

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

FBI and Secret Service agents were told not to do anything about the usurpation of the US Presidency, they were told that they will lose their jobs, if they try to investigate and bring BO to justice. End this crime of the century

Posted on | March 7, 2012 | 30 Comments

We need to go to every sheriff around the country, every FBI and secret agent. As we found one honest sheriff, we would be able to find one honest FBI agent, one honest judge, one honest elections commission, one honest secret service agent, who will get the ball rolling. We have to keep looking. Also, let the secret service know, that usurpation of the US Presidency is an economic crime. Obama incurred nearly the same amount of debt, as 43 presidents before him. Billions and trillions of dollars were misappropriated by the Thief in Chief.  We can’t rely on elections, as we know that the elections are utterly rigged by the same thugs, who put the usurper with forged papers in the White House. Unless we remove him before the election, I am afraid, it will be too late.

secret service meeting in my home today
 Reply |Kelley Watt to me
show details 10:06 PM (7 hours ago)

Just wanted to tell you what transpired today with the Secret Service at my home.  I had called the FBI yesterday saying I was getting ready to do my income taxes and what should I do because I didn’t want to send my hard earned money in to a con artist (Obama) as he has been exposed.  The FBI in Oklahoma City told me to call the Secret Service in Tulsa and they gave me the number.  I talked for about a good 30 min to an agent who was really nice and very polite.  He said that he would be happy to hear more of what I had to say if I wanted to come to his office and I told him that a few months ago I had gone to the FBI office in Tulsa with my “Obama File” and the agent never showed up and I had to see another agent who may have just been an underling, anyway, he said well we can come to your house if you prefer so I said that would be fine. 
Two agents came to my house only 10 minutes late and they were both very young.  Like late 20’s or early 30’s.  One was extremely tired and it seemed all he could do to stay awake during my presentation.  One agent was really tall like 7′ and the other guy was short and he carried a bag.  I teased them as they entered my home and told them I wouldn’t allow them in my bathroom alone because everyone told me they might plant a “bug” and they laughed and said “maybe the CIA but not us” and I jokingly said “and don’t be planting any viruses to make it look like i died of a heart attack”. They both laughed.  Then we sat at my kitchen table and I pulled out the selective service registration card first and showed them how it had been forged (I later showed them Arpio’s video about it which they had not seen.) Then I showed them Susan Daniel’s SS Verification + documentation and then some various articles I had downloaded off the Internet.  I showed them Jerome Corsi’s book, Where’s the Birth Certificate) and showed them the screen shots of how the press claimed Obama was born at Queen’s hospital then later changed it  to Kapialoni.  Then the short guy interrupted me and said I needed to be careful of stuff on the Internet because he had seen a title I had downloaded from the Birther Report and said it could be biased.  i told him I realized that, however most of it is true and I told him about you and how I followed all this stuff through reading pleadings, court documents (I showed him the transcript of your hearing with Lamberth) and told him I had been following the You Tube videos of all the ballot challenges.  They were both totally unaware there had been any ballot challenges.
Then the short guy interrupts me about 10 minutes to my “speech” and asked if he could ask me some questions because they always have to do that and I said that would be fine.  He asked me the following:
Have you ever been arrested?
Are you a member of any organized groups like KKK?
Would you want to harm the President?
Are you suicidal?
then after those type of questions he said, “ok, back to what you were telling us.”  I then picked up where I had left off and told them a whole bunch of things they were unaware of including the false SS#.  they stayed for about an hour or more and told me there was absolutely nothing they could do about any of this and if they were to take it to their higher up, he would say to them “I’m not willing to lose my job over this.”  He said nobody, including the FBI will not do a thing.  He went on to say that they agreed something needed to be done but nobody but Eric Holder had the power to do anything (what do they know, they were young).  They both said two or three times “the only solution is to vote him out of office.”  Then they got up to leave because I had been through all my documents and I asked the young guy with the bag what was in his bag and he said “you want to see what is in here?” and I said “yeah, for all I know you have a tape recorder in there and will turn it over to Obama then I might end up like Brieitbart.”  He said, ok I will show you what is in here and then the tall guy said, “good I am glad you asked because everyone at the office has been wondering what he carries in his bag.”  he then proceeded to pull out gloves, a black hat, flashlight, outdated 2010 calendar, handcuffs and a few other items. 
So to sum up my meeting, nothing is going to work except voting him out of office, they assured me that if they took this to their boss they would be laughed at because nobody is going to lose their job over this.  And then they left after telling me that their primary job is to protect past and future presidents and their families and they mainly did financial crimes like bank robberies.


