

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

For 2 days O’Reilly is trying to push the regime propaganda, tell him “NO”, speak up the truth or you will be tried as an accomplice

Posted on | March 7, 2013 | 10 Comments

I noticed that since yesterday, after I served the subpoenas on members of Congress Bill O’Reilly, who has the highest number of viewers, is trying to brainwashed the viewers and telling them: When you talk about the birth certificate people tune out and later don’t listen when you talk about important staff, like debt.

Tell this bought and paid for scoundrel O’Reilly to stop committing treason and stop being criminally complicit. Obama’s forged and stolen IDs can send him to prison for the rest of his life, this is #1 ace in the deck of law abiding Americans. O’Reilly should either report the truth or one day we will try O’Reilly for complicity to fraud and treason. O’Reilly is a part of Obama-Nazi regime media playing the role assigned to him, the role of the conservatic


10 Responses to “For 2 days O’Reilly is trying to push the regime propaganda, tell him “NO”, speak up the truth or you will be tried as an accomplice”

  1. Ken B. (Fort Mill, SC)
    March 7th, 2013 @ 6:29 pm

    O’Reilly, is a JOKE.

    Persist Until You Succeed!!

  2. dawn
    March 7th, 2013 @ 6:39 pm

    Fox….part of the game??

  3. Ken S
    March 7th, 2013 @ 7:44 pm

    I have noticed,
    O’Reilly is the worst and he needs to be challenged….
    He said to Dennis miller in a condescending tone last night that he(Bill)only provides analysis based on facts….But has he ever presentsd the facts before critisizing and demeaning “birthers”?..
    Bill is threatened by the one man with more power and that can hit him in wallet..

  4. Nesara
    March 7th, 2013 @ 8:16 pm

    Orly: I think that O’Reilly is like the others, in that they seem to be incapable of doing what’s right!~

  5. Hunk
    March 8th, 2013 @ 4:42 am

    Shill O’Reilly is a scumbag of the lowest order!

  6. Francisco
    March 8th, 2013 @ 6:48 am

    e-mail sent to O’Reilly, NO RESPONSE !!

    Mr. O’Reilly;

    How come neither your program, proud of being called the No Spin Zone, nor Fox News have commented, or reported on the full Supreme Court Conference, that occurred February 15, 2013, and at which time the court reviewed case No. 12A606, dealing with the fraudulent documents which President Obama has submitted as proof of citizenship ? Of all the cases reviewed on that date, most have been denied Certoriari, case 12A606 is still pending an Order. Start reporting the facts, the country is going to hell and you are our last hope to obtain the truth!!

    Why don’t you bring attorney Orly Taitz to your program one day, and give Juan the day off.

    I have been watching Fox News from the beginning, and your program in particular, so this blackout, on this monumental event, dealing with the legitimacy of our president, and the fraudulent documents he has used to usurp the presidency, is of such an importance to our Republic, that if Fox continues with this blackout policy, I would consider you, and Fox News, no better than NBC, CBS, ABC , MSNBC, or Ms. Rachel Maddow .

    F.J. Fuentes

    Miami, FL

  7. Virginia W.
    March 8th, 2013 @ 7:34 am

    You might enjoy this O’Reilly/Colmes exchange. Published on March 6. Fireworks begin around 5 minute mark.

  8. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    March 8th, 2013 @ 8:15 am

    it is just a show.
    If O’Reilly were to talk about Obama’s forged IDs. Obama would have been in prison long time ago. As I said, O’Reilly is just a puppet

  9. Francisco
    March 8th, 2013 @ 8:28 am

    No Order from SCOTUS as of this very moment !!
    Most of the other cases have been given a Certiorari denial, for those cases reviewed in Conference on 2/15/2013.
    Three weeks and counting, and Soetoro must be biting his manicured nails !

  10. Paula Hoehn
    March 8th, 2013 @ 1:57 pm

    On Feb 23, 2011 I sent the following e-mail to Bill O’Reilly (no response from him, of course):

    Usurper Barack Hussein Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro sitting in White House.
    Wednesday, February 23, 2011 12:49 AM
    From: “Paula Hoehn”
    To: “oreilly@foxnews.com” oreilly@foxnews.com

    Dear Mr. O’Reilly,

    I am extremely concerned about the non-documented, non-naturalized, Indonesian citizen-dual citizen usurper sitting in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro.

    His mother Ann Dunham Soetoro on her 1965 passport #F777788 issued July 19, 1965 renewed August 1968 which she ‘Subscribed and Sworn to(affirmed)’ on August 13, 1968 in Djakarta, Indonesia, in order to comply with the section of her passport regarding ‘United States citizenship’, removed or ‘STRUCK OUT’ her son’s names Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) on page 2 in the section entitled ‘Amend to Include (Exclude) Children’ because he was adopted by her husband Lolo Soetoro and was ‘naturalized as a citizen of a foreign state’. His Indonesian step-father Lolo Soetoro gave him his name Barry Soetoro when he adopted him and entered Barry in an Indonesian school.

