

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

FOIA to sheriff Arpaio seeking affidavit of expert Reed Hayes

Posted on | January 27, 2014 | 20 Comments

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ

29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

ph 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603




Sheriff Joseph Arpaio

Maricopa County, AZ

via e-mail










Dear Sheriff Arapio,

As you are well aware between 2009-2012 I have forwarded to you and Mike Zullo, director of Cold case posse, evidence of forgery in IDs of Barack Obama, which included sworn affidavits and reports received by me from former Chief investigator of the Special Investigations unit of the US Coast guard, Jeffrey Stephan Coffman, of experts Paul Irey and Doug Vogt and many others. The evidence that I submitted to court, was later confirmed by you and was used in a number of press conferences.

The only new information that was uncovered by your Sheriff’s Department and Cold Case Posse that public is aware of,  is  an affidavit or opinion from a forensic document expert Reed Hayes, who according to interviews given by Mr. Zullo, confirmed that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery. There were inferences to this affidavit by Mr. Zullo and, I believe, by you as well, however this affidavit was never made public.

You have already stated that you will not submit a criminal complaint to the district Attorney and Attorney General, as you believe that you do not have jurisdiction. You, also stated that you believe that Congress has jurisdiction, however you never submitted an official complaint to the Judiciary committee of Congress either.


 Some of your supporters have submitted to 200 conservative members of Congress “sheriff’s kits”, which contained your and Zullo’s pres conferences, however members o congress never took any action.

I have submitted a Request for information under Arizona Public Records Law §39.101 et seq. to the District Attorney of Maricopa County, William Montgomery, seeking information, whether you submitted to him the affidavit or declaration or any other document from Reed Hayes, he responded via custodian of records Debbie McKenzie,  stating that you never submitted to him any documents from Reed Hayes (see below).

I currently have several active legal actions, which challenge legitimacy of Barack Obama, among them:

1. Taitz v Donahoe and Williams 13-cv-1020 USDC Washington DC, legal action dealing with Obama’s use of a fabricated Selective Service Certificate with a fabricated Cancellation Postal Stamp attached to it.

2. Taitz v Colvin 13-cv-1878 dealing with Obama’s use of a stolen CT Social Security number 042-68-4425 of Harrison (Harry ) J Bounel

3. Taitz et al v Democratic party et al 12-cv-280 which relates to RICO complaint of a de facto criminal enterprise whereby a number of high ranking officials acted in concert in order to perpetrate and cover up forgery in Obama’s IDs and usurpation of the US Presidency.

Additionally there are 2 cases in the courts of Appeals:

Judd v Obama and Grinols at al v Electoral College.

Affidavit of Reed Hayes, if it really exists, would be of great importance in these cases.

As such I am requesting release of the aforementioned affidavit.

Since you have already stated that you will not be submitting your own complaint due to alleged lack of jurisdiction, further refusal of release of the aforementioned affidavit can be seen as an obstruction of Justice and Misprision of forgery and fraud. Tthis is particularly true, since you previously refused to appear in court and testify to evidence in your posession in challenges to Barack Obama, when you were subpoenaed to appear in Georgia, California, Indiana and Mississippi. In the state of Indiana you went even further and paid for one of my witnesses, retired Deportation officer John Samoson, to fly to AZ, you deputized him as a part of your cold case posse and told him that he can no longer testify for Attorney Taitz, as he is a member of the cold case posse. Mr. Sampson appeared on Peter Boyles show in Colorado and admitted that you, Mike Zullo and he made a deal, an agreement not to comply with the court ordered subpoenas, not to appear in court and not to testify in regards to your knowledge of forgery in Obama’s IDs.

As such it is of paramount importance that you do not obstruct justice and release the aforementioned affidavit of Reed Hayes so that Mr. Obama can finally be held accountable for massive elections fraud, use of forged IDs and usurpation of the U.S. Presidency. 


