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Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

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becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

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 -- Mahatma Gandhi

“Obamacare for dummies”. An “Obamacare in a nutshell” and ways to solve healthcare deficiency by Doctor and Attorney Orly Taitz

Posted on | December 2, 2013 | 5 Comments

“Obamacare for dummies”. An “Obamacare in a nutshell” and ways to solve healthcare deficiency by Doctor and Attorney Orly Taitz

I feel that the main issue with Obamacare is in the fact that it is a takeover of the Healthcare by the government, a dictatorial regime by the government in telling people, which plans they have to have, demanding that they pay for the plans, for services that they do not want and cannot afford, just to redistribute the wealth, to take from ones to give to others. It is a shakedown of the middle class and pathological lying by Obama, who promised that people can keep the plans that they like, while he made such changes to the law and such Draconian requirements for grandfathering of insurance plans  that ultimately none of the current plans will be kept. 5 million who had individual plans, already lost their plans. 100 million are projected to lose their plans when companies will have to comply with the mandate,  premiums and deductibles have gone up for majority of Americans.
Wealthiest Americans, who own large corporations, will benefit, as they are cutting employee’s hours from 40 to 29 and take away their benefits, take the benefits from their families. Best hospitals and doctors do not participate in Obamacare, since it is the lowest possible denominator: cheapest hospitals and doctors, less quality for higher price. Many will not be able to keep their doctors and hospitals and instead of paying $2,500 less, as Obama promised, will be paying $7,500 more for a family of 4 per  year. If they wish better care and better doctors, they will pay extra, as it is the case in most countries with socialized healthcare.
 Obamacare is a huge government bureaucracy, which will bread more inefficiency, waste, nepotism, corruption, bribery of governmental officials, kickbacks and outright theft.; Just the beginning of Obamacare is an example of such corruption, where we the taxpayers were robbed of nearly a billion dollars to prepare a website, which should have cost only 1-10 million to create. One can only imagine the magnitude of kickbacks built in there.
Obamacare is a costly gimmick. The number of 47 million uninsured that is being thrown arounfd by Obama, is a bogus number as well. Study after study showed that it includes 9 million, who are not US citizens, 17 million young and healthy people, who simply do not want to buy insurance, as they feel that they do not need it, some 12 million Americans of different ages, who earn $50,000 or more and can purchase insurance and chose not to do so.
Even if you subscribe to a 47 million premise, you can see that it rapidly goes down to 9 million. Further, it was found that 40% of these remaining  9 million, are people who do not have health insurance for a short period of up to 4 months, when they move from place to place or between jobs. These people are eligible for COBRA, meaning, they can keep their insurance from a prior employer for extra 6-12 months and pay for it themselves until they get a new job. Further, out of the remaining 5 million, estimated 2-3 million qualify for different governmental programs, such as Medical and Medicaid and they simply did not apply for them, whereby they need social workers and help in finding the right programs. At the end of the day you are left with only 2-3 million of people who do not qualify for any programs, who are older, sicker and cannot afford to purchase health insurance. Bottom line: you have to use the Hippocratic oath: do not hurt, do not cause damage. Obamacare caused an upheaval and hurts 300 million Americans in order to help estimated 2-3 million. When a program hurts vastly larger number of people, then it helps, it should be repealed.
Lastly, the main reason, why healthcare went up so drastically in the last 20 years, is the same reason, why estimated 28 million Americans lost their jobs during the same time. The reason, is in the WTO-GATT and NAFTA agreement, which were signed into law by Clinton in 1994. These global Ponzi schemes did away with all the tariffs, all the taxes on imports, as a results 56,000 factories and manufacturing facilities closed in the US and jobs were shipped to slave labor in China, Mexico and other slave labor countries. On average each manufacturing facility had 500 workers, which makes it 28 million American workers, who lost jobs due to WTO-GATT and NAFTA. Prior to these agreements employers insured workers in such factories.   As a typical factory had on average 500 workers, it was a large pool of 500 employees, their wives and on average 2 children per family. So it was a pool of 2,000 mostly healthy people per facility, which were covered by the employer, such large pool allowed employees to get inexpensive insurance. After WTO-Gatt and NAFTA we lost insurance for 28 million workers, 28 million of their spouses and some 56 million of their children. That was a pool of 112 million inexpensive quality insurance policies that were lost. As manufacturing was outsourced to China and Mexico, Americans were left to seek scarce jobs, mostly in services, where they were forced to purchase individual plans, which are more expensive. Many could not find jobs and as a result we have 98 million adult Americans, who are not in labor force at all and dwindling number of Americans, who still work, are forced to subsidize the healthcare of 98 million who are not in work force, 11 million on unemployment and another 13 million, who work part time with no benefits. This is a downward spiral not only for the healthcare but for the nation as a whole, for the whole US economy.
As such, it is crystal clear that not only Obamacare has to be repealed, but the Ponzi schemes of WTO-GATT and NAFTA have to be repealed as soon as possible as well, before this nation is completely bankrupt.  Any negotiations on TAFTA and PPT have to be stopped. This will bring back not only 28 million jobs, but also 112 million good, affordable insurances. It will allow to gradually convert welfare system to workfare system and will end an incentive for people to stay at home and steal the product of work of their hard working neighbors.


5 Responses to ““Obamacare for dummies”. An “Obamacare in a nutshell” and ways to solve healthcare deficiency by Doctor and Attorney Orly Taitz”

  1. Glasnost
    December 2nd, 2013 @ 6:12 am






  2. Sic Semper Tyrannis
    December 2nd, 2013 @ 8:57 am

    Excellent breakdown, Dr. Taitz. What Dr. Taitz has shown you is that it is utterly ridiculous to waste your time voting for Democrats or Republicans because neither one of these parties have any intention of repealing WTO/GATT because they’re all Wall Street whores. Both of these parties sold out the American People just as Esau sold his birthright for a pot of stew when they jointly passed this abomination. The only candidates both parties (WALL STREET & Corporate America)will support for the Presidency will always be pro-WTO/GATT whores, so even if by pure luck, against all odds, the American People managed to vote into office anti-WTO/GATT majorities in both the House and the Senate, they would have to be 2/3rds (67%)majorities in order to override a veto because the President would always veto it. If, by pure luck, the American People happened to elect an Independent President with requisite anti-WTO/GATT majorities in both the House and the Senate, this could become reality, but we would have another JFK assassination all over again.

  3. SteveL
    December 2nd, 2013 @ 9:36 am

    You say: “As such, it is crystal clear that not only Obamacare has to be repealed … “. I think it is simpler than that.

    If I am not mistaken, such a bill must originate in the House, not the Senate, where o’care was spawned. Therefore, it is no law.

    Why are so few saying that? Is it incorrect, please?

    Thanks for all your great work, Orly. -Steve-

  4. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    December 2nd, 2013 @ 10:22 am

    because they used a well known trick: they take some old bill that originated in the House, they gut it and they fill it with the new bill, such as Obamacare. Both parties do it

    December 2nd, 2013 @ 11:07 am

    Now, with the (2) parties not able to or want to try to change what needs to be done, then, this is a very large signal to let us all understand that maybe it’s time to find that “diamond in the rough!”…to bring in one of the following people to the WH:

    Pat Buchanan, Dr Alan Keyes, Jesse Ventura, or anyone else who is made of the same mold! These (3) men will not surrender American sovereignty to the nwo/shariah law viruses!

    But, we do have to get rid of those damnable, rigged voting machines, in order to give us the true winner of the next and (all) elections!

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