    There is a vast difference between ‘citizen’ and ‘natural born Citizen’ as REQUIRED by the Constitution to be eligible for President and Vice-President.

    Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro admits he was born of a FOREIGN father who was born a British subject of a British colony and then became a Kenyan citizen, but Obama Sr. was NEVER a U.S. American citizen. Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro is therefore NOT a natural born Citizen. If America is to believe the usurper’s claimed-but-not-proven-parentage, he was not eligible to run for President in 2008, under our U.S. Constitutional requirements. All of the congress and the Supreme Court have defied our Constitution, by allowing this fraud and deception to continue in the Oval office of the people’s White House.

    Obama/Soebarkah/Barry Soetoro’s purported mother, Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro (there is no long-form birth certificate provided by the usurper to prove that she actually gave birth to him) was too young to confer U.S. citizenship on Obama at birth, since she was not yet 19 years old as required by law when he was born in August 1961. At best he is an “anchor-baby”, and a DUAL-CITIZEN. There is no evidence that after he was adopted by his step-father Lolo Soetoro and entered in an Indonesian school listing Indonesian citizenship for him that he ever naturalized himself as an American citizen. But, naturalization for Barry Soetoro would not help him in the Constitutional eligibility issue because his FOREIGN-BORN and non-naturalized FATHER could never provide him with the natural born Citizen REQUIREMENT.

    According to the law of our Constitution, Article II, Section 1 states that “No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

    The Constitution was read aloud in the House recently. During that reading a courageous woman named Theresa Cao called out at the time those very words above were read, “Except Obama, except Obama, help us, Jesus!” Her cry was the cry of millions of Americans who believe Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro is illegally holding the office of the President and Commander-in-Chief.

    Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro has spent millions to hide his birth certificate and all his life documents, and he has withheld those documents, that would have exonerated a military hero, much-decorated combat veteran LTC Dr. Terrence Lakin, who now languishes in Fort Leavenworth military prison without income, without pension, without rank, because the usurper hides his documentation.

    Former-speaker Pelosi sent 2 different certification forms to the Secretaries-of-State, 49 of them were lacking the crucial Constitutional requirement paragraph. Will you investigate Former-speaker Pelosi certifying to documents lacking the verbiage about Constitutional eligibility?

    Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro used a Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was issued by the State of Connecticut in March 1977 and was connected to someone born in 1890. Will you investigate how did the usurper obtain that SSN issued by Connecticut when he never lived in Connecticut, and no other state was allowed to issue that number?

    You can verify that Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro used SSN 042-68-4425 to register for the draft, by going to the Selective Service website:


    and entering:


    and up will come Obama’s Selective Service number 61-1125539-1:

    Last Name: obama
    Social Security Number: *** – ** – 4425
    Date of Birth: 08/04/1961
    Selective Service Number:
    Date of Registration

    And, you can verify that SSN 042-68-4425 was issued by Connecticut between 1976-1977 by going to the following Social Security Number Decoding website:


    and entering 042-68 in the ‘Five-Digit Decoder’:
    Five-Digit Decoder
    SSN starting with 042-68-XXXX
    was issued in 042-68: Connecticut, 1976-1977
    Where and when card was issued, not where and when person was born

    Our Senators and Congressmen/women need to live up to their oaths to the Constitution to protect the U.S. from all enemies foreign and domestic, and they need to uphold the principles of our Founding Fathers and our Constitution by investigating Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro’s fraudulent Presidential campaign, which under the Constitution REQUIRES the President to be a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. Our elected representatives must not turn a deaf-ear and a blind-eye and brush aside and disregard this eligibility Constitutional crisis.

    Our elected representatives must take action to have Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro’s original, non-forged, long-form, parent-signed, doctor-signed and registrar-signed, birth certificate subpoenaed, along with his SS-5 application form for his Connecticut SSN, and his Occidental College application documents including scholarship and tuition awards, and provide them to the American people.

    This issue of Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro’s ineligibility for President is not going away. The American people in their millions will not let the congress or the supreme court sweep it under the rug. There are 10 states working on passing state laws to require proof of Constitutional eligibility in time for the 2012 election.

    Mr. O’Reilly, will you investigate and address this most crucial Constitutional issue of Obama/Soebarkah/Soetoro’s ineligibility for President?

    Paula Hoehn


    This information above was also sent to the following:
    Speaker John Boehner, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, Senator Mitch McConnell, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Rep. Darrell Issa, Chairman, House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform,
    Rush Limbaugh and Donald Trump.

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