

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

All the recovery reports are bogus. Europe and US are in deep depression and joblessness. You cannot recover, when you send all the manufacturing jobs to slave labor in China and do away with all tariffs on slave labor imports

Posted on | March 4, 2013 | 12 Comments



12 Responses to “All the recovery reports are bogus. Europe and US are in deep depression and joblessness. You cannot recover, when you send all the manufacturing jobs to slave labor in China and do away with all tariffs on slave labor imports”

  1. Justin
    March 4th, 2013 @ 9:17 am

    Your right they think there going to make us all slaves like in China but they have another thing coming I was born free and I’m going to die fighting for my freedom

  2. Francisco
    March 4th, 2013 @ 10:03 am

    As Lenin once said to his Bocheviks, ” The Capitalist are going to sell us the rope with which we are going to hang them”. That Lenin was a murderer, but also a visionary.

  3. Yoel
    March 4th, 2013 @ 12:41 pm

    As the following short and very graphic video concisely explains, socialism is highly addictive and short lived. Under the Romanian medical state insurance program, it takes around five years to receive approval for payments for decent cancer treatments – which equals a death sentence. The average monthly wage is 350 Euros, cancer treatments cost 400 Euros per day. “ObamaCare” is no better and anyone who believes it is a great plan secretly harbors a death wish…..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrCKhljpz3E

  4. Jodie
    March 4th, 2013 @ 1:25 pm
  5. Hunk
    March 4th, 2013 @ 1:44 pm

    “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? I know not what course other men may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” Patrick Henry….1775

  6. charlene zechender
    March 4th, 2013 @ 7:25 pm

    High Ranking DOJ Official Refuses to Affirm 1st Amendment Rights: https://youtu.be/0wwv9l6W8yc via @youtube

  7. charlene zechender
    March 4th, 2013 @ 7:25 pm

    The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and its Role in Enforcing Islami…: https://youtu.be/jvP6IZ17X98 via @youtube

  8. charlene zechender
    March 4th, 2013 @ 7:26 pm

    Obama Administration Paves the Way for Sharia Law https://wp.me/p1Vbau-3Dv via @wordpressdotcom

  9. charlene zechender
    March 4th, 2013 @ 7:38 pm
  10. charlene zechender
    March 4th, 2013 @ 7:52 pm


    This also explains why Roberts would have a means to be blackmailed, and why that leverage would still exist even after the institution of ObamaCare.

    … And it has led to flipping the swing-vote on ObamaCare, which fundamentally changed the relationship between citizen and government, making us de facto property of the state, with our relative worth in care and maintenance able to be determined by the government. Essentially it was a coup without firing a shot, much less needing even an Amendment to the Constitution.