30 Responses to “FBI and Secret Service agents were told not to do anything about the usurpation of the US Presidency, they were told that they will lose their jobs, if they try to investigate and bring BO to justice. End this crime of the century”

  1. Mark Smith
    March 7th, 2012 @ 6:20 am

    So, like most government workers they will sell their soul in exchange for a bowl of pottage (pension) and to hell with the welfare of the Nation.

  2. LLW
    March 7th, 2012 @ 6:21 am

    One wonders why we pay taxes. They were absolutely correct. They will do nothing to jeapordize their jobs and as such they are both cowards. I have very little respect for any aspect of the Government these days. Not because I believe the Government is the problem. It isn’t, contrary to popular belief, it is the people we put into government that are the problem.

    They didn’t want to be branded Fox Mulders.

  3. Justice
    March 7th, 2012 @ 6:56 am

    Our elected officials want us to re-elect them. They are all big fat liars and all of them need to be thrown out of office. I never thought I would see such fear and intimidation in this country! *BH0* must be very proud of this accomplishment. Many of us even fear Romney! Thank God for Sheriff Arpaio!

  4. Ella
    March 7th, 2012 @ 7:13 am

    Do FBI agents take an oath to serve and protect? Couldn’t this choice to NOT act when criminal evidence is put before them and they are asked to protect us be a crime?

  5. Thomas/PatriotofPast
    March 7th, 2012 @ 7:35 am

    I am a disabled former Iron worker… I have been telling my Sec. of State and Attorney General that Obama is a FRAUD! To deaf ears I keep sending them information PROVING my point.
    I no longer trust the Court system, I honestly believe they are ALL on the take. I have decided I have my family, my kids and tell them that the Constitution is Bigger than Anyone person…Believe in it and Fight for it. I do not know how much time I have left on this Earth, I do pray that the Good Lord sees fit to let me see ALL those Involved in this Crime of the Century go to Prison where they ALL belong. South Dakota is a Conservative State, and I do hope they listen to my complaint.

  6. queenofshina
    March 7th, 2012 @ 7:38 am

    It used to be against the law to be a member of the communist party since they plotted to overthrow our government. So, what happened to that law? Or is it like all our other laws, including immigration laws – just pretend they don’t exist? Overthrowing a government is TREASON and the Marxist criminal in the WH and all his czars are guilty of it! So where’s the FBI? I guess it must be in hiding like the birth certificat! LOL!

  7. HarryOrielly
    March 7th, 2012 @ 8:12 am

    Why is this not hard to believe? The Obama administration is the most CORRUPT in history- and Obama is a criminal who has had his criminal past erradicated by the super-rich power moguls who spent millions in covering it all up- SHAME ON YOU BARrACK (I mean BARRY)

  8. kelley
    March 7th, 2012 @ 8:15 am

    Orly, do you still have the story I wrote to you about a few months ago when I went to the Tulsa FBI office and my experience with them? You might want to repost it. If not I will
    rewrite it and send it to you.

  9. dr_taitz@yahoo.com
    March 7th, 2012 @ 8:48 am

    I can’t find it in thousands of e-mails

  10. Bloodless Coup
    March 7th, 2012 @ 9:21 am

    I also signed petitions that were sent to the FBI Director Robert Muller which called for a criminal investgation of Obama’s forged and sealed documents.