/s/ Dr. Orlty Taitz ESQ

cc William Montgomery, District Attorney of Maricopa county

cc Joseph Virgil, Legal counsel for MC sheriff’s Department 



response from office of William Montgomery, Maricopa county DA

Re:       Public Records Request # 2013-0909-6


Dear Dr. Orly Taitz,

In response to your August 29, 2013, Public Records Request for “ … sworn affidavit of Forensic Document Expert Reed Hayes … ,” we didn’t identify anything that pertains.


This Public Records Request is closed.


Thank you.

Debbie MacKenzie


Custodian of Records

602/506-7283 or mcaocor@mcao.maricopa.gov





20 Responses to “FOIA to sheriff Arpaio seeking affidavit of expert Reed Hayes”

  1. Harry
    January 27th, 2014 @ 11:45 am

    Orly- I am afraid that Arpaio & Zullo consider themselves above you-and even though we are all on the same side they refuse to cooperate because they consider themselves on a different (higher) level- I love your enthusiasm and continuous effort to bring this biggest scam in history to justice- on the other hand Arpaio & Zullo are slow moving because state employees don’t know the meaning of moving fast-and Obama will be back in Kenya living off his scammed money from SOLYNDRA & OBAMACARE before Zullo % Arpaio are ready to put forth a case- for the sake of America it seems that they could swallow their pride and cooperate-

  2. David
    January 27th, 2014 @ 12:03 pm

    They didn’t identify anything that pertains? That’s it? supposedly Mr. Zullo is scheduled to announce “Universe shattering” revelations about the posse’s findings in March. If this affidavit comes up then you can charge them with obstruction of justice.

  3. far left
    January 27th, 2014 @ 4:55 pm

    why not go to the 200 in Congress and file a FOIA with them too ?
    sheriff joe , as others won’t deal with you until you win case

  4. DavidL
    January 27th, 2014 @ 5:33 pm

    Brilliant move, Orly. Now maybe Arpaio will put up or shut up.

    (Or disappear off the face of the earth in a mysterious accident and end up in the witness protection program in the Obama-supplied mansion next to Loretta Fuddy’s)

  5. DavidL
    January 27th, 2014 @ 5:35 pm

    (Not that Fuddy IS in the witness protection program, but this sure makes sense, doesn’t it?)

  6. observant
    January 27th, 2014 @ 6:04 pm

    Agree with David. The only things they seem to have been doing lately is getting peoples hopes up. Kind of reminds me of a twisted headline to the effect of ‘your dinner might be contaminated, details at 11pm’.

  7. Veritas
    January 27th, 2014 @ 6:29 pm

    Soebarkah may want to WALK AWAY from the presidency at this point. Look at the current numbers (From Drudge):
    SHOCK POLL: 63% Don’t Have Confidence in Obama to Make Right Decisions…

  8. Linda
    January 27th, 2014 @ 10:17 pm

    I have trouble understanding why Arpaio is waiting until March to reveal his ‘universe shattering’ news about Obama’s background. If they have something to tell us, why not now? They know they’re not the only people who are concerned about how this is affecting our country, and the longer they wait, the worse it gets. In fact, every DAY, there’s something else that comes up that demonstrate Obama’s communist and despotic intentions. I have not been able to find any information that tells me why this ‘news’ is set to be revealed in March rather than now.

  9. WildBillForJustice
    January 28th, 2014 @ 12:40 am

    Arpaio & Zullo have done long-term obstruction of justice and should refund all of their donations for lack of follow-through on their promise.

  10. morgan ward
    January 28th, 2014 @ 4:48 am

    Arpaio and Zullo are just running interference for Obama, hopefully allowing Obama to ‘run out the clock’. They have no intention of ever bringing any actions against USURPER Obama, even though Legally . Arpaio, in His capacity as Sheriff . has the authority. Arpaio cut a deal with Obama’s Justice Department long ago in order for the federal suit against Him[Arpaio] to be dropped.

    There is enough reasonable doubt circulating in order to have already charged Obama and in return. to have brought more attention to His many crimes, frauds and lawlessness..

