

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation (DOFF)
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita CA, 92688
Copyright 2014

Review of Politics, Economics, Constitution, Law and World Affairs by Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz

If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.
Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, Esq., who has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.
Mail donations to:
Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688.
Contact Dr. Taitz at
In case of emergency, call 949-683-5411.

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny.
When the government fears the people, there is liberty.

-- Thomas Jefferson

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act.
 -- George Orwell

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they
fight you, then you win.
 -- Mahatma Gandhi

Posted on | August 29, 2014 | No Comments

Thel Old Chip

Dr. Taitz has done us a huge favor with this lawsuit. This site didn’t specifically tell what diseases we’re up against. Here is a listing of what amounts to the obummer regime conducting BIOLOGICAL WARFARE against the citizens of this country. Diseases from, and carried by ILLEGAL aliens. Many, to be polite, are caused just by poor sanitation and hygiene. Yes, let’s bring in more! Schools, overcrowded by these ILLEGAL alien “kids”, throughout the country will be an incubator for these infectious and sometimes deadly diseases. Don’t stay home, REMEMBER in NOVEMBER

Tuberculosis – 4 drugs, 6 months treatment, $2,000 cost. (Old strain) Standard TB treatment, which medical authorities say is useless against the antibiotic-resistant (MDR) strains.

MDR Tuberculosis (New Strain) – Multi Drug Resistant TB. Now detected is a strain resistant to most of the 12 known treatments. This is being increasingly seen in new arrivals. Brought in by ILLEGAL aliens from India, China and of course, mexico. 38,291 cases investigated in CA. 84% from mexico and Philippines. 24 months of treatment, costing as much as $250K – $1.2 MILLION per case; 60% Fatal.

Chagas disease – ILLEGAL aliens – NO CURE. Latin America, 18 MILLION infected, 50k annually die. Now Infecting U.S. blood supply and organ transplants. 2001, 2 of the 3 people given infected organs died. Chagas parasite invades major organs such as heart or intestines, which enlarge, weaken and the infected organ explodes.

Leprosy – Hansen’s disease – Destroys flesh, face, fingers and toes. Causes nerve damage, and muscle weakness that gets worse over time. At one time as rare as to have only 900 hundred cases in 40 years. The past 3 years have seen 7,000 cases. Currently endemic to the Northwest U.S., brought in by ILLEGAL aliens from India, Caribbean, Brazil, and of course, mexico.

Dengue – In U.S. was considered rare and not fatal – However 2003 saw a major outbreak at Texas mexico border; 2009, an outbreak of dengue fever was identified in Key West, Fla. A variant, Dengue Hemorrhagic is often fatal.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever is caused by a virus for which there is NO known CURE or vaccine, the only treatment is to treat the symptoms.

Hepatitis A – Fecal matter transmitted. BEAVER, Pa. (AP) — A hepatitis A outbreak that has killed three people and sickened nearly 600 others who ate at a Chi-Chi’s Mexican restaurant was probably caused by green onions from mexico. Other outbreaks in Tennessee and Georgia, about 3,000 total exposed. More than 9,100 people received antibody shots in the Pennsylvania outbreak to reduce their chances of contracting the disease after exposure.
Workers who failed to wash their hands at any stage of the onions’ transit from field to the restaurant are another possible culprit.

Polio – Thought to be all but eradicated; now making a resurgence.

Malaria – Thought to be all but eradicated; now making a resurgence.

Kawasaki Disease – 4,000 children under 5 years old affected yearly. Red eyes, strawberry tongue, major cardio system infection – resulting in heart attack and death. That would be – 5 year old’s getting heart attacks and dying.

STD’s, Syphilis, Gonorrhea. 2003, ICE started a special detail called, Operation Predator. 2003 – 2,600 violent ILLEGAL alien predators arrested, 2004 – 6,085 arrested; 1,800 of these ILLEGAL alien predators were entered on the Megan’s law list. ILLEGAL aliens predators generally attacking young children. Many children are attacked even as infants.

Some newly added bonuses; Scabies, Chicken Pox, Hoof & Mouth Disease, Strep Throat, Lice. There are also reports of Measles, Pneumonia, Influenza, H1N1, “EBOLA” (There’s no cure or vaccine for Ebola, which wreaks life-threatening havoc on the body by attacking multiple organ systems simultaneously.) AND??? Doctors are secretly reporting this as a duty to citizens – As whistle blowers, they are being threatened with loss of their jobs and possible ruin of their careers. We have already heard that recording devices and cellphones are barred from detention centers and “authorized” personnel ONLY including Congress people and reporters.
And as a bonus bonus: NEWS- July 17, 2014
Chikungunya — an African word that loosely translates as “contorted with pain” — is most commonly found in Asia and Africa, and began appearing in the Caribbean last winter. Between 2006 and 2013, there were approximately 28 reported cases of the virus each year in travelers returning to the U.S. This year, travel-related chikungunya has been diagnosed in patients who have recently visited to the Caribbean.
U.S. health officials announced the first locally acquired case of chikungunya, a mosquito-borne virus that’s become prevalent in the Caribbean in recent months.
The CDC reports a male patient in Florida was diagnosed with the virus, and had not recently traveled outside the country. Federal and Florida state health officials are investigating how the man could have contracted the virus domestically. They’re also working to monitor the region in an effort to prevent additional infections and educate residents on ways to prevent mosquito bites. Local transmission occurs when the insect bites a person with the infection and then transmits the virus by biting others.

La Raza; for the militant promotion of ILLEGAL aliens, President and CEO Janet Murguia said it was “REPREHENSIBLE” for Republicans TO BE CONCERNED about DISEASE and CRIME that these “little kids” may be bringing across the border.(Please, check immigrationcounters.com)
What utter racist and liberal insanity?? Most of the TWO DOZEN diseases diagnosed so far, are highly contagious, some are deadly, and several have not been common in the U.S. for decades. To reiterate – Releasing these diseases into the general population is tantamount to BIOLOGICAL WARFARE. Diseases from, and carried by these ILLEGAL aliens, most of which are NOT “little kids”; most are in the 14 -17 year old range, and three quarters are male; to be polite, are caused by poor sanitation and hygiene. Yes, let’s bring in more ILLEGALS and not be “reprehensible”!
Schools throughout the country, overcrowded by these ILLEGAL alien “kids”, will be an incubator for those infectious and sometimes deadly diseases. We haven’t even touched on the increased CRIME potential from gang members mixed in with these so called “kids”.
Brought to your neighborhood by the “most honest, open and transparent” obummer regime; in the dead of night, with no notice. Don’t stay home, REMEMBER in NOVEMBER.


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