

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Correction in the e-mail for Kathryn Rexrode Judiciary Committee there is a period after the first name and before the last name. It is Kathryn.Rexrode@mail.house.gov

Posted on | February 19, 2013 | 28 Comments

Editor of Molokai-News George Peobody forwarded

Congress Judiciary Committee Investigate Treason and Fraud and Obstruction of Justice

EditorMolokai Advertiser-News George Peabody
4:34 PM (13 minutes ago)

to Kathryn.Rexrode

Please REPLY to confirm receipt of this message.
Dear Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives c/o Committee staff member KathrynRexrode.
Please initiate immediate a hearing on the issue of Barack Obama’s use of forged IDs and a CT SSN, which failed both E-Verify and SSNVS, as well as criminal complicity and cover up by high ranking officials of the U.S. Government, Social Security Administration and employees of a number of courts.
Investigation to start with these:
1.  Is  Harry J. Bounel the President of the United States who filed his 2009 federal tax return using his lawfully issued Social Security #042-68-4425?   AND, why is Barack H. Obama II aka Barry Soetoro using on his 2009 federal tax return a stolen Social Security #042-68-4425, that belongs to one of his wife’s relatives named Harrison J. Bounel whose date of birth was 1890?
2.  Barack H. Obama II aka Barry Soetoro admitted in 1991 publication of his bio that he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii.  Since then his grandmother provided his Kenyan birth certificate and stated she was present at his birth in Kenya;  and Obama/Soetoro and Michelle Obama have stated that Kenya is the land of his birth; and Prior to Obama’s ensconcement to the White House, many international stories also stated that Obama was Kenyan-born as did members of Kenya’s legislative assembly who celebrated for the record about their Kenyan boy who rules the United States of America.  Furthermore, it has been reported that Obama administration has paid nearly $4 billion dollars for capital projects in Kenya since Obama usurpation of POTUS.    Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate is an obvious fraud and a forgery, his Selective Service registration are destroyed by Obama’s EO, Obama’s SS# failed when checked through both  E-Verify and the Social Security Number Verification  Service.
3  Does this Judiciary Committee agree that anyone who obtained a federal government position of employment without verification of their identity should be immediately arrested and investigated as a possible domestic terrorist, and why are so many records destroyed or unavailable:  Obama’s mother’s passport records before 1965 were destroyed;  immigration records from August 1961, and Obama’s selective service application destroyed;  and, Obama’s purported original birth certificate of Hawaii is non-existent and a forgery is presented —even Hawaii governor Abercrombie admitted he could not find Obama’s BC in Hawaii;  Obama’s Social Security number is a stolen Connecticut SSN 042-68-4425 which was originally issued to Harrison J. Bounel who was born in 1890?
4.  What passport did Obama/Soetoro use when you traveled to Pakistan in 1981?
5.  Why did Obama sign the EO to extend Secrete Service protection for himself and W-Bush for Life instead of leaving it at 10-years?  Protecting elite CRIMINALS ? !!
6……etc, etc 1000 at least more questions to investigate about the Fraud President Barack H. Obama II
And, Impeach his now.  AND  ARREST Obama NOW into custody of US Marshalls in solitary until trial as domestic terrorist!
Please forward this message to all of the below and current Congresspeople and Senators.
mahalos,  George Peabody   https://www.MolokaiAdvertiserNews.com    808-558-8253