    Proof positive that Arpaio has no intention of holding Obama accountable for his numerous crimes is contained within your Article in detrimental actions He has already taken in obstructing justice:

    “In the state of Indiana you went even further and paid for one of my witnesses, retired Deportation officer John Samoson, to fly to AZ, you deputized him as a part of your cold case posse and told him that he can no longer testify for Attorney Taitz, as he is a member of the cold case posse. Mr. Sampson appeared on Peter Boyles show in Colorado and admitted that you, Mike Zullo and he made a deal, an agreement not to comply with the court ordered subpoenas, not to appear in court and not to testify in regards to your knowledge of forgery in Obama’s IDs.”

    It would be interesting to know how many innocent, gullible citizens contributed to Arpaio in their hoping He would actually take all the necessary actions to Charge Obama with His Crimes.That in itself could probably be used in order to Charge Arpaio with a crime for fraud.

    It appears that Arpaio’s and Zullo’s ‘Universe shaking’ news release will be that they have found nothing to prove Obama has committed any crimes , and therefore will ‘stand down’ and cease any further action in pursuing any potential crimes by Obama.

    Hopefully Arpaio and Zullo will prove me wrong and actually have good intentions, which I hope I am wrong in my beliefs . however: Their actions thus far prove me correct.

    That was another excellent request from you Orly. Thank you for continuing to keep pressure upon those who are in a position to do something about Obama’s many frauds and crimes upon America , but to date, have chosen to do Nothing..

  11. Kaduku
    January 28th, 2014 @ 5:22 am

    Just in case you have forgotten, here are nearly two dozen of Obama’s most disgusting frauds to refresh your memory…

    • Forged birth certificate issued by the White House
    • Multiple Social Security numbers
    • Sealed college records
    • Surrendered license to practice law
    • Missing birth records in Hawaii
    • Sealed selective service records
    • Obama uses foreign passports
    • Association with known communists and subversives
    • Sworn testimonies proving Obama was not born in America
    • America’s top sheriff threatened if he continues investigating Obama frauds
    • Michelle Obama’s disbarment…her license to practice law revoked
    • Obama’s own mother said her son, Barry Santoro (Barack Hussein Obama), received foreign aid to pay for college
    • Obama wants to rewrite the national anthem. Remember, I just told you a few minutes ago. Obama’s Campaign Promise: “…the National Anthem should be swapped for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song “I’d like to Teach the World to Sing.” If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our national anthem as well as redesign our flag to better offer our enemies hope and love….” Utter heresy!!!
    • Obama publicly stated he was not born in America
    • Created ObamaCare and put the I.R.S. in charge
    • Approved the Fast and Furious plan to arm dangerous Mexican drug lords
    • Our Obomination of a president praised Occupy Wall Street thugs and hoodlums—the very scum of the earth just arrested for planning to blow up a bridge in Ohio, taking innocent men, women and children right along with it
    • Approves of the TSA groping and of nudity scans at airports—and now on public buses, too!
    • Held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
    • Obama terminated America’s ability to put a man in space-defunded NASA
    • Obama signed a law by an auto-pen without being present
    • Obama arbitrarily declared an existing law unconstitutional and refused to enforce it
    • Obama threatened insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases
    • Obama told a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which state they’re allowed to locate a factory
    • Obama was the first president to say America was not a Christian nation
    • Obama approved 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) just for his wife
    • Filed lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN)
    • …and the list goes on!

    Obama- “The only people, who do not want to expose the truth, are the ones who have something to HIDE”!!! AND THAT’S OBAMA HIMSELF…WHAT A HYPOCRITE!!!