    And it is consistent with Obama’s Chicago-style politics, that has previously involved opening other sealed records in order to win election.
    EXPOSED!…BUT THE PRO ISLAMIC STATE RUN MEDIA WILL NOT FOLLOW THIS STORY !! CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN ROBERTS WAS BLACKMAILED TO PROTECT HIS SECRET! >>>THE MESSENGER…. ELENA KAGAN! <<<<< Did John Roberts change his vote to protect his family secret? This post seems to lay out a very damning chain of events. SHARE THE STORY…GET THE WORD OUT ! Many of us have questioned what caused Roberts to switch his vote on ObamaCare at the last minute, as reported by CBS, and doing so, so late that the Conservative Justices were forced to rewrite their majority opinion to be minority dissent. These facts may answer that question. In 2000 Justice Roberts and his wife Jane adopted two children. Initially it was apparent that the adoptions were "from a Latin American country", but over time it has become apparent that the adopted children were not Latin American, but were Irish. Why this matters will become evident. In 2005 the NY Times began investigating Roberts life as a matter of his nomination to the Supreme Court by George Bush. The Times was shortly accused of trying to unseal the adoption papers and intending to violate the anonymity of the adoption process… however there is more to the story. Drudge did an article in 2005 https://patterico.com/2005/08/04/drudge-says-new-york-times-is-inves… The NEW YORK TIMES is looking into the adoption records of the children of Supreme Court Nominee John G. Roberts, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned. The TIMES has investigative reporter Glen Justice hot on the case to investigate the status of adoption records of Judge Roberts’ two young children, Josie age 5 and Jack age 4, a top source reveals. Judge Roberts and his wife Jane adopted the children when they each were infants. Both children were adopted from Latin America. A TIMES insider claims the look into the adoption papers are part of the paper’s “standard background check.” Bill Borders, NYT senior editor, explains: “Our reporters made initial inquiries about the adoptions, as they did about many other aspects of his background. They did so with great care, understanding the sensitivity of the issue.” Were the Children Adopted from Ireland? This is not clear … — the Associated Press reports that they were "adopted from Latin America." This seems a bit puzzling, in light of the Time magazine report indicating that the children were born in Ireland. Also, their blonde hair and fair skin do not seem conventionally Latin American. 1 TIME had a “web exclusive” on the Roberts's (7/24/05) and quoted a family friend as stating the kids were “born in Ireland 4 1/2 months apart.” How were the Children Adopted? According to The New York Times, based on information from Mrs. Roberts's sister, Mary Torre, the children were adopted through a private adoption. As explained by Families for Private Adoption, "[p]rivate (or independent) adoption is a legal method of building a family through adoption without using an adoption agency for placement. In private adoption, the birth parents relinquish their parental rights directly to the adoptive parents, instead of to an agency."2 But was Robert's adoption utilizing "a legal method"? Apparently the process of adopting Jack involved some stress for John Roberts. According to Dan Klaidman of Newsweek, during the contested 2000 election, Roberts "spent a few days in Florida advising lawyers [for George W. Bush] on their legal strategy," but "he did not play a central role," because " at the time, Roberts was preoccupied with the adoption of his son." It is now quite evident that the two Children were from Ireland. Even wikipedia references these adoptions at the time of Roberts' confirmation, and indicates that the children were of Irish birth. However Irish law 1) prohibits the adoption of Children to non-residents, and 2) also does not permit private adoptions, but rather has all adoptions go through a public agency. This would explain the children's origin from a "Latin American country", so as to circumvent Irish law. Evidently Roberts arranged for this adoption through some sort of trafficking agency, that got the children out of Ireland and into that Latin American country, from which they were adopted, thereby circumventing two Irish laws — entirely illegal, but perhaps quasi-legitimized by the birth mothers (two) transporting the children out of Ireland. Undoubtedly Roberts and his wife spent a great deal of money for this illegal process, circumventing Irish laws and arranging for the transit of two Irish children from separate birth-mothers to a foreign nation. Come 2012, those two children have been with the Roberts' for roughly 10 years, since they were adopted as "infants". Some might feel an impulse dismiss this information, mistakenly believing Roberts and his wife were doing a good thing for a children needing a home. That would be an inaccurate belief. As recognized, such an inter-country adoption would only come about at great cost, and those who utilize this method are creating a for-profit black market in adoptive children, trafficking across international borders, and doing so from mothers who have not yet given up their children except for that profit. Such actions are creating a very unsavory profit-for-children human trafficking market that even necessitates immediate contact with new birth mothers in dire circumstances to offer financial gain. The entire arrangement is thoroughly predatory, turning children into only financial commodity, and even providing motivation for their birth mothers to give them up! That's an important ethical recognition. Roberts is not deserving of any sort of respect here, and is only the latest example of people in position believing themselves above the law, beyond scrutiny and exempt from repercussion. It all now makes sense. The circumstances of these two adoptions explain not only why this would be overlooked by an overall sympathetic media, but also why a sitting Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court would not want this information to become public fodder well into his tenure. Its release and public discussion would discredit Roberts as an impartial judge of the law, and undoubtedly lead to his impeachment. This also explains why Roberts would have a means to be blackmailed, and why that leverage would still exist even after the institution of ObamaCare. … And it has led to flipping the swing-vote on ObamaCare, which fundamentally changed the relationship between citizen and government, making us de facto property of the state, with our relative worth in care and maintenance able to be determined by the government. Essentially it was a coup without firing a shot, much less needing even an Amendment to the Constitution. And it is consistent with Obama's Chicago-style politics, that has previously involved opening other sealed records in order to win election.



    Did John Roberts change his vote to protect his family secret? This post seems to lay out a very damning chain of events. SHARE THE STORY…GET THE WORD OUT !

    Many of us have questioned what caused Roberts to switch his vote on ObamaCare at the last minute, as reported by CBS, and doing so, so late that the Conservative Justices were forced to rewrite their majority opinion to be minority dissent. These facts may answer that question.

    In 2000 Justice Roberts and his wife Jane adopted two children. Initially it was apparent that the adoptions were "from a Latin American country", but over time it has become apparent that the adopted children were not Latin American, but were Irish. Why this matters will become evident.

    In 2005 the NY Times began investigating Roberts life as a matter of his nomination to the Supreme Court by George Bush. The Times was shortly accused of trying to unseal the adoption papers and intending to violate the anonymity of the adoption process… however there is more to the story.

    Drudge did an article in 2005

    The NEW YORK TIMES is looking into the adoption records of the children of Supreme Court Nominee John G. Roberts, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

    The TIMES has investigative reporter Glen Justice hot on the case to investigate the status of adoption records of Judge Roberts’ two young children, Josie age 5 and Jack age 4, a top source reveals.