    In addition, I called Congressman Issa’s office and urged him to conduct a Congressional Investigation into Obama’s forged and sealed documents.

    I got absolutely NO responce whatsoever.

  11. steve m
    March 7th, 2012 @ 9:57 am

    It is not that these two are ‘cowards’, they aren’t cowards- they’re just nothing special. Complacent, ignorant, selfish, just doing their job, covering their butts, don’t want to rock the boat.
    Just like most of main stream Americans- complacency, selfishness, ignorance to the obvious Obama fraud that Obama has disguised very well and clouded with ‘crazy talk’ and racist dust.
    Thank god Orly’s special! Her resilience and tenacity will be the factors to nibble away and finally crumble Emporer Obama and friends.

    ps- congratulations on your official start to your California Senate run!!!

  12. William Blasingame
    March 7th, 2012 @ 10:11 am

    I had a visit from secret service around sept of last year. They got a birther lesson and told me I almost crossed the line. I asked them what the penalty of High Treason should be ? The reason they came was. I said in a AOL chat room. “I want to see obama piglosi and boehner and anyone eles evolved hung by the neck on Gallows built on the WH lawn and left there for the next 200 years so the next asshole knows who they work for.” Never the less they left knowing obama was never a American. Very sad They both seamed like nice boys too.
    Sense then .. I have warned the FED govt not to come back to my home that i will call the sheriff and will not come out till the sheriff gets here. I fear for my life everyday as I put my name out there to show I Am real and will not stand down. This is MY COUNTRY not Obamas.
    Peace out everyone.
    Pray for America

  13. Alexander Gofen
    March 7th, 2012 @ 11:00 am

    Indeed, those two guys were peons: officially and spiritually. They can justify themselves however saying that the treason has been committed by many others above them:

    1) By GOP, the so called opposition party, The guys in fact expressed exactly the party line of GOP.
    2) By Dems indeed;
    3) By entire filthy US Congress
    4) By the US Red Army – yes exactly the US RED army
    and so on…

  14. winnybar
    March 7th, 2012 @ 11:12 am

    You did an excellent job but should have pointed out that the Dunham high school signatures prove that all of the Obama documents are forged including the White House birth certificate. Google annwriting1 for the signatures.

    The FBI just weeks before 9/11, not a coincidence, was controlled by inserting the broken English speaking Robert Mueiller as Director. Not a coincidence that Mueller is German either. Foreigners speak broken English. Get the picture.

    That is the way the FBI works. Agents find crimes and have to ask higher ups if they can investigate and bring a criminal to court. Funny that a FBI agent we talked to said they have a lot of trouble with judges. He said you can have a bulletproof case and have the judge screw it. I told him that a judge is just a lawyer and he went of and called a fellow agent as they didn’t realize that. Well the higher ups have higher ups also and at the top is Mueller. Get the picture?

  15. William Blasingame
    March 7th, 2012 @ 11:22 am

    I forgot to say.. After they were convicted of High Treason LOL oopps.. then hung

  16. Henry Tisdale
    March 7th, 2012 @ 11:25 am

    Do we have confirmation of this scuttlebutt, Orly?

  17. Henry Tisdale
    March 7th, 2012 @ 11:26 am

    Kelley, please re-write it. Time is running out to identify all the drastic, far-out things available to us. Failing this now, we are all dead meat, including Obama and his attorneys who Soros will no longer need 4 years from now.

    Thomas, Patriot of the Past, stay with them, never give up. Even a trip to the klink is worth it, maybe then you will get some reporters who disparately need stories these days.

    I knew for sure, about two years ago, Mueller and his FBI were providing the props to hold Obama upright. I wrote to Mueller several times, stressing how many people knew, contrary to DC’s news papers, the murder of LT Quarles Harris, But there is value in silence, so I received no reply. I asked him again, copying 12 Senators, 8 Representatives and Orly, but he was not touched by the fact that my accusation were running all over congress. Again no response.