    Por si acaso lo ha olvidado, aquí están cerca de dos docenas de fraudes más desagradables de Obama para refrescarle la memoria… Forjado de nacimiento emitido por la casa blanca múltiples Seguridad Social números sellado Universidad expedientes entregados licencia para registros de nacimiento práctica derecho perdido en los registros de servicio selectivo Hawaii sellado Obama utiliza pasaportes extranjeros asociación con comunistas conocidos y subversivos jurada testimonios demostrando que Obama no nació en sheriff superior de América amenazado si continúa investigando desafuero de Obama fraudes Michelle Obama… revocada su licencia para ejercer la abogacía madre de Obama dijo que su hijoSantoro Barry (Barack Hussein Obama), recibió la ayuda extranjera a pagar la Universidad Obama quiere reescribir el himno nacional. Recuerda, sólo te dije hace unos minutos. Promesa de campaña de Obama: “.. .el himno nacional deben ser intercambiados por algo menos parroquial y menos belicoso. Me gusta la canción “Me gustaría enseñar al mundo a cantar”. Si eso fuera entonces nuestro himno,…

    Für den Fall, dass Sie vergessen haben, sind hier fast zwei Dutzend von Obamas abscheulichsten betrug um Ihr Gedächtnis aufzufrischen… Gefälschte Geburtsurkunde, ausgestellt durch die Weiße Haus mehrere Sozialversicherung Zahlen Sealed College Datensätze Surrendered Lizenz Praxis recht Missing Geburt Records in Hawaii versiegelt Selective Service Aufzeichnungen Obama ausländische Pässen mit bekannten Kommunisten und subversive Sworn Zeugnisse beweisen, Obama war nicht in Amerika ‘s Top Sheriff bedroht nutzt, wenn er weiter untersuchen Obama betrug Michelle verlieren… geboren ihren Führerschein Anwalt widerrufen Obama eigenen Mutter sagte ihr SohnSantoro Barry (Barack Hussein Obama), empfangen Auslandshilfe zu zahlen für Hochschule Obama die Nationalhymne zu umschreiben will. Denken Sie daran, dass ich doch gerade vor ein paar Minuten. Obama’s Wahlversprechen: “… …die Nationalhymne für etwas weniger provinziell und weniger kriegerischen ausgetauscht werden sollte. Ich mag das Lied “Ich möchte to Teach the World to Sing.” Wenn das unsere Hymne, dann wäre…

    당신이 잊은 경우에 당신의 기억을 새로 고치려면 오바마의 가장 역 겨 운 사기꾼의 거의 2 개 다스 운항… 화이트 하우스 여러 사회 보장 번호 실드 대학 기록 Surrendered 라이센스를 연습 법 누락 출생 기록 하와이 봉인 병역 기록 오바마 사용 외국 여권이 알려진된 공산주의자와 오바마 미국 미국의 최고 보안관 그 오바마 사기꾼 미셸 오바마 disbarment… 조사 계속 위협에서 출생 하지 증명 subversives Sworn 간 증 협회에서에서 발급 하는 위조 출생 증명서 법률 사무소를 그녀의 면허 취소 오바마 자신의 어머니가 그녀의 아들배리 산 토 (바락 후세인 오바마) 오바마 애국가 다시 작성 하 고 싶어 하는 대학에 대 한 지불 외국 원조를 받았다. 기억, 난 그냥 몇 분 전에 얘기. 오바마의 캠페인 약속: “….the 애국가 뭔가 덜 편협한 덜 호전적인을 위해 교환 한다. 나는 노래 처럼 “내가 노래 하는 세계를 가르치고 싶습니다.” 그 다음 우리의 국가 라면…

    萬一您忘記了,這裡有 20 多個奧巴馬的最噁心的欺詐行為,以刷新你的記憶…偽造的出生證明書由白宮多個社會保障號碼密封學院記錄交出許可證到實踐法律缺失出生記錄在夏威夷密封的選擇性服務記錄奧巴馬使用外國護照與已知的中共和顛覆分子 Sworn 證詞證明奧巴馬不出生在美國美國頂尖警長威脅說,如果他繼續調查…奧巴馬欺詐蜜雪兒奧巴馬律師執照協會實踐法駕照吊銷奧巴馬自己母親說她的兒子,好友山多羅巴里 (貝拉克 • 侯賽因奧巴馬),接受外國援助來支付大學教育奧巴馬想要重寫國歌。請記住,我只是告訴你在幾分鐘前。奧巴馬的競選承諾:”……那束國歌應交換的東西不太狹隘和不那麼好戰。歌”會想教唱的世界”。如果這是我們的國歌,然後……

  12. steve
    January 28th, 2014 @ 6:24 am

    A Warning to America from South Africa by: Gemma Meyer

  13. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    January 28th, 2014 @ 9:35 am

    I am not sure FOIA will work with Congress. FOIA is applied to governmental agencies, Congress is not really an agency. does anyone have a decision stating that Congress is obligated to respond to FOIA requests?