    Judge Roberts and his wife Jane adopted the children when they each were infants.

    Both children were adopted from Latin America.

    A TIMES insider claims the look into the adoption papers are part of the paper’s “standard background check.”

    Bill Borders, NYT senior editor, explains: “Our reporters made initial inquiries about the adoptions, as they did about many other aspects of his background. They did so with great care, understanding the sensitivity of the issue.”

    Were the Children Adopted from Ireland?

    This is not clear … — the Associated Press reports that they were "adopted from Latin America." This seems a bit puzzling, in light of the Time magazine report indicating that the children were born in Ireland. Also, their blonde hair and fair skin do not seem conventionally Latin American. 1

    TIME had a “web exclusive” on the Roberts's (7/24/05) and quoted a family friend as stating the kids were “born in Ireland 4 1/2 months apart.”

    How were the Children Adopted?

    According to The New York Times, based on information from Mrs. Roberts's sister, Mary Torre, the children were adopted through a private adoption.

    As explained by Families for Private Adoption, "[p]rivate (or independent) adoption is a legal method of building a family through adoption without using an adoption agency for placement. In private adoption, the birth parents relinquish their parental rights directly to the adoptive parents, instead of to an agency."2

    But was Robert's adoption utilizing "a legal method"?

    Apparently the process of adopting Jack involved some stress for John Roberts. According to Dan Klaidman of Newsweek, during the contested 2000 election, Roberts "spent a few days in Florida advising lawyers [for George W. Bush] on their legal strategy," but "he did not play a central role," because " at the time, Roberts was preoccupied with the adoption of his son."

    It is now quite evident that the two Children were from Ireland. Even wikipedia references these adoptions at the time of Roberts' confirmation, and indicates that the children were of Irish birth.

    However Irish law 1) prohibits the adoption of Children to non-residents, and 2) also does not permit private adoptions, but rather has all adoptions go through a public agency.

    This would explain the children's origin from a "Latin American country", so as to circumvent Irish law.

    Evidently Roberts arranged for this adoption through some sort of trafficking agency, that got the children out of Ireland and into that Latin American country, from which they were adopted, thereby circumventing two Irish laws — entirely illegal, but perhaps quasi-legitimized by the birth mothers (two) transporting the children out of Ireland.

    Undoubtedly Roberts and his wife spent a great deal of money for this illegal process, circumventing Irish laws and arranging for the transit of two Irish children from separate birth-mothers to a foreign nation. Come 2012, those two children have been with the Roberts' for roughly 10 years, since they were adopted as "infants".

    Some might feel an impulse dismiss this information, mistakenly believing Roberts and his wife were doing a good thing for a children needing a home.

    That would be an inaccurate belief. As recognized, such an inter-country adoption would only come about at great cost, and those who utilize this method are creating a for-profit black market in adoptive children, trafficking across international borders, and doing so from mothers who have not yet given up their children except for that profit. Such actions are creating a very unsavory profit-for-children human trafficking market that even necessitates immediate contact with new birth mothers in dire circumstances to offer financial gain. The entire arrangement is thoroughly predatory, turning children into only financial commodity, and even providing motivation for their birth mothers to give them up! That's an important ethical recognition.

    Roberts is not deserving of any sort of respect here, and is only the latest example of people in position believing themselves above the law, beyond scrutiny and exempt from repercussion.

    It all now makes sense.

    The circumstances of these two adoptions explain not only why this would be overlooked by an overall sympathetic media, but also why a sitting Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court would not want this information to become public fodder well into his tenure. Its release and public discussion would discredit Roberts as an impartial judge of the law, and undoubtedly lead to his impeachment.

    This also explains why Roberts would have a means to be blackmailed, and why that leverage would still exist even after the institution of ObamaCare.

    … And it has led to flipping the swing-vote on ObamaCare, which fundamentally changed the relationship between citizen and government, making us de facto property of the state, with our relative worth in care and maintenance able to be determined by the government. Essentially it was a coup without firing a shot, much less needing even an Amendment to the Constitution.

    And it is consistent with Obama's Chicago-style politics, that has previously involved opening other sealed records in order to win election.

  11. charlene zechender
    March 5th, 2013 @ 5:29 am

    THIS MEANS WAR I HAD IT THEY PUSHED ME OVER THIS IS IT https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/225052_498380076885930_813689087_n.jpg

  12. Ralph Kramden
    March 5th, 2013 @ 12:07 pm

    The Dow is at an all time high!

    Obama must be pocketing all that money himself!

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