    I nearly gave up, until as luck would have it, a senate meeting was underway to discuss how the U.S. might enhance its security measures, particularly in flights. So I wrote to Mueller again and used the letter to address him and Sen Feinsteinn and Sen Klobuchar, (D – MN). None of them replied of course, but then it was clear to me, Mueller was in the Obama Stables.

    So Obama, the hardened criminal has protection no matter which way he turns. But fellow Birthers, we cannot, WE MUST NOT, ever give up. Use your imagination to dream up every little way to scare hell out of those who have received money from Soros. These phony poles showing that Obama has suddenly stepped up about 7 – 9 points, his introducing his new budget notwithstanding. But before you get the idea that Obama is gonna win the election, very few republicans participate in these types of poles. But even so, Soros will be able to produce perhaps a million illegal votes single handed. Shocked? He stirred up tens of thousands last election.

    Hang on friends, let’s do our best, and if Obama remains in Office for 4 more years, let’s just call it bad karma.

  18. William Blasingame
    March 7th, 2012 @ 12:27 pm

    May I suggest everyone go to twitter and bombard them with tweets instructing them not to Commit high treason by protecting the Muslim Terrorist and to arrest obama on the spot.

  19. William F. Reade, JR
    March 7th, 2012 @ 1:04 pm


    All my reps and if I can Find a Pro Bono Attorney Hi Ho Hi Ho its off to court we go Racism and nonfeasance are illegale acts 27 February 2012
    I am hereby filing a complaint, and requesting an Investigation into Treason committed by the members of the Federal Judiciary up to and including the members of the Supreme Court. And as I have a Vested Interest in the answer being sought, and relying on my Statuary and Constitutional Right to “Due Process” I submit the following:
    First I will give you a brief of myself: I was born and raised in Roxbury by a First generation Italian Mother and a Canadian Father, so I am fully aware of what it takes for honest, descent, people to become citizens of this Great Republic. I was born in Boston in 1938, and did not become a full Citizen until my Father became a Naturalized one in 1948.
    I am a retired Military Officer, serving from 1955 to 1990, thirty-five years defending our Country and Constitution against “all enemies foreign and domestic”.
    As a young boy, like most young boys I wanted to be President of the USA; however I was informed at one time, by Christopher A. Ianella, who was a State Rep. from 1948 on, and at another by Albert L. “Dapper” O’Neil, who served on the Boston City Council, (for 28 years) and was a friend of the Family, that I never could be, because my Dad was not a US Citizen, and as the son of a Father who was a Canadian/British Citizen, I never could be according to the US Constitution.
    Consequently, I have been very concerned about the election of Mr. Obama and I have been following all of the attempts to ascertain the truth of Mr. Obama’s status, or his eligibility, to be President, and researching everything I could find, in order to determine what makes him any different from me? His dad was also a British Subject.
    As stated above I have Valid concerns as to who lied to me, was it Misters Ianella and O’Neil or Nancy Pelosi???
    I need a definitive answer from the Elected Officials of the American People, as to why none of you have seen fit to address THE QUESTION:
    “Do we have a Constitutionally eligible person in the Office of President and Commander and Chief or NOT?? “
    I am hereby filing this complaint, and requesting an Investigation into Treason committed by the members of the Supreme Court, based on the following:
    On Apr 16, 2010, in a polite exchange between Justice Thomas and subcommittee chairman Serrano, the eligibility issue comes up with an apparent admission that the court is avoiding it.
    Mr. Serrano: “I’m still waiting for the [court decision] on whether or not a Puerto Rican can run for president of the United States,” said Serrano, who was born in the island territory. “That’s another issue.” Yet after Serrano questioned him on whether or not the land’s highest court would be well-served by a justice who had never been a judge, Thomas not only answered in the affirmative, but also hinted that Serrano would be better off seeking a seat in the Supreme Court than a chair in the Oval Office.
