Someone has to have courage to show the whole world that we are not rasists. This mock trial will be held in the black church in the middle of Harlem. One of the most prominant pastors in the African -American community has organized it.

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