Anibal@mail.house.gov, gary_ackerman@mail.house.gov, jay.inslee@mail.house.gov, rick.larsen@mail.house.gov, brian.baird@mail.house.gov, adam.smith@mail.house.gov, senator@boxer.senate.gov, lynn.woolsey@mail.house.gov, George.Miller@mail.house.gov, sf.nancy@mail.house.gov, barbara.lee@mail.house.gov, budmail@mail.house.gov, budmail@mail.house.gov, snyder.congress@mail.house.gov, faleomavaega@mail.house.gov, ed.pastor@mail.house.gov, democratic.caucus@mail.house.gov, lynn.woolsey@mail.house.gov, zoegram@lofgren.house.gov, samfarr@mail.house.gov, gary.condit@mail.house.gov, lois.capps@mail.house.gov, brad.sherman@mail.house.gov, Howard.Berman@mail.house.gov, arcoiris@mail.house.gov, Rep.Harman@mail.house.gov, Millender.McDonald@mail.house.gov, talk2geb@mail.house.gov, loretta@mail.house.gov, degette@mail.house.gov, david.skaggs@mail.house.gov, Kennelly@mail.house.gov, bozrah@mail.house.gov, rep.boyd@mail.house.gov, thurman@mail.house.gov, pdeutsch.pub@mail.house.gov, alcee.pubhastings@mail.house.gov, cymck@mail.house.gov, john.lewis@mail.house.gov, guamtodc@mail.house.gov, neil.abercrombie@mail.house.gov, leach.ia01@mail.house.gov, rep.boswell.ia03@mail.house.gov, bobby.rush@mail.house.gov, luis.gutierrez@mail.house.gov, danny.davis@mail.house.gov, sidney.yates@mail.house.gov, jfc.il12@mail.house.gov, lane.evans@mail.house.gov, tim.roemer@mail.house.gov, in09.wyr@housemail.house.gov, rep.carson@mail.house.gov, john.olver@mail.house.gov, jim.mcgovern@mail.house.gov, mtmeehan@mail.house.gov, joe.moakley@mail.house.gov, william.delahunt@mail.house.gov, rep.cardin@mail.house.gov, rep.tomallen@mail.house.gov, stupak@mail.house.gov, jim.barcia-pub@mail.house.gov, debbie.stabenow@mail.house.gov, dkildee@mail.house.gov, david.bonior@mail.house.gov, slevin@mail.house.gov, john.conyers@mail.house.gov, martin.sabo@mail.house.gov, tell.bill@mail.house.gov, tocollin.peterson@mail.house.gov, oberstar@mail.house.gov, gephardt@mail.house.gov, ike.skelton@mail.house.gov, thompsonms2nd@mail.house.gov, gene.taylor@mail.house.gov, EClayton1@mail.house.gov, bob.etheridge@mail.house.gov, david.price@mail.house.gov, CongMcIntyre@mail.house.gov, nc12.public@mail.house.gov, Rep.Earl.Pomeroy@mail.house.gov, rob.andrews@mail.house.gov, bill.pascrell@mail.house.gov, steven.rothman@mail.house.gov, thomas.manton@mail.house.gov, jerrold.nadler@mail.house.gov, major.owens@mail.house.gov, rep.carolyn.maloney@mail.house.gov, rangel@mail.house.gov, jserrano@mail.house.gov, mike.mcnulty@mail.house.gov, mhinchey@mail.house.gov, louiseny@mail.house.gov, mike.oxley@mail.house.gov, ted.strickland@mail.house.gov, rep.kaptur@mail.house.gov, sherrod@mail.house.gov, telljim@mail.house.gov, rep.elizabeth.furse@mail.house.gov, write.earl@mail.house.gov, peter.defazio@mail.house.gov, darlene@mail.house.gov, paul.kanjorski@mail.house.gov, murtha@mail.house.gov, mchale@mail.house.gov, rep.doyle@mail.house.gov, robert.weygand@mail.house.gov, jclyburn@mail.house.gov, bob.clement@mail.house.gov, bart.gordon@mail.house.gov, john.tanner@mail.house.gov, hford@hr.house.gov, max.sandlin@mail.house.gov, rmhall@mail.house.gov, nick.lampson@mail.house.gov, lloyd.doggett@mail.house.gov, Rep.Hinojosa@mail.house.gov, silvestre.reyes@mail.house.gov, tx18@lee.house.gov, texas17@mail.house.gov, martin.frost@mail.house.gov, ken.bentsen@mail.house.gov, ask.gene@mail.house.gov, rep.e.b.johnson@mail.house.gov, owen.pickett@mail.house.gov, rep.goode@mail.house.gov, jim.moran@mail.house.gov, ninthnet@mail.house.gov, Donna.Green@mail.house.gov, bernie@mail.house.gov, adam.smith@mail.house.gov, ron.kind@mail.house.gov, jerry4wi@mail.house.gov, telltom@mail.house.gov, jay.johnson@mail.house.gov, bobwise@mail.house.gov, nrahall@mail.house.gov,
John_McCain@McCain.senate.gov, senator@akaka.senate.gov, senator@biden.senate.gov, senator_bingaman@bingaman.senate.gov, senator@breaux.senate.gov, senator_byrd@byrd.senate.gov, senator_carnahan@carnahan.senate.gov, senator@clinton.senate.gov, senator@conrad.senate.gov, senator@dodd.senate.gov, senator@dorgan.senate.gov, dick@durbin.senate.gov, russell_feingold@feingold.senate.gov, senator@feinstein.senate.gov, bob_graham@graham.senate.gov, tom_harkin@harkin.senate.gov, vermont@jeffords.senate.gov, tim@johnson.senate.gov, senator@kennedy.senate.gov, john_kerry@kerry.senate.gov, senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov, senator_leahy@leahy.senate.gov, senator@levin.senate.gov, blanche_lincoln@lincoln.senate.gov, senator@mikulski.senate.gov, senator_murray@murray.senate.gov, senator@billnelson.senate.gov, jack@reed.senate.gov, senator@rockefeller.senate.gov, senator@schumer.senate.gov, senator@stabenow.senate.gov, senator_torricelli@torricelli.senate.gov


