

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Chief Judge of USDC Judge Lamberth moves secret NSA FISA court from the Justice Department to the District court to signify the independence of the court. However, it is day 31 and there is no decision yet in Taitz v Astrue in regards to Obama’s use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 of an immigrant from Russia Harry J. Bounel

Posted on | July 31, 2013 | 8 Comments

Presenting The Location Of The NSA’s Secret FISA Court

Tyler Durden's picture

The nation’s spy court has begun operations in a new, secure space on the third floor of the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse in downtown Washington, ending its 30-year run of issuing secret warrants from within the Justice Department, according to three sources connected to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court who spoke on the condition of anonymity, citing the strict secrecy surrounding it.


The court reviews government applications to conduct electronic surveillance and physical searches in terrorism and espionage investigations. It’s unclear when the court first convened in its new home, but anyone walking down the hallway in the past few weeks could have guessed the $2 million courtroom was primed for business.

“Restricted Access” signs and biometric hand scanners guard the super-sensitive proceedings.

Justice Department spokesman Dean Boyd declined to discuss the move, as did court officials.

Chief Judge Royce Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, who served on the FISA court from 1995 through 2002, and Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, the current chief FISA judge, were the driving forces behind the move.

Lamberth says uprooting the court from the Justice Department symbolizes its independence, though critics say the move will have little impact on the judges’ deference to the government.

Justice Department reports show the court signs off on the vast majority of applications.


Via Lexis Nexus


8 Responses to “Chief Judge of USDC Judge Lamberth moves secret NSA FISA court from the Justice Department to the District court to signify the independence of the court. However, it is day 31 and there is no decision yet in Taitz v Astrue in regards to Obama’s use of a stolen CT SSN 042-68-4425 of an immigrant from Russia Harry J. Bounel”

  1. Bruriah Sarah
    July 31st, 2013 @ 5:25 pm

    Dr. Taitz

    After I waw unable to locate the court decision that I overheard on Feb 26, 2013 ,I realized it was in FISA court. So I found out it was Judge Dearie who presided. I sent him a USB drive of all of the evidence that I had that the agents were manufacturing evidence against me. The amazing this is that he wrote back that he was not working on this right now but forwarded the USB drive to the Eastern District judge. This Fisa court is not just for “terrorists” but for political targets. This law needs great improvements – like oversight. This law takes away due process from good citizens and invites agents to lie in order to meet their political goals.

  2. Rod Riddle
    July 31st, 2013 @ 7:01 pm

    FINALLY!!! Colonel Bristol is set to testify in front of Congress tomorrow on Benghazi! It’s about time.

  3. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 31st, 2013 @ 9:00 pm

    what address did you use to write to FISA?

  4. JAK
    July 31st, 2013 @ 9:19 pm

    Judge Lambert is not to be relied to give government back to public knowledge and certainly not to expedite any charges dealing with Obama. There are snakes and their are gofers. I take Lambert to be more like a snake.

  5. JAK
    July 31st, 2013 @ 9:20 pm

    their should be there in my post

  6. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    July 31st, 2013 @ 10:30 pm

    I hope you are wrong. I believe he will come through at the end. Covering up

  7. Thomas
    August 1st, 2013 @ 7:12 am

    Contact Numbers… CALL and Demand Judge Lamberth make a Ruling on Taitz vs Astrue…
    THEY seem to FORGET Whom THEY actually WORK FOR!
    Chambers: (202) 354-3380

    Courtroom Deputy:
    Mattie Powell-Taylor (202) 354-3184

    Court Reporter:
    Theresa Sorensen (202) 354-3118

  8. js/js
    August 3rd, 2013 @ 1:32 pm

    If a ruling is made, it will be crafted by
    Holder. No doubt. Wait & see. IMO.

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