    “I’m glad to hear that you don’t think there has to be a judge on the Court,” said Serrano, “because I’m not a judge; I’ve never been a judge.”
    “And you don’t have to be born in the United States,” said Thomas, referring to the Constitution, which requires the president to be a natural-born citizen but has no such clause for a Supreme Court justice, “so you never have to answer that question.”
    “Oh really?” asked Serrano. “So you haven’t answered the one about whether I can serve as president, but you answer this one?”
    “We’re evading that one,” answered Thomas, referring to questions of presidential eligibility and prompting laughter in the chamber. “We’re giving you another option.”
    With this response I will (I hope) call your attention to the following points of law:
    Nonfeasance: The intentional failure to perform a required duty or obligation.
    Nonfeasance is a term used in Tort Law to describe inaction that allows or results in harm to a person or to property. An act of nonfeasance can result in liability if:
    (1) the actor owed a duty of care toward the injured person,
    (2) the actor failed to act on that duty, and
    (3) the failure to act resulted in injury.
    I also believe that additional evidence can be found in Cohens V. Virginia where the SCOTUS determined that a court acting in a manner repugnant to the Constitution is committing treason; that a court seizing jurisdiction where they have none and failing to exercise jurisdiction where they should is likewise committing treason.
    OF course, what would SCOTUS know?
    Cohens v. Virginia, 19 U.S. 264 (1821), was a United States Supreme Court decision most noted for John Marshall and the Court’s assertion of its power to review state supreme court decisions in criminal law matters when the plaintiff claims that their Constitutional rights have been violated.
    MARSHALL, C.J., Opinion of the Court
    19 U.S. 264
    Cohens v. Virginia
    Page 19 U. S. 404
    It is most true that this Court will not take jurisdiction if it should not; but it is equally true that it must take jurisdiction if it should. The judiciary cannot, as the legislature may, avoid a measure because it approaches the confines of the Constitution. We cannot pass it by because it is doubtful. With whatever doubts, with whatever difficulties, a case may be attended, we must decide it if it be brought before us. We have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the Constitution. Questions may occur which we would gladly avoid, but we cannot avoid them. All we can do is to exercise our best judgment and conscientiously to perform our duty. In doing this on the present occasion, we find this tribunal invested with appellate jurisdiction in all cases arising under the Constitution and laws of the United States. We find no exception to this grant, and we cannot insert one.
    It has been over Four Years that the American Public has been asking the question, “What is a Natural Born Citizen?” Claims and cases have been submitted to Federal Courts right up to and including the Supreme Court. It is well to make the point here and now that not once has a court heard the case on its merits.
    Excuses abound and abrogation of Civil and Constitutional rights, more especially Due Process, is rampant in our courts. The course of action taken by Judges and Justices all the way up to and including the SUPREME COURT is (Nonfeasance) to do nothing.
    “The judiciary cannot, as the legislature may, avoid a measure because it approaches the confines of the Constitution. We cannot pass it by because it is doubtful. With whatever doubts, with whatever difficulties, a case may be attended, we must decide it if it be brought before us.
    “We have no more right to decline the exercise of jurisdiction which is given than to usurp that which is not given. The one or the other would be treason to the Constitution. ………… We find no exception to this grant, and we cannot insert one.”
    As a final note I will add that I have one other fear:
    Since I have started to find an answer to my question I have been called a {Racist and a Bigot}, so as Racism and Bigotry are not one way streets, I am compelled, in self-defense to question Justice Thomas’s evasive answers and motivation for Nonfeasance.
    Awaiting your detailed answer and your actions on my behalf, I remain.