28 Responses to “Correction in the e-mail for Kathryn Rexrode Judiciary Committee there is a period after the first name and before the last name. It is Kathryn.Rexrode@mail.house.gov”

  1. Doug Going
    February 19th, 2013 @ 3:50 pm

    This is a serious matter? WTH? In my opinon Mixed War against the Constitution.

  2. Carolyn Jones
    February 19th, 2013 @ 3:50 pm

    You certainly are handling your loss in the Supreme Court with grace and dignity.

    Lovely Lady Liberty

    Keep up the work!

  3. Tina
    February 19th, 2013 @ 4:37 pm


  4. James Smith
    February 19th, 2013 @ 4:42 pm

    Done deal it was just as easy as the first try but this time it wasn’t return as undeliverable. press the button walla they got my e-mail. I hope talk or communications helps in the battles to free America.

  5. __B_F_T__
    February 19th, 2013 @ 5:19 pm

    And in Mississippi? How ya doin’?

  6. Greg
    February 19th, 2013 @ 5:28 pm

    I can’t believe it. Where is justice? Where is the right to at least be heard? What a crock!

  7. Carol Jamison
    February 19th, 2013 @ 5:34 pm

    Thank You! Rewrote and Resent!!! I’m with James, I hope this helps in the battles to free America!!!

  8. Rose
    February 19th, 2013 @ 5:35 pm

    I sent a letter in and I put Kathryn’s email address on facebook article about this..makes it easier for people, that gets more people interested…simple=more letters. So far, no rejection of email.. good blessings to you for I do not believe in luck..
    5 minutes later no rejection of email….10 minutes and no rejection of email..

  9. speedy
    February 19th, 2013 @ 5:44 pm

    I think that the e-mail list of congress and senators may be an old one because I found Neil Abercombie on the list and a few others who are no longer in congress. I didn’t see some of the names of the new congress people.

  10. speedy
    February 19th, 2013 @ 5:50 pm

    Some of the people on the list are deceased like Kennedy and I think Murtha. It looks like a list from pre 2010 election. There is no e-mail address for the republicans who were elected in 2010 or recently. Hinchey is no longer there because he was replaced by Hanna.

  11. Obama Fraud Ids: Every U.S. Citizen Is Urged To Call & Email The Judiciary Committee Of The U.S. House Of Representatives! « Political Vel Craft
    February 19th, 2013 @ 7:29 pm
  12. gennie
    February 19th, 2013 @ 7:49 pm

    This message was created automatically by the mail system (ecelerity).

    A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

    >>> KathrynRexrode@mail.house.gov (after RCPT TO): 550 5.7.1 Unable to
    >>> deliver to

  13. Elizabeth
    February 19th, 2013 @ 7:59 pm

    Someone on the Petition suggested holding
    a special election.

    How does this become a reality?

    Also, how do the masses of angry
    citizens now become authorized
    (via the Constitution) to
    actually remove by force, and I
    don’t mean a Western shoot-out,

    but physically removing Obama
    with handcuffs, followed up with
    the rest of the SCOTUS, plus all
    of their henchmen/women?

    How can this be done? Would our
    military leaders be willing? I know
    they are able, as are all of the
    military who have defended not
    only our country, but helped to
    rebuild countries like Iraq.

    I know the people are ready to roll.

    But they need a strong leader
    and to me, an active or retired
    military officer would be
    the most efficient in eliminating
    the stubborn officials who rebelliously
    are declaring they are not going
    to follow up on this deliberate
    destruction of our Constitution
    and our country.

    I do not see the people giving
    in on this; not at all.

    I foresee attempts for peaceful
    removals, and if that doesn’t
    fly, think ‘Revolution.’

  14. Ricardo Cabeza
    February 19th, 2013 @ 9:10 pm
  15. FactsRule
    February 19th, 2013 @ 11:01 pm

    Great letter and would be a great list of e-mail addresses if it wasn’t many years out of date!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Davey Crockett
    February 19th, 2013 @ 11:12 pm

    I think that the SC lost…they lost their souls and didn’t care about right and wrong! They will pay dearly someday! Dr Orly isn’t wrong! She’s RIGHT!

