

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
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The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
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Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
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When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

July 5, 2010 Newsletter, reflections on current events

Posted on | July 5, 2010 | 3 Comments

Yesterday I met with my supporters at 4th of July Tea Party in San Juan Capistrano.

My t-shirt “Kenya, Find the Birth Certificate”, sent to me by one of my supporters, was a big hit, everyone loved it. As I was talking to supporters, everyone commented and echoed the same sentiment, that the official ballot count appeared to be rigged, particularly race for OC sheriff.

Even though Sandra Hutchens won, I am yet to find one single person, who said he voted for her. Overwhelmingly, everyone was voting for Bill Hunt. People were commenting, that Huchens didn’t even campaign,  the establishment didn’t even try to create an illusion of a campaign for Hutchens. While the whole county was inundated with signs “Vote Bill Hunt for Sheriff”, no one can recall seeing any signs “Vote Sandra Hutchens”, she didn’t care to show up at any events with the voters. Nobody believes in legitimacy of announced results, in that miraculously  she got just enough to avoid  a run off.  A number of activists went to the registrar’s office, demanding to see voter rolls, and were given a run around. People are extremely angry and livid with the arrogance of the regime. This coupled with the recent report on FOX about DOJ refusing to prosecute any black offenders in voting violations, is adding heat to the fire. People are talking about this Assistant US attorney -whistle blower, Christian Adams,  talking on camera on FOX  about our corrupt Department of Justice, which is refusing to prosecute Black Panthers, who intimidated voters.

I remember my aunt telling me, that in soviet Union, year after year they had elections to the local trade unions, and Communist bosses dictating to people, who were counting the ballots, who was supposed to win. She remembered, who people were surprised, how favorites of the people never could win the elections, little did they know that there was no connection between voting and counting of the ballots. Recently I met with a new immigrant from the former Soviet Union. She told me that her daughter is a small business owner in the Kazahstan. Her daughter was told, that if she wants to keep her business, she better participate in a scheme, where groups of the supporters of the Kazach current regime, are bussed by buss loads from precinct to precinct, they vote numerous times, nobody checks their IDs, and that is how the current Kazakh ruler stays in power.

We are seeing  the same dirt and lawlessness in the US under illegitimate Obama-Holder regime. Secretaries of State are telling registrars not to check IDs, there is a disconnect between voting and ballot counting, we’ve seen in 2008 Acorn thugs, black Panthers and god knows what other criminals and thugs being bussed from state to state. Unless we clean up all this dirt in voting, until we clean up corrupted  system of voting, this system will keep producing  corrupt product; corrupt congressmen, senators and presidents, who will appoint corrupt judges, who in turn will protect this corrupt system. We have to brake the matrix, we have to stop this vicious cycle. We need patriots, oath keepers, tea-party activists in  each and every precinct, as observers, verifying the IDs of voters and tally of the votes. we have to limit the number of mail-in, absentee votes, as there is a potential of massive fraud with massive absentee voting, we need voters filing contests of elections and legal actions to challenge election results, demands to stay of electronic voting machines and electronic ballot counting machines.

Interesting fact:   many of these machines are manufactured by the same companies, that manufacture gambling machines. Who wins in Casino? Inevitably, the House wins. Who wins in electronic voting or ballot counting? The house, the regime.  

Interesting observation. There was a big hoopla about women winning races. I am all for women’s rights, but look closely. Aside from Sharon Angle, all the women who won, had to sell their souls to the devil, so to say. They all had to align themselves to the coup d’etat of amnesty, which will further erode our rights. Obama announced that we have 11 million illegals. I’ve seen stats of as much as 30-40 million. These are 30-40 million people, who will immediately get Social Security aid, free health care and all the other benefits. In my opinion, when the country has 120 trillion dollars of total foreign debt and unfunded obligations of social security and medicaid, to push for the Amnesty, is a to push for destruction of economy of this Nation. This is no less than treason. I don’t care who commits it: a man or a woman. It is equally treasonous to intentionally and maliciously destroy your own nation.

One note about Glenn Beck. Of Course, some of the things he is saying are reasonable. In general he makes sense, as long as people understand that he is being used and manipulated by the same puppeteers. I was wondering, why is he allowed to continue to speak so freely. In my opinion, the reason he is allowed to speak so freely, is that he is being used in certain moments to influence the conservatives. Something similar to the radio talk show host Hal Turner, who is known and admitted to be an FBI informant and saboteur.

Beck talks the talk in general, he is allowed to build a large conservative audience, but when it comes to it, he slamms real patriots and tries to steer the public towards the same old puppets of the regime, albeit puppets on the right, but still puppets, never the less. Remember, how he viciously attacked and ridiculed Deborah Medina, a real patriot and a real candidate of the people in TX, how he attacked birthers, without showing  a basic decency to invite birthers on the show and hear the facts and the evidence. So my advice to you: listen to Beck in general, but don’t trust him and his advice on individual races. 

Yesterday , as I was driving to the Tea Party, I heard Beck for a few minutes and it was enough for me. He viciously attacked JD Hayworth, who runs in AZ against McCain. even though Beck tried to state that he doesn’t really get involved in individual races, it is not true, it is obvious. Beck is a tool, like many other tools, to sell you on puppets, who go on with the program.  

Don’t get me wrong, in 2008 I voted for McCain, as compared to Obama he was a lesser of two evils, hands down, however today, in 2010 I urge you to vote for JD Hayworth. Is he perfect? Of Course, not, but he is a lesser of two evils in 2010 AZ primary. McCain voted and pushed for amnesty. For this reason alone he needs to be voted out. As many Arizonans know, every 6 years he finds his conservative voice and uses it long enough to win another primary, and later promptly goes on to what he does best… 



3 Responses to “July 5, 2010 Newsletter, reflections on current events”

  1. Redd
    July 5th, 2010 @ 8:34 am

    News stream media needs to interview Grandma Sarah, eyewitness to dunham birth.

  2. Steve
    July 5th, 2010 @ 10:38 am

    Has anyone looked at Obama’s connection with Crimes committed by his cousin Raila Odinga for which he in being tried by an international court where Christians were burned alive in Churches in Kenya?

  3. Jim
    July 6th, 2010 @ 4:18 am

    One thing that people who voted in the Calif primary can do. Under the federal Help America Vote Act (HAVA) of 2002, every voter who casts a provisional ballot is entitled to find out from their county elections official if their ballot was counted and if not, the reasons why it was not counted. The list of where to find the info for your county can be found here:


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