    Sincerely Yours,

    William F. Reade, Jr. LTC USAR (ret)

  20. William Blasingame
    March 7th, 2012 @ 1:40 pm

    @SecretService It has really got to suck for the family’s of SS agents protecting the muslim in the WH knowing they are protecting the ENEMY

    @SecretService I bet most of you have no clue obamas birth cert and selective service registration proven forged by sheriff. Look it up

    @SecretService Would any of you have put life on the line to protect Osama from an American ? Why would you for Obama the muslim Terrorist

  21. Bruriah Sarah
    March 7th, 2012 @ 2:39 pm

    Let us think logically about how this coverup is being accomplished. First, there must be lots of money that is being used as bribes to help block a legal challenge or enforcement of the law challenge. Secondly, the press has been virtually shut down. I heard in a radio show that even Michael Savage needs a body guard.
    So if this is the case, then what are our options? For the first case, where there is money – that has to be exposed that the legal and enforces are being bribed. Secondly, the press is mostly mainstream – but there is also a conservative talk shows – including FoxNews. Perhaps a meeting can be called of the press – those who wish to help – and perhaps like a union, this problem can be challenged. Alone, this will not work. But in unison, perhaps it can. And the press is badly needed. The Republican Party may or may not be interested in challenging this. And if someone is telling us wait to the next elections – they have forgotten about voter fraud – which means even if Obama loses, the fraud can make him look like he won.

  22. Ella
    March 7th, 2012 @ 3:23 pm

    I spend a few hours a day calling or writing elected officials or reporters to voice my concerns. I frame it by first acknowledging their service and thank them for taking an oath of office to serve and protect me, regardless of their party. For reporters I stress the importance of ethics in journalism. I proceed to ask them to properly vet this president, to slow down and demand that we either ask him or his attorney to present the evidence in court under oath, and let this issue be properly addressed so we can move on. In addition I ask to find other sheriffs who are willing to duplicate the posse’s investigation if they are suspicious. Just a solitary soldier, but if more of us start needling these guys we might get to a tipping point and make them listen.

  23. Deborah
    March 7th, 2012 @ 3:45 pm

    I hope that Breitbart’s statement (before he was murdered) that Baracka will be vetted will come to fruition.
    We are all Andrew Breitbart now.
    There are millions of citizen journalists out there now.
    Breitbart is here.

  24. Leonard McCauley
    March 7th, 2012 @ 3:57 pm

    Those 2 FBI Agents have proven themselves as liars too.. How would they know what their Boss’s would do, if they hadn’t been thru the drill before…The FBI, U.S.Marshals and all Government legal officers r liars… When one gets on a Witness Stand, u can tell they r lieing, because their lips r moving… If they ever let u on a Jury, remember that u the Juror, has just replaced the Judge…When a Jury is present, a Judge becomes a Referee, and no longer a Judge.

  25. Stephen T
    March 7th, 2012 @ 4:42 pm

    Am I missing something here? The two guys are afraid of removing from office the guy they are afraid will fire them? If BO is removed then all who were complicit will also be removed. There will be nobody left with the ‘equipment’ to fire these guys because they will all be afraid of being found complicit themselves. Especially when the public finds out…these guys will be heros and probably up for a promotion. Fear is a powerful weapon evil uses. Cowards are the last thing we want as FBI agents.

  26. Insight
    March 7th, 2012 @ 7:36 pm

    Fist ‘n cuffs is back? I thought you banned him after his anti-Semitic rants.

  27. Tommy Conlon
    March 8th, 2012 @ 8:44 am

    Pretty pathetic that everybody in the federal gov’t that has the power to do something about this is more worried about ridicule and their job then they are about removing a guy that is intentionally crippling this nation. Everybody in Congress especially are nothing less that traitors.

  28. Priscilla
    March 9th, 2012 @ 8:19 am

    They don’t seem to worry about losing the country to the communists/New World Order gang..That trumps job opportunity! They aren’t doing their job…they’ll lose more than just their job..the idiots! Cowards!!

  29. small caps
    April 20th, 2012 @ 7:57 pm

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