  14. Alexander Gofen
    January 28th, 2014 @ 10:49 am

    I guess, Sheriff Arpaio is a plan B man of the same handlers.

    1) From his 1st appearance he was already disingenuous. He said: “Beginning this investigation, I had no doubts in legitimacy of this president”. For a Sheriff, this was a grotesque misstatement! The Sheriff should know better, that the 2008 Sen. Res. 511 was inapplicable to Obama/Soetoro given his official bio!

    2) It is still unclear why the Sheriff even agreed to start this investigation in the first place! After all, the “governor” of his state Brewer-the-whore vetoed that very legislation in 2011, which could save Arizona (and the nation) from the 2012 “repetition” of the illegal presidential election. The 2012 (the second) coup succeeded due to her sabotage alone!!!

    3) Since day one, not only did that Sheriff kept himself above Orly (as Harry pointed out): He despised Orly! He despised her for no reason, or rather with the only reason: To distanced himself and his CONTROLLED team from UNCONTROLLED Orly.

    4) Plan A is to keep the illegitimacy and thievery of this presidency buried forever (because we have more important things to do, you know). If however it appears impossible to stay with plan A, the exposure “must be” very LIMITED, “properly timed” and under “full control”. For that goal the handlers have this Sheriff, and so far he serves his owners very well. Even if Obama is buried, GOP must be not. That’s plan B.

    It is up to us, the American people, to ensure that the EXPOSURE BE FULL; That hundreds of the main culprits of the coup really end up on the gallows; That GOP be buried together with all the existing treasonous parties.

  15. James Smith
    January 28th, 2014 @ 2:20 pm

    The sheriff redacted lied when he said he didn’t have jurisdiction. Crimes have been proven to have been committed in his state and county against every American citizen proving he’s a bald face liar and that’s a provable fact.

  16. JD
    January 29th, 2014 @ 10:57 am

    I do not believe Sheriff Joe is disingenuous. I recall that it was the AZ DA or AG that said they didn’t have jurisdiction.

    That said, I am very concerned as to why the Sheriff’s Dept. has not notified all of Congress in writing on letterhead since July 2012 that a crime has been committed. According to Arpaio and Mr. Zullo, Congress is the only people who can do anything about it yet they remain officially not notified for a year and a half so far.

  17. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    January 29th, 2014 @ 3:15 pm

    also, why is he refusing to release this affidavit of Reed Hayes?

  18. Alexander Gofen
    January 29th, 2014 @ 4:20 pm

    To JD:

    Sheriff’s Dept. has not notified all of Congress in writing on letterhead since July 2012 that a crime has been committed just in order TO NOT EMBARRASS the congress even more with this OFFICIAL notification. This imbecile nation still cares about the PRO FORMA – despite that the factual crime of the grotesque proportion is obvious to everybody, and the Congress members had already been notified many times (even by this very Sheriff – albeit in a less official form).

    And the Sheriff does not want to embarrass them because this is what his handlers want.

    So, in terms of the proverbial emperor without clothes, for this bipolar, imbecile nation it is not yet enough that a boy shouted that the emperor has no clothes; Nor is it enough for them to see it on their own that the emperor has no clothes… The procession of fools happy to be fooled just goes ahead.

  19. MinutemanCDC_SC
    January 29th, 2014 @ 10:33 pm

    I passed along this info briefly and in part to editor@toprightnews.com .

  20. Bertie
    August 14th, 2014 @ 12:53 pm

    This website truly has all of the information and facts I wanted
    about this subject and didn’t know who to ask.

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