  17. Davey Crockett
    February 19th, 2013 @ 11:14 pm

    And that list of emails for the “gods on Olympus” is absolutely superb!! We should drive them nuts!!!

  18. Davey Crockett
    February 19th, 2013 @ 11:16 pm

    And that list of emails for the “gods on Olympus” is absolutely superb!! We should drive them nuts!!!

  19. Davey Crockett
    February 19th, 2013 @ 11:21 pm

    And every Patriot should (“SAVE!”) THE LIST OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS!!!!!!

  20. Braulio
    February 20th, 2013 @ 12:09 am

    Are we Americans ever to stop being imbeciles? What does it take to recognize we are being conquered by the enemy

  21. Linda Copeland
    February 20th, 2013 @ 10:50 am

    We need to get this done and get this criminal out of office!!! If they can’t see this, they didn’t look, or covering up!!!

  22. Evelyn
    February 20th, 2013 @ 3:15 pm

    This imposter needs to be Impeached and put in prison….He is an illegal, a puppet, criminal, and Americans’ enemy….This man is destroying our Country with his propaganda and criminal activity all under the guise of being President of The United States….It is amazing that Congress and our Judicial System has not Impeached him….Does either one of these entities care about our Country??? It is so clear that he is apart of the Muslim Brotherhood and he has been put in office to destroy this Country from within since they did not do it in 9/11/2001…Fast and Furious not to mention Bengazi, in and of themselves, should be evident of how corrupt Obama is. As an American I am appalled at the level of corruption in our Government.

  23. Davey Crockett
    February 20th, 2013 @ 8:50 pm

    Okay…I didn’t even check the names on the list, as I didn’t have time to do this! Neat! I went through the list and saw some names that still are in Congress! So let’s use what we find and go with it!

  24. Davey Crockett
    February 20th, 2013 @ 8:56 pm

    Mr Peobody: why did you post these names, since you had to have known that many of them are not there in Congress any longer?! Also…
    Where did you get these names? I’ve tried to find the uptodate list of Congress and all I found was their fax numbers/some phone numbers! Posting this list was another game the (D)’s love to pull. But thanks for this…I will check them out (as much as I can) from now on!

  25. Henry Tisdale
    February 22nd, 2013 @ 8:55 am

    Furthermore, Birther Troops, we have solid access to the articles in April 2007 Washington Times wherein Obama, not yet even a nominee, sent a State Department employee – name, Lt Quarles Harris – on an errand to the Passport Office in Washington to fetch his passport application data. The short story tells us he was caught by Building Guards accepting documents from another employee of the State Dept. The thing was turned over to Sec of State Condoleezza Rice who had him questioned by one of the constabularies who worked in that area. Lt Harris admitted he was sent by Obama to fetch Obama’s and two others’ application data. This began in April 8, 2007. April 18 brought the Times to publish that Lt Harris, was found dead – one bullet hole in the back of his head – in his own auto parked in or near a church yard in DC.

    FBI Director Robert Mueller, refused to answer any of the thousands of letters, including 3 of mine, asking why the FBI was not investigating this extremely high profile murder. Fellow Birthers, I have never seen such corruption in my lifetime. Who is this man who can travel to the greatest country in the world and completely take it over from within. I would believe he could have never done it without the largest bank in motion, AKA George Soros.

    One more point that can help enforce Orly’s case of forged identification papers. Barack Obama never had his background investigated nor was he appropriately vetted. What does this mean? It means a foreigner, posing as the greatest president since Lincoln, can find and study, or allow anyone else to find and study, any sensitive information – documents, photography, plans or top secret designs, etc. within our system. Orly has already stated in several courts that to keep this criminal in the WH, sends our national security into a swirl. Secrecy, and hence protection, of our military and governmental know how, or anything within our heavily armed secret storage is free for asking. God, how hungry can those democrats get?

    If anyone has an idea of how to flush our entire government, please don’t hesitate to tell us all.

  26. Jim Buzzell
    February 22nd, 2013 @ 6:49 pm

    The list of congressmen and women below is an old list dating back to more than two years ago, it in most cases is without merit in reaching all who sit today.

  27. Larry from RI
    February 24th, 2013 @ 11:23 pm

    Those critical of the list get an up to date list…
    I put the list as addresses in an email and put the letter in the body of the email and sent it.I got a few answers automatic.
    Its like marching in the internet not as good as in the street but better than nothing.

  28. Francisco
    February 25th, 2013 @ 11:00 am

    I sent the letter to Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), but I know the message will be deleted by this Obama’s acolyte, without